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By signing the petition,
you are supporting 9/11 family members Bob McIlvaine, Michele Little, Jane Pollicino, and Josef Princiotta, and others who are asking President Obama to review the crucial information in the documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, regarding the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.
These 9/11 family members, along with 1,700 technical and building professionals from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis have re-examined the facts and ask for a new, independent, scientific investigation.
The petition asks President Obama to consider the evidence presented in the film and to task appropriate members of his staff to meet with 9/11 family members and Richard Gage, AIA – architect and producer of the film and founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – to discuss the need for a new investigation.
For more information, please scroll down see the overview below*
“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” Final Edition
The new, landmark documentary by AE911Truth
• Watch the movie now
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• Get the plastic-cased DVD now
Attend a premiere screening of the film
In June through Early July 2012
Purchase Tickets Now!
Join us in one of 30 cities near you on this tour, which began in San Diego, CA, and covers 24 states from coast to coast. To get customizable posters, go to our events page.
The costs are enormous, and the presales from online ticket purchases are not expected to cover all of them.
If you haven’t yet joined the family of sustaining supporters, we invite you to make your monthly pledge today and let us know that we can count on your support so that we can plan for even more effective future projects – including the creation of special editions of 9/11: Experts Speak Out.
*The Overview
Sponsored by: 9/11 Family Members, Michele Little, Jane Pollicino, Bob McIlvaine, Josef Princiotta
This is a new documentary presenting scientific and forensic evidence cited by more than 1,700 architects and engineers. It provides evidence for explosive controlled demolition in the destruction of all three World Trade Center (WTC) skyscrapers on September 11, 2001.
In the groundbreaking film, 43 experts – including high-rise architects, structural engineers, metallurgists, scientists, physicists, and explosives experts – present scientific evidence suggesting that the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was not adequately explained by the 9/11 Commission, FEMA, and NIST (The National Institute of Standards and Technology) reports. They contain serious errors and omissions.
Why should this matter to me, 11 years later? How will it help for President Obama to see this film?
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, produced by the non-profit organization, Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth, is vitally important because it challenges the roots of the policies that gave rise to (1) the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, which have already cost more than 1 million lives and $4.5 trillion, and have substantially contributed to our financial crisis and (2) legislation such as the Patriot Act and NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act] that has severely impacted our civil liberties.
More than 1,700 Architects, Engineers and others – including Lynn Margulis, National Medal of Science winner, and Richard Gage, AIA, producer/director of the film and founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – are asking for a new scientific investigation into the destruction of all three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. Gage is currently touring 30 cities across the U.S. through July 2012 to share the film’s startling facts and vitally important implications with the public. To learn more, get involved, watch the trailer, watch the film, or attend one of the world premieres visit 911ExpertsSpeakOut.org.
The scientific and forensic evidence challenging the official version of events surrounding the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers is overwhelming and must be acknowledged in order for our country to move forward.
This evidence includes WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives:
1. Rapid onset of collapse
2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor – only one second before the building’s collapse
3. Symmetrical “structural failure” – via the path of greatest resistance – at free-fall acceleration
4. Imploded, collapsed completely, and landed in its own footprint
5. Massive volume of expanding, pyroclastic-like clouds
6. Expert corroboration from the top European controlled-demolition professional
7. Foreknowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY
In the aftermath of WTC7’s destruction, strong evidence of demolition via incendiary devices was discovered:
8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples
9. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly qualified witnesses
10. Chemical signature of the incendiary thermite found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples
But exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire:
1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
2. Asymmetrical collapse following the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause falling to the side most damaged by the fires)
3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
4. In history, high-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer-lasting fires did not collapse.
There has been a virtual media blackout on this subject, and without a free flow of information, the truth of what happened on that day will never come to light. Your signature can help us break the silence by encouraging the President to watch this film, consider the evidence presented, and assign members of his staff to meet with 9/11 family members and Richard Gage, AIA – architect and producer of the film and founder /CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – to discuss the investigation.
The American people deserve to be told the truth by the media and their government. This has not happened. Instead, it has fallen to the scientific community to present this vital evidence. Now, the 9/11 family members are asking the president to uncover and bring forth the information that should have been shared with the people 11 years ago.
Your signature on this petition – asking President Obama to consider the evidence presented in the film, to assign appropriate members of his staff to meet with 9/11 family members and Gage, and to discuss instigating a fully funded, fully resourced, unimpeachable, forensic investigation – will demand public accountability at the highest levels.
This is the most important, disastrous event of our generation. President Obama owes it to the family members, the nation, and peace-loving people around the world to soberly evaluate this information and, by doing so, honor his sacred oath to protect the constitution and the people of the United States.
Add your name. Stand with the 9/11 Families. Support the 1,700 Architects & Engineers who are asking President Obama to review the evidence in the powerful, new documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.
