January 2014 Newsletter |
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Claim your poster & DVD set today – Become a Member for $2.50/moReaching Thousands More Technical Professionals Depends on YouWritten by AE911Truth Staff Unwavering supporters of AE911Truth, Like you, we at AE911Truth are dedicated to exposing the truth behind the events of September 11, 2001. For 8 years, we have advanced this goal through broad education of the public, the media, elected representatives, and technical professionals. history. Join us today as we embark on the boldest phase yet of our 8-year history – the uncharted waters of the ReThink911 campaigns that will go viral on the internet targeting architecture and engineering professionals as well as academic institutions. These target audiences are among the millions who, this year, will find themselves confronted with the irrefutable video evidence of WTC 7's catastrophic destruction. Why? Because you've asked us to not just continue the successful ReThink911 ad campaign – but take it to the next level in 2014 – to the computers used by those who are in positions of influence in technical circles. This is the second strategy of our Bold Agenda in 2014. We are asking you to help us put the video of the free-fall collapse of WTC 7 in their faces. You can do this by becoming a member of AE911Truth in 2014.
Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—about 9/11?Part 3: Obeying and Believing AuthorityWritten by Fran Shure Summary/Editor's Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: "Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?" The resulting essay, to be presented here as a series, is a synthesis of reports on academic research as well as clinical observations. In answering the question in the title of this essay, last month's segment, Part 2, addressed the anthropological study, Diffusion of Innovations, which discusses how change occurs in societies. These anthropologists discovered that, within diverse cultures, there can be found groups that vary in their openness to new ideas and technology—groups that fall within a neat bell curve. The success of the spread of an innovative technology or new idea reliably hinges on one point: whether or not opinion leaders vouch for it. In this context, the mainstream media can rightly be seen as promoting the official myth of 9/11, and therefore aiding and abetting the crimes of September 11, 2001. We continue Ms. Shure's analysis in Part 3 with the authority experiments of Stanley Milgram, Jane Elliott, and Philip Zimbardo.
AE911Truth Store Special: 50% Discount Blowout on Classic 3-Beam Poster!Written by AE911Truth Staff We have an exciting special for you in our AE911Truth store this winter. You get half off our 18" x 24" cover-stock 3-Beam matte-finish poster – the masterpiece of photographer Scott Star, who captured the third beam of light that dedicated volunteers projected into the sky above lower Manhattan in 2010, for only $4.99! Shortly after 9/11/01, officials commemorated the tragic events with two powerful beams of light projected into the New York evening cityscape – promoting the false story that doesn't explain, or even mention, the collapse of the third tower. Nine years later, we got it right when we erected a third beam to light up the Manhattan skyline – in another brilliant testimony to the worldwide effort by activists to end the cover-up and educate New Yorkers about the truth of the explosive destruction of all three WTC skyscrapers. Order yours now!
Conclusion of Our Report on September Congressional OutreachAE911Truth Teams Sweep Through Capitol HillWritten by AE911Truth Staff We reported back in October that we were Encouraging the Senate to ReThink 911 when we visited them during our September Action of the Month. We detailed Pamela Senzee's visit with Ben Sundholm, Legislative Correspondent for Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ). In this article we highlight the other actions we took to educate members of Congress while we were in Washington. Wayne Coste, P.E., visited several Congressional offices the week before the DC911Truth Conference. We then invited conference attendees to join us in visiting their members of Congress. AE911Truth founder and CEO Richard Gage, AIA, hosted a group amounting to a dozen who traversed the honored halls the day after the conference. We attempted at least two dozen drop-in visits, with a constituent, for each of these members of Congress:
Educating the Public about the WTC Evidence on a “Paper-Thin” BudgetWritten by AE911Truth Staff To support the Rethink 9/11 campaign inexpensively, activists in Connecticut took a novel approach to doing outreach by creating homemade Rethink911 banners. Local organizer Wayne Coste, PE, said that, "One of the issues when doing outreach is how many people will see the message and how much effort it will take. Our group did not have the funds for paid advertising, so we decided to try a homemade traveling billboard. Furthermore, it could be made to be fun, and that is a definite bonus." Co-organizer Carl Henry Seeger said, "One of our members was able to print off a series of 11x17 color segments that could be taped together into a double-sided banner." Seeger continued, "The first public showing of the homemade banner was in the 2013 Willimantic Boom Box Parade. Now this is a parade where anyone can march or enter a float and the only requirement is to wear some red, white, and blue, and bring a radio tuned to WILI (1400-AM)
VIDEO: 9/11 Truth Movement Fights for Freedom of Speech in Canada:ReThink911 Ads Controversy in OttawaReposted by permission from Global Research News The 9/11 Truth Movement in Canada has been fighting for its right to run ReThink911 ads in the Ottawa public transit, OC Transpo. The ReThinks ads read: "Did you know that a third tower fell on 9/11? World Trade Centre Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed in free fall 7 Hours after the Twin Towers". Transit Commission Chair and City Councillor Diane Deans called these ads "insensitive" and proposed to review OC Transpo's advertising policy: "Ms. Deans called the ads 'insensitive' and apparently believes that the ads violate standards of community acceptability. Ms. Deans did not change her position or apologize when it was made clear that the ads were sponsored in part by 9/11 victims' family members". (Statement: Ottawa's Transit Advertising Policy and the December Ad Campaign in Canada)
Volunteer Spotlight:The King of AE911Truth Telephone Activism – Jerry CarpenterWritten by Dick Scar, BSAE Many volunteers are modest about their accomplishments, but Jerry Carpenter was even reluctant to be interviewed for this article. "I'm not sure I deserve this recognition," he said. The facts don't bear this out. He is the ultimate in grassroots activists. Jerry especially enjoys his work on the Public Outreach Team. He has also worked with teams dealing with congressional outreach, cable access, college outreach, and law-enforcement outreach. His local sheriff was deeply moved by the information Jerry gave him. Team Leader Dave Slesinger says, "Jerry has helped immensely in building grassroots support. He's called at least 1,000 people in recent years." Jerry didn't realize how much he has actually accomplished. I can relate to him on this. We all have a sense of having fallen short of our goal of getting a real investigation into the events of 9/11. But he is a workhorse whose efforts have created large and obvious networks of information and inspiration – as well as innumerable unknown pathways of awareness