Chris Mohr, supporter of the “natural collapse” theory, debates AE911Truth in Boulder March 6. Dick Gregory, famed civil rights activist and comedian, gives us deeper insight into his full support of AE911Truth. Steven Jones’ new DVD “Science & Society” hits the streets and our online store. Also, the freefall, symmetrical destruction of WTC 7 wins good coverage in the Foreign Policy Journal.
• Riveting two-hour “Trial” Radio Debate Prepares Mohr
/Gage for Live March 6 Showdown at UC Boulder
• The Dream Lives On: Famed Civil Rights Activist Dick
Gregory Joins Forces with AE911Truth
• February Fundraising Drive for An AE911Truth Publicist
• Definitive New DVD from Steven Jones
• A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse
• Bill Moyers’ Attack on 9/11 Truth Exposes Defense
Mechanisms in Full Force
• Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo Gets 9/11 Wake-Up Call
• Upcoming Action of the Month: Put AE911Truth DVDs
in the Hands of Every A/E in Your Community
Riveting two-hour “Trial” Radio Debate Prepares Mohr/Gage for Live March 6 Showdown at UC Boulder
by Editor
Onstage Debate in Boulder, Colorado: Sunday March 6, University of Colorado, 5:00 pm – University Memorial Center (UMC), Room 235
In about two weeks Richard Gage, AIA, will debate journalist Rev. Chris Mohr. The question? What brought down the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11/2001? An advocate of the “natural collapse” theory, Mohr surprised many in the 9/11 Truth movement with the depth and sincerity of research into both AE911Truth’s position and the official reports in the two-hour “trial” debate on Thursday evening, February 17, which was deemed so newsworthy that it was allowed to run overtime 30 minutes into the next radio program. Listen to the podcast at INN World Report Radio for a sneak preview of the Boulder showdown.
The Dream Lives On: Famed Civil Rights Activist Dick Gregory Joins Forces with AE911Truth
by Eli Rika
DC Press Conference Strikes Gold

Many people know Dick Gregory as a luminary of the American civil rights movement, who partnered with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other activists to promote racial equality and an end to the Vietnam War. Others recognize him as a popular comedian, whose humorous acts have earned him international renown. Gregory has been lauded by presidents and honored by Hollywood actors over his distinguished and diverse career… but he has set all of those accolades aside to support the work of the 9/11 truth movement – and specifically the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. We recently caught up with him to discuss the impact of this potentially historic alliance.
February Fundraising Drive for AE911Truth Publicist
by AE911Truth
Help Us Today to Break Deeper into Mainstream & Alternative Media
It is your turn now. The time is right. Help AE911Truth break into mainstream media in 2011. The effectiveness of several upcoming public speaking events will be multiplied many times over by the services of a professional publicist. Now is when we need your help. Please donate today.
These events start right away on March 6 with our live World Trade Center debate onstage with journalist Chris Mohr and Richard Gage, AIA – followed by the March 26 Hartford, CT, day-long conference on WTC 7, keynoted by AE911Truth.
Definitive New DVD from Steven Jones
by Michael Cook
“9/11: Science & Society”
A Proud Addition to Our Online Store
We are delighted to offer the most important work yet from Dr. Steven Jones, “9/11: Science & Society – A Lecture to a Worldwide University.” Recorded in Australia in November of 2009, Dr. Jones recommends this DVD as his “go to” lecture that is a culmination and synthesis of his many years of dedication to 9/11 research. See it in our online store now.
From the beginning, Dr. Jones makes it clear that he misses teaching physics at Brigham Young University (BYU) and that he is grateful for the opportunity he now has to teach to a “world-wide university” of “quizzical, critical-thinking students” who are not afraid to “take the bull by the horns”.
A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse
by Foreign Policy Journal
The following article on WTC 7, quite critical of the NIST report, appeared in the Foreign Policy Journal this week.
This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 disaster. In these 10 years, not only have extremely important scientific questions about this tragedy gone unanswered, but they have even been ridiculed to the point of deranged absurdity. We owe a valid scientific explanation to the 3000 victims on that day, the steadily dying health-stricken first responders, the dead and wounded soldiers, and the untold thousands upon thousands of dead and injured Afghans and Iraqis resulting from the terrifying never-ending “war on terror”. Critics of those skeptical of the official story of 9/11 have often objected that an alternative theory has never been put forth.
Bill Moyers’ Attack on 9/11 Truth Exposes Defense Mechanisms in Full Force
by Gregg Roberts
Denial, Projection, and Reaction Formation Taint Otherwise Perceptive Remarks by Johnson Administration Press Secretary
On January 27, respected journalist Bill Moyers made a keynote speech to History Makers, described as “an organization of broadcasters and producers from around the world concerned with the challenges and opportunities faced by factual broadcasting.” Moyers made many comments with which we can all agree. Yes, “the struggle against power ‘is the struggle of memory against forgetting.’” Yes, we would all like to see more “television ‘that dignifies instead of debases’.” Yes, we would all like to see less demagoguery. And like Moyers we are discouraged by the new research findings indicating that people whose minds are made up harden their positions even further in the face of contrary information, “twist[ing] facts so they fit better with our preconceived notions.”.
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 Richard Gage on China’s CCTV
 KMPH 26 interview: over 300,000 views!
 30-minute version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth
 Trailer for the 2-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.
 Close-Up with Richard Gage, AIA on New Zealand National Television
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Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo Gets 9/11 Wake-Up Call
by Staff Writer

AE911Truth was the featured speaker on a 9/11 Panel at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo on February 12. The overall conference drew thousands of attendees curious about all manner of spiritual teachers and teachings, health products, etc. The promoters of this event wanted an opportunity for attendees to hear about the 9/11 evidence – and they got it. Richard Gage, AIA, Architect spoke first for 45 minutes and laid out all the evidence for this unusual AE911Truth audience of 356 – a much larger group than expected. Before the presentation 25 people agreed with the official conspiracy theory (OCT) of how the WTC Twin Towers came down and 43 were “unsure”. The remainder agreed with the evidence for the explosive demolition of the towers. After the multimedia presentation only one person believed the OCT and nine were “unsure”. The evidence continues to awaken people.
Upcoming Action of the Month: Put AE911Truth DVDs in the Hands of Every A/E in Your Community
by Richard Gage, AIA
AE911Truth Action Groups

Every month our AE911Truth Action Groups meet and decide what outreach action we and our worldwide supporters will perform on behalf of our fellow citizens that are as yet unaware of the evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. This month we’ve decided to take the AE911Truth SF Press Conference or Companion Edition DVD’s and brochures directly to architecture and engineering firms.

The beautiful, cost-effective 9/11 Investigator broadsheet newspaper makes a great accompaniment to any of these DVDs.
We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.
Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Learn more about us.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.
Please forward and distribute widely!
Thank you.
Editor, Gregg Roberts / Web Implementation, Tania Torres / Editor in Chief, Richard Gage, AIA
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