Coming September: ReThink911 Billboard to Rock NY Times Imprimer
Écrit par AE911Truth Staff   
Lundi, 04 Août 2014 01:05
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Last Year It Was WTC 7; This Year It's the Twin Towers

Help Us Take On The New York Times with a New ReThink911 Billboard

AE911-NYTimes-billboard-Ad-400New York Times billboard Ad for September 2014, to be placed directly across the street from the Times building.We at AE911Truth are thrilled to announce the first of our 13th Anniversary projects: the September 2014 New York Times Billboard!

With your support, this billboard – which features the explosive destruction of the North Tower along with our rebuke to New York Times chief correspondent David Sanger's jaw-dropping comments last year – will stand directly outside The New York Times Building throughout the month of September, including on the 13th Anniversary of 9/11.

Like us, you were probably flabbergasted when you heard Sanger say on C-SPAN, "We've not found any evidence so far to suggest that the building collapses were caused by anything other than the two airplanes." The following day, more than 1,000 AE911Truth supporters contacted the Times and Sanger himself to say, "Clearly, you haven't been looking."

Now we are sending the message even more loudly with a billboard the newspaper's employees and the public cannot possibly ignore. Like last year, this 29' x 13' billboard, standing just across the street from the Times Building and the Port Authority Bus Terminal, will be seen by 100,000 people each day. With the image of the North Tower grabbing the eyes and the minds of everyone who has a clear sight line , this one is sure to get the attention we all know it deserves.

What will it take to reach 100,000 people each day and make a statement that will have every Times staffer wondering about the evidence of controlled demolition? It will cost $30,000, and we can raise that money in no time, if those of us who want this billboard chip in today. Will you help us reach our target by this Wednesday?


Think about it! At 100,000 people each day and a cost of $1,000 per day, each dollar you donate will reach 100 people. With a modest donation of $10, you will personally reach 1,000 people. With $25 you'll reach 2,500 people, with $50 you'll reach 5,000, and so on.

Gage-CSPAN-CBS-webRichard Gage and the CBS Dan Rather video, being shown to millions on C-SPAN, following a yearlong campaign by supporters needing to find Truth and Justice behind the story of 9/11. Almost every episode of Washington Journal had concerned Americans asking for AE911Truth to be a guest to bring the story of WTC Building 7 to light, no matter the topic or guest. Persistence pays off!Plus, on top of these millions of individual "impressions," we have a very good chance of generating some news coverage – and maybe, just maybe, getting the Times to respond. After all, we got C-SPAN's Washington Journal to have Richard Gage on their show yesterday after a year of nonstop phone calls. If we're to win over the Times, too, we'll need your help contacting its editorial board when September rolls around (stay tuned for details on that effort).

But first, we need a little bit of financial support to make this billboard a reality. Will you make a donation so we can reach hundreds of thousands of people throughout the 13thAnniversary month of September?

Please go to today to chip in, and together we'll make it untenable for The New York Times to continue ignoring the evidence.
