This month we report on the exciting “BuildingWhat?” campaign which exposes to 90,000 New Yorkers the obvious controlled demolition of WTC 7 – on mainstream TV. Ms. Terri Creech, BSME, fills in at OKC as the latest AE911Truth speaker. And we highlight the fascinating new videos and photos which the IC911Studies forced NIST to release via court actions.
• Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold in Court Action Against NIST, Unearths Striking Video/Photo WTC Evidence
• What’s Up with “BuildingWhat?”
• AE911Truth Speakers Warmly Received in Oklahoma City
• Adopt a Local Coffee Shop!
• 9/11 Activists – Here’s Your Ultimate Toolbox
• Lack of Deceleration of North Tower’s Upper Section Proves Use of Explosives
• Colorado Democrats Call for New 9/11 Investigation: An Insider Tells Us How They Did It
• Events Upcoming, Events Delayed, and Projects in the Works
Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold in Court Action Against NIST, Unearths Striking Video/Photo WTC Evidence
– Eli Rika
Over the last century, the most astounding historical discoveries of man-made artifacts have often been accomplished by well-funded, highly experienced researchers. From the excavation of King Tut’s tomb to the sighting of the sunken Titanic, stunning finds have required immense financial and human resources, as well as the leadership by distinguished explorers. So, how did a mountain of never-before-seen footage used in NIST’s World Trade Center investigations get exposed to the light of day last month? Was it the work of a billionaire adventurer? Not quite. You can thank an upstart non-profit, the International Center for 9/11 Studies, whose efforts have at last borne fruit.
The International Center for 9/11 Studies was founded in 2008 by Director James Gourley, a Texas lawyer who began questioning the events of 9/11 after watching a presentation given by David Ray Griffin on C-SPAN.
What’s Up with “BuildingWhat?”
– Dick Scar
AE911Truth is one of ten major co-sponsors for the exciting new campaign to blanket New York City with 30-second TV ads. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of World Trade Center Building 7, the features of its destruction, and accordingly the need for a new investigation to look at the facts. The campaign gets its name from the startled response of New York Supreme Court Justice Edward H. Lehner when he first learned of the collapse of Building 7.
The organization New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYCCAN) originated this idea to focus attention on Building 7 because only a small percentage of the public has seen footage of the “collapse” of this building.
AE911Truth Speakers Warmly Received in Oklahoma City
– Eli Rika
New York City is often thought of as the only American city to suffer the destruction of large buildings as a result of criminal acts. This may be because many have already forgotten what happened in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which killed 168 people, was the most devastating act of terrorism until the 9/11 attacks, and Oklahomans still feel the pain of that tragedy 15 years later. So, how might they respond to the compelling case for the controlled demolitions of the WTC skyscrapers? We found out last week, when Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, traveled to Oklahoma City and gave his renowned presentation at the Character Inn Conference Center on October 29, 2010.
Adopt a Local Coffee Shop!
– Mike Bondi
A recent post on our Facebook page presented the idea to “Adopt a Coffee Shop!” The concept is simple. All of our supporters are encouraged to visit local coffee shops in their area regularly and leave behind copies our new AE911Truth broadsheet newspaper, the 9/11 Investigator. The Facebook post, which generated more than 90 “likes” and 9 “comments”, outlined the following three easy steps:
1) Visit our online store and buy some copies of the Investigator. While you’re there, consider getting some “street ready” flyers as well.
2) Take your materials to the coffee shops in your area, leave a few Investigators, and put a flyer on the bulletin board.
3) Get some coffee.
9/11 Activists – Here’s Your Ultimate Toolbox!
– Dan Noel
Is AE911Truth for You?
Do you know the official story of the 9/11 terror attacks to be false?
Are you aware of the overwhelming implications of this?
Have you ever experienced difficulties convincing people to take a second look at 9/11?
If you answered YES, read on.
AE911Truth Overcomes Normal Skepticism in 10 Minutes!
Your easiest way to convince a skeptic of the legitimacy of questioning 9/11 would arguably be...
Lack of Deceleration of North Tower’s Upper Section Proves Use of Explosives
– Tony Szamboti
Many people who think they have been keeping up with the revelations of the last several years about the destruction of the three high-rises in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, will nonetheless be surprised to discover that the falling upper section of WTC 1
exhibited no measurable deceleration when it impacted the lower section. This is a startling revelation because it adds to the collection of “smoking guns” proving that the “collapse” of that building was not caused by the jetliner impact and ensuing fires.
Although theoretically possible, collapses of heavily constructed buildings like the Twin Towers and WTC 7 had never occurred prior to Sept. 11, 2001, without some form of “assistance.” The reason for this is that they are built with significant reserve strength. The construction of each floor is designed to support several times the actual load above it.
Colorado Democrats Call for New 9/11 Investigation: An Insider Tells Us How They Did It
– Frances Shure, Colorado 9/11 Visibility
It’s true! The Democratic Platform for the state of Colorado is the first major party in the US to adopt a resolution for a new investigation into the official story of the events surrounding 9/11.
It started in 2004 when I, a complete novice in political processes, decided to participate in my precinct caucus in order to try to make a difference here in Colorado. The night before, I learned that the caucus is also a time to bring policy resolutions for consideration. Hurriedly, I wrote a resolution for a new, independent investigation into 9/11, figuring that here is an opportunity, at least, to educate a few more people. To my surprise, my precinct caucus neighbors voted for it!
On our website:

