• AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour to
Shatter 9/11 Myth with Explosive Evidence
• Explosives Technician Blows Away Official WTC
Conspiracy Theory
• Open Up 9/11 Conversations with Dramatic Yard Signs
Now Available in Our Online Store
• Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support Building 7
AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour to Shatter 9/11 Myth with Explosive Evidence
by Eli Rika

It has been almost three years since AE911Truth crossed the Atlantic to share the explosive 9/11 evidence with Europe. Now, founder Richard Gage, AIA, and other activists are making a return visit. The month of June will take Gage across the British Isles and onto the mainland in a new tour of Europe, where numerous audiences will be exposed to the WTC technical analysis that has the backing of more than 1500 architects and engineers.
This tour kicks off on the TV3 news show Ireland: AM on June 9, where Gage will discuss the scientific and forensic evidence behind 9/11 with early morning TV viewers.
Explosives Technician Blows Away Official WTC Conspiracy Theory
by Dick Scar, BSAE
Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader – Tom Sullivan

Watch for Sullivan in the DVD
“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”
Premieres Everywhere September 10
Many experts give sound reasons for questioning the official theory of what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. Tom Sullivan, an explosives technician, offers particularly relevant experience – given the explosive nature of the Twin Towers’ destruction on 9/11. His video testimony can be seen now on our evidence page.
Open Up 9/11 Conversations with Dramatic Yard Signs Now Available in Our Online Store
by AE911Truth

Start your own neighborhood 9/11 Truth awareness campaign with AE911Truth’s new yard signs. Your neighbors need it, visiting relatives need it, the postal carrier needs it, and passersby need it. Now you can take a stand for the truth leading up to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 – and find out who is going to wake up to the implications of WTC 7 – because YOU took some action! Post them at your tabling events downtown and display them during your actions on the street.
Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support Building 7 Investigation
by The Remember Building 7 Team

Following the launch of the TV ad campaign on Monday June 6, Remember Building 7 released the results from a new poll we commissioned, conducted by the Siena Research Institute, on what New Yorkers believe about 9/11.
The poll produced several findings that will be very useful as we continue to raise awareness about Building 7 and build public support for a new investigation. Among them:
• 1 in 3 New Yorkers were unaware of Building 7’s collapse, only 25 percent have ever seen video footage of the collapse, and 86 percent were unable to name the building;
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Phase 3: “9/11: Explosive Evidence”, an historic documentary highlighting 40+ AE’s, needs paid editing/scripting help to meet pre-9/11 deadline. Please take part by donating generously today!
Please donate today.

 Canadian Public Broadcasting TVO
 Detroit FOX News Channel 2
 KMPH 26 interview: over 300,000 views!
 30-minute version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth
 Trailer for the 2-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.
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We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.
Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Learn more about us.
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Thank you.
Editor, Gregg Roberts / Web Implementation, Tania Torres / Editor in Chief, Richard Gage, AIA
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