Colorado PBS Runs 9/11 Film Sponsored by 9/11 Families: Experts Reject Official Story, Present Evidence of Demolition Imprimer
Écrit par Ralph Lopez,   
Lundi, 01 Octobre 2012 18:10
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Colorado Public Television is airing the documentary "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" in its airtime schedule, which premiered on August 28th of this year.  The documentary produced by 3000 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth contends that the manner in which the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Seven disappeared on 9/11,  as described by the government, is physically impossible.  The film is sponsored by, and features on-camera, survivor families of 9/11 victims.

The film enlists dozens of scientists and credentialed professionals in engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, demolitions, and other disciplines to go on record with their reasons for believing the official story to be false, who present evidence of controlled demolitions.

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