AE911Truth faxes 12,000 police chiefs and sheriffs across the U.S. and needs your help to follow up; The official report from the landmark Toronto 9/11 Hearings is now available; AE911Truth volunteers and activists bring the 9/11 evidence to a major civil liberties conference; Did Larry Silverstein admit to authorizing the controlled demolition of WTC7?
• 12,000 Police Chiefs Across the US Alerted About 9/11
WTC Demolition Evidence
• The Toronto Hearings Report Now Available
• AE911Truth Activists Enlighten Civil Liberties Conference
• FAQ #10: Did WTC 7 Owner Larry Silverstein Admit to
Ordering the Controlled Demolition of the Building?
• Debunking The Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular
Mechanics Can’t Face Up To Reality – Part 8
• New Planned Giving Opportunities!
12,000 Police Chiefs Across the US Alerted About 9/11 WTC Demolition Evidence
Motivate Your Local Police Department Today to Take Action!
by Andrew Steele and Richard Gage, AIA

Our Action of the Month for January invites you to visit your local police chief and sheriff to follow-up on a letter that we have just faxed to them.
The criminal attacks of 9/11 may not be an isolated event. Because 9/11 was the pretext for the Patriot Act, the indefinite detention provisions of the 2012 NDAA and other policy changes that have affected domestic policing across the country, and because law enforcement officers take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, we are asking our nation’s police officers to take a closer look at what really …
The Toronto Hearings Report Now Available
Get the First International Review of the 9/11 Evidence
by Dick Scar, BSAE

The International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, took place during the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. AE911Truth covered these astonishing hearings in our October 2011 “Blueprint” Newsletter, The official report from this landmark conference is now available.
The four-day event was held at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from September 8-11, 2011. The DVD that chronicled the conference activities, titled The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception, released in April 2012, includes …
AE911Truth Activists Enlighten Civil Liberties Conference
Top NDAA Critics Learn About WTC Evidence
by Wayne Coste, P.E.

AE911Truth made its presence known to all attendees on December 8 at a significant regional conference at Central Connecticut State University. It dealt with a subject near and dear to all Americans including AE911Truth supporters – civil liberties – with a focus on the indefinite detention provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Such provisions are one of many appalling outcomes of the destruction of the of the World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001.
The conference, entitled “An Injustice to One is an Injustice to All,” was well attended by well over 200 participants. The speakers and workshop leaders included …
FAQ #10: Did WTC 7 Owner Larry Silverstein Admit to Ordering the Controlled Demolition of the Building?
by Eli Rika

During a TV interview with PBS for “America Rebuilds” in 2004, WTC 7 owner and Twin Towers leaseholder Larry Silverstein made the following statement about the destruction of Building 7: “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it…
Debunking The Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can’t Face Up To Reality
Part 8: WTC 7 Wreckage Pile
by Adam Taylor

Editor’s note: This is Part 8 (see Part 7) of an extensive report by 9/11 researcher Adam Taylor that exposes the fallacies and flaws in the arguments made by the editors of Popular Mechanics (PM) in the latest edition of Debunking 9/11 Myths. We encourage you to submit your own reviews of the book at and other places where it is sold. We also refer you to the landmark documentaries from AE911Truth on WTC 7: 9/11: Blueprint for Truth and 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.
(Quotes from Popular Mechanics’ book are shown in red and with page numbers.)
PM’s next section discusses the actual collapse of WTC 7 and the condition of the wreckage pile after it collapsed. It creates the impression that both of these issues can be explained by natural means rather than demolition. As we shall see …
New Planned Giving Opportunities!
Help AE911Truth Succeed in the Years to Come
by AE911Truth volunteer Laura Katleman

Do you want to support Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth financially but find yourself a bit short on cash? Creative solutions are at hand! There are many other ways to contribute to our efforts!
Do you have appreciated stocks that would create tax liabilities if you were to sell them?
Do you have tangible assets such as real estate, vehicles, jewelry, rare books, or artwork that you would be willing to give to ensure the success of our vital mission? …
On our website:

Air WTC 7/Ed Asner on PBS
Re-air 5-min “Spotlight On” video with Ed Answer on Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 on PBS – guaranteed 500 PBS airings to 9 million viewers! (Short version of the miniDVD)
Please chip-in today.

Booth at June AIA National Convention
AE911Truth hosts booth at AIA National Convention in Denver this June. The booth alone cost $4K. Airfare, hotel, conference fees, food required also. Letter campaign to AIA proceeds event.
Please chip-in today.

 Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 15-minute mini-documentary Over 975,000 views!
 Trailer for 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out DVD
 Irish TV3’s Ireland:AM
 Canadian Public Broadcasting TVO
 Detroit FOX News Channel 2
 KMPH FOX 26 interview
 30-minute version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth
 Trailer for the two-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.
Follow Us

We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.
Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Learn more about us.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.
Please forward and distribute widely!
For past issues of The Blueprint Newsletter, please visit our archive
Thank you.
Editor in Chief, Richard Gage, AIA
Copyright © 2013 AE911Truth All rights reserved. 2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704