Get WTC 7 on PBS TV
Donate now to film & air AE911Truth’s power-packed 5-minute hi-def mini-doc on WTC 7 to 3 million PBS viewers, with 500 airings, guaranteed!
Please donate today.

 KMPH 26 interview: now over 300,000 views!
 10-minute version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth
 Trailer for the 2-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.
 Close-Up with Richard Gage, AIA on New Zealand National Television
Follow Us

Events Upcoming, Events Delayed, and Projects in the Works
– Rich Caragol, Architect
November 9, 2010, at 7 p.m., AE911Truth will visit the Sonoma State University Campus for a presentation of Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction at Cooperage hall. The event is hosted by Project Censored, which has provided crucial coverage of 9/11-censored stories over the past five years. The 25 most censored stories 2009-2010 are part of the Project’s mission to showcase significant issues that the corporate media won’t cover. Project Censored now has over 30 college and university affiliates contributing on its expanding website. Recently, our allies at Project Censored have been censored by so called “alternative” publications over its coverage of 9/11 Truth.

This particular presentation, by Richard Gage, AIA, will be followed by a panel discussion and Q & A.
In a recent interview, Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored and Associate Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, noted, “Richard Gage and the architects and engineers he represents are doing very important work, exposing major flaws in the official accounting of the 9/11 tragedy in NYC. Based on their expertise, Gage and over 1300 architects and engineers are demanding a new, transparent, scientific investigation based on all the available evidence. Though we are not a 9/11-centric organization, we at Project Censored believe the more recent scientific publications and research on problems surrounding the events of 9/11 are significant and should be part of the dialogue about controversial issues that should be a focus of any free press system. The fact that such stories have been mostly ignored by corporate mainstream media, or not taken seriously, is why Gage’s work is highlighted in story #14 by Shawn Hamilton in the top 25 in ‘Censored 2011’ this year. As with all our stories each year, we hope this crucial subject makes its way into the public eye for serious consideration.”
Please join Mr. Gage and celebrate the acknowledgement, honor and recognition by this prestigious media watchdog organization.
Mr. Gage will then travel to Las Vegas to present our evidence requiring a new investigation into the destruction of the three WTC high-rises on 9/11. It will be on November 20, 2010, at 6 p.m. in the Palace Station Hotel, Las Vegas, hosted by WeAreChange Las Vegas.

Jim Duensing, organizer for the event, is a Las Vegas attorney, a former Nevada Congressional Candidate, founder of the Libertarian 9/11 Truth Caucus, and Libertarians for Justice. Mr. Duensing told me, “WeAreChange Las Vegas’ is excited to welcome architect Richard Gage, AIA, to the Palace Station Hotel and Casino on November 20th. Mr. Gage’s presentation is well researched and presents the audience with the facts about the physical evidence left behind after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. If you have ever really wanted to know what brought the towers down, join us on November 20th at Palace Station. Bring your questions.”