AE911Truth headlines the big Atlanta 400-seat mini-conference with Luke Rudkowski & Cynthia McKinney this weekend; AE911Truth teaches two classes at local SF Bay Area community college in which students responded overwhelmingly in agreement with the explosive evidence for the destruction of the 3 WTC high-rises.
• “Engineering Change” in Atlanta with AE911Truth,
WeAreChange, and Cynthia McKinney
• AE911Truth Action Group ‘WeAreChange Fresno’ Finds
Sympathetic Public at Local Gun Show
• AE911Truth FAQ #6: What’s Your Assessment of the
Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Hypothesis?
• Local SF Bay Area Community College Students
Enlightened as AE911Truth Teaches “Critical Thinking
in History”
• AE911Truth Statement on Alleged Recent Death of
Osama bin Laden
“Engineering Change” in Atlanta with AE911Truth, WeAreChange, and Cynthia McKinney
by Eli Rika

One of the most promising regional events in the history of AE911Truth is almost upon us. On Saturday, May 21, Richard Gage, AIA, will join with former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, WeAreChange founder Luke Rudkowski and others for “Engineering Change: A Blueprint for 9/11 Truth” at the First Iconium Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
This bold event, sponsored by WeAreChange Atlanta, and the Atlanta AE911Truth Action Group, will be among the rare moments when a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives stands shoulder to shoulder with AE911Truth. As one of few legislators who challenged the Bush administration about the official 9/11 narrative, McKinney will speak about her struggles as a lawmaker and Presidential candidate to expose the truth.
AE911Truth Action Group ‘WeAreChange Fresno’ Finds Sympathetic Public at Local Gun Show
by Randy Shahbazian

Our activist group, WeAreChange Fresno – an AE911Truth Local Action Group – is constantly seeking new ways of informing the public about the explosive evidence of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers. Public events with open-minded organizers can be excellent opportunities for directly reaching many people on a personal level.
After purchasing a $75 table at the Central Coast Gun Show for the weekend of April 16-17 at the Fresno County Fairgrounds, our group purchased a variety of educational materials from the AE911Truth online store. At the event, we set up a laptop playing 9/11: Blueprint for Truth and displayed a “Why a Third Light Beam?” poster on our table. We displayed copies of the 9/11 Investigator broadsheet paper and the glossy informational cards on the Twin Towers and WTC 7. Additionally, we distributed copies of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth for which we requested a $1.50 donation.
AE911Truth FAQ #6: What’s Your Assessment of the Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Hypothesis?
by Jonathan Cole, P.E., Richard Gage, AIA, and Gregg Roberts

Some have suggested that much of the structural steel of the World Trade Center skyscrapers was turned to dust, or “dustified” – a term used by Judy Wood, the primary proponent of this hypothesis – with some type of directed energy weapon (DEW). Some of the observations cited by Wood include the voluminous dust created during the Twin Towers’ destruction, the “craters” in WTC 5 and 6, “toasted” cars, and small holes in glass windows.
While Wood and AE911truth agree that the official story of an “inevitable” collapse by gravity alone is impossible because it conflicts with laws of physics, we completely differ on the mechanism of the destruction. Crucially, once there is proof and consensus that the official story violates elementary laws of physics, our major scientific task has been accomplished. The remaining task is the political challenge of mobilizing support for a legitimate investigation.
Local SF Bay Area Community College Students Enlightened as AE911Truth Teaches “Critical Thinking in History”
by AE911Truth Staff

Dozens of college students just had their eyes opened to the insignificance of the Osama bin Laden circus recently presented to the American people. AE911Truth was invited to teach, with the multimedia presentations of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, two of Prof. Mickey Huff’s “Critical Thinking in History” classes at Diablo Valley Community College. Prof. Huff is co-director of Project Censored, a mainstream media watchdog.
Dozens of students saw for the first time the explosive evidence that makes clear what was responsible for the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers. Most students had not heard of WTC 7 – the third skyscraper to be destroyed on 9/11, and one that came down in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition. None of the students believed that fire alone brought this building down after seeing its related evidence.
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 KMPH 26 interview: over 300,000 views!
 30-minute version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth
 Trailer for the 2-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.
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AE911Truth Statement on Alleged Recent Death of Osama bin Laden
by AE911Truth Staff

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, a tax-exempt nonprofit educational charity, has been asked to comment on the alleged recent death of Osama bin Laden. Reports of bin Laden’s death, even if true, explain NONE of the overwhelming evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. For several years now we have been citing this evidence in support of a genuine, subpoena-powered, independent investigation. We have been joined in that call by almost 1500 licensed and/or degreed architects and engineers and almost 12,000 others, including chemists, physicists, firefighters, attorneys, and other professionals.
We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.
Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Learn more about us.
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Thank you.
Editor, Gregg Roberts / Web Implementation, Tania Torres / Editor in Chief, Richard Gage, AIA
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