The 32-City World Premiere Tour for “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” is now complete, having reached 3,500 Americans directly and half a million via radio interviews; Two AE911Truth Action Group leaders embark on a cross-country tour to bring these experts directly to small towns along the way; World Trade Center Twin Towers Chief Electric Engineer Richard Humenn explains why the official story can’t possibly be true; Eight psychologists help us to understand the extremely difficult implications of the truth about 9/11; Also: we delve into detail into the capabilities of nanothermite – found in the WTC dust samples.
• Experts Speak Out from Coast to Coast:
An Inside Look at the Historic “9/11: Explosive
Evidence” World Premiere Tour (Part 1 of 2)
• 9/11: Journey for Truth Cross-Country Bike Ride
• Psychology Experts Speak Out: “Why is the 9/11
Evidence Difficult for Some to Accept?”
• WTC Chief Electrical Design Engineer Calls for
New 9/11 Investigation: An Exclusive Interview
with Richard Humenn, P.E.E.
• Can Americans Escape the Deception?
by Paul Craig Roberts
• FAQ #8: What Is Nanothermite? Could It Have Been
Used To Demolish The WTC Skyscrapers?
• UNAC Survey Reveals Anti-War Movement’s Support,
and Fear, of 9/11 Evidence
Flash News Alert!
Yet another great opportunity to Support 9/11 Truth on KPFA Berkeley Listener Sponsored Radio
“Morning Mix” Pledge Drive – with 9/11 Truth supporters Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff
Friday morning 7/27/12, 8 to 8:30AM PT
AE911Truth’s Richard Gage, AIA to be interviewed
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out will be aired and given as the pledge premium!
Listen in at and call in during the show 800-439-5732 to pledge.
You will be supporting 9/11 Truth as well as this influential station which reaches half of California!
Experts Speak Out from Coast to Coast: An Inside Look at the Historic “9/11: Explosive Evidence” World Premiere Tour (Part 1 of 2)
by AE911Truth Staff

The unprecedented World Premiere Tour of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, which began in late May in Beverly Hills and ran through July in San Francisco, was a resounding success, reaching thousands of people in 32 cities nationwide and countless others through live radio interviews and premieres that were live-streamed online. Many of the experts featured in this landmark AE911Truth documentary film joined architect/director Richard Gage, AIA, at tour stops across the country, as did family members of 9/11 victims and prominent supporters of AE911Truth. From the dramatic “Opening Night” premiere in Beverly Hills to the successful back-to-back screenings in New York City to the grand finale in San Francisco, the tour enlightened many attendees who were unaware of the evidence for controlled demolition and inspired supporters to take action and educate others.
9/11: Journey for Truth
AE911Truth Action Group Leaders Embark
on Cross-Country Bike Ride
by Marta Nielsen

Editor’s Note: This article introduces the 3-month-long bicycle tour that AE911Truth Action Group leaders Rena Patty and Pam Senzee are taking across America in order to bring nationwide awareness to our new documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. You can learn more about the tour and contribute to their effort at
Orcas Island resident Rena Patty embarks today on the journey of lifetime – a bicycle ride across America. Patty, with traveling companion Pamela Senzee from Phoenix, AZ, expects to take 90 days to reach their destination New York City. Both women are Action Group Team Leaders for the nonprofit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth).
Psychology Experts Speak Out: “Why is the 9/11 Evidence Difficult for Some to Accept?”
by Dennis P. McMahon, J.D., L.L.M.

It’s often difficult for people who are aware of the evidence for the controlled demolition of the WTC skyscrapers to understand why so many Americans are unwilling to rationally discuss this vital information. For over ten years now, 9/11 Truth advocates have been trying to get relatives, friends, and strangers to listen to the undeniable facts that point to the need for a real 9/11 investigation. We often encounter emotional resistance, which poses the question: “Why is the evidence so difficult for so many people to accept?” In the new documentary, “9/11 Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” AE911Truth petition signers with psychological expertise step forward with answers.
WTC Chief Electrical Design Engineer Calls for New 9/11 Investigation: An Exclusive Interview with Richard Humenn, P.E.E.
by Mike Bondi, PEng.

Some of the most compelling testimony in the new AE911Truth documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, comes from Richard Humenn, P.E.E. As Chief Electrical Design Engineer of the World Trade Center complex, Humenn is intimately familiar with the design and structural integrity of the Twin Towers. He was also a member of the Army Corps of Engineers and trained at Fort Belvoir, where he learned demolition practices for bridges and other structures. He began publicly questioning the official 9/11 story in 2009 after watching 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, and he fully supports the 1700 architects and engineers at AE911Truth who are calling for a real investigation.
Can Americans Escape the Deception?
by Paul Craig Roberts – OpEdNews

Editor’s Note: The following article was written by former Assistant Treasury Secretary and Wall Street Journal editor Paul Craig Roberts for OpEdNews after he attended the Atlanta premiere of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. We applaud him for his unwavering dedication to the truth and his courage to speak out about 9/11.
Hot Air Day is upon us. On July 4, hot air will spew forth all over the country as dignitaries deliver homilies to our “freedom and democracy” and praise ”our brave troops“ who are protecting our freedom by “killing them over there before they come over here.”
FAQ #8: What Is Nanothermite? Could It Have Been Used To Demolish The WTC Skyscrapers?
by Adam Taylor

In order to understand what nanothermite is, we first must understand what ordinary commercial thermite is. Thermite is a mixture of a metal and the oxide of another metal, usually aluminum (Al) and iron oxide (Fe2O3), in a granular or powder form. When ignited, the energetic Al-Fe thermite reaction produces molten iron and aluminum oxide, with the molten iron reaching temperatures well in excess of 4000° F. These temperatures are certainly high enough to allow cuts through structural steel, which generally has a melting point of around 2750° F.
On our website:

 Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 15-minute mini-documentary
 Trailer for 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out DVD
 Irish TV3’s Ireland:AM
 Canadian Public Broadcasting TVO
 Detroit FOX News Channel 2
 KMPH 26 interview: over 300,000 views!
 30-minute version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth
 Trailer for the two-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.
Follow Us

UNAC Survey Reveals Anti-War Movement’s Support, and Fear, of 9/11 Evidence
by Wayne Coste, PE
Editor’s note: These are the detailed statistical results of the survey that AE911Truth Congressional Outreach Team Leader Wayne Coste and other 9/11 Truth activists conducted at the United National Anti-War Conference (UNAC) in March. They provide insight into some of the issues that prevent many in the anti-war community from acknowledging the evidence that the WTC skyscrapers were intentionally demolished.

One of the mysteries of the 9/11 Truth movement is why the anti-war movement has been largely opposed to recognizing the facts surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. One would expect that exposing the 9/11 underpinnings of the current wars as fraudulent would result in the reversal of support for the wars once the public learns more about how they have been misled.
An example of the opposition to the 9/11 Truth movement is the inability to get resolutions passed in convention plenary sessions of organizations like the United National Anti-War Conference (UNAC). This is due to vocal opposition of peace and justice leaders and the use of procedural maneuvers. For example, Stan Heller from the Middle East Crisis Committee went to the microphone at the UNAC conference and said “9/11 was a waste of time – because we have wars to stop!” In a private communication, one of the key organizers stated,
We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.
Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Learn more about us.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.
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For past issues of The Blueprint Newsletter, please visit our archive
Thank you.
Editor in Chief, Richard Gage, AIA
Copyright © 2012 AE911Truth All rights reserved. 2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704