AE911Truth Hosts Third Convention Booth at Virginia Convention
Recent Successes in New Mexico
Research Papers Now in Store
AE911Truth Presents...
AE911Truth Dives Down Under
CBC TV's "Fifth Estate"
It's Time to Speak Out: Tell 10, Sign up 2
Dozens of Architects, Building Professionals See and Hear the Explosive Evidence
– Jonathan Cole, P.E.
AE911Truth hosts third convention booth at Virginia convention
The 2009 AIA "Architecture Exchange" (ArchEX) East convention held in Richmond, VA, November 5-6 had more than 110 exhibitors, most representing building products and services. AE911Truth's 950 A/E petition signers were quite well represented in our booth by the volunteer team I assembled for the event. We were doing what we do best: disseminating scientific information and facts about the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11.
The booth's volunteers came from all over the East Coast to make possible this critical outreach/educational opportunity, graciously donating their valuable time and money. In addition to the banners and handouts, we had two video loops playing continuously with the destruction of the Twin Towers on one screen and the free-fall of WTC 7 on the other. The large screen showing the demolition of WTC 7 grabbed the attention of most all convention participants passing by — making our booth one of the most popular ones.
As at past conventions, most of the people we spoke with... Read more >>
Recent Successes in New Mexico
– Laurel Burik
As public demand grows, AE911Truth is receiving mounting requests for appearances, coast to coast as well as internationally. Last month was no exception.
October 23rd brought Mr. Gage to Albuquerque, NM, for a live broadcast interview seen on public access TV, Channel 27. Mr. Gage discussed some of the key evidence of typical and atypical controlled demolitions: freefall acceleration, molten metal, iron spheres, and the red-gray nanothermite chips found in the World Trade Center dust, none of which should be present in an ordinary office fire — even with jet fuel. There is no precedent for a fire-induced collapse of a steel-framed skyscraper. A video of the interview will be posted on our website very soon.
On Saturday October 24th, the much-anticipated presentation...
AE911Truth Authors Research Papers – Available Now in Online Store
– Editor
You asked for them and so we have assembled them. And you can order them in our Online Store – attractive color hardcopies of several of the most important 9/11 research papers to date:
1. "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" (Niels Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, et al.)
2. "29 Structural/Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Explosive Demolition in Collapses of All 3 WTC High-Rises on 9/11" (Gregg Roberts and AE911Truth Staff)"
3. "Evidence for the Explosive Demolition of World Trade Center, Building 7 on 9/11" (Gage, Roberts, and Chandler) (reprinted from Republic Magazine September 2009)... Read more >>
AE911Truth Presents...
– Marian Galbraith
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is proud to announce a number of well-qualified individuals who are following the lead of Richard Gage, AIA. With the help of the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth presentation materials, these dedicated speakers – many of them experts in their field – are making dynamic, interactive presentations all over the U.S. and beyond. Each presenter brings his/her own unique perspective to the table, depending on location, background, and motivating factors. Most are available to travel and would be pleased to make a 9/11: Blueprint for Truth presentation in your area. We'd like to highlight just a few of them in this article.
Dwain Deets, AIAA
Dwain is a 37-year veteran project manager for NASA, an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), and now living in the San Diego area. With his impressive "rocket science" credentials and well-honed public speaking skills, he's made several presentations in a short time with increasingly productive results.
For starters, he's inspired two different...
AE911Truth Dives Down Under for Conferences
– Michael Marino
Follow-up in the Far East with 7-City Japan Truth Tour
The epic effort to alert the people of the world about the truth of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, will extend its global reach as Richard Gage, AIA, boards a jet in San Francisco and flies west on a 17-hour flight to Sydney on November 8. This will be his first stop on a 14-city tour through Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Washington, Madison and Jefferson never would have dreamed that a 21st-century battle for people's minds would take an American patriot to distant countries in order to expose lies in the U.S., but such is the case today as we rapidly approach 1,000 signers on our petition for a real investigation into the 9/11 attacks.
Three main events are scheduled in Australia...
CBC TV's "Fifth Estate" Program Airs AE911Truth Nov 27
– Richard Gage, AIA
On September 11 of this year, we were interviewed on September 11 in New York at the We Demand Transparency conference by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "Fifth Estate" program. This is the equivalent of "60 Minutes" in Canada. It is set to air on November 27.
The producers of the National Geographic Channel assured us...Read more >>
On our website:

Support Multiple FOIA Requests
Please help us cover legal fees and expenses for our next several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to NIST and other government agencies. Every dollar you send gets us closer to prying loose the next batch of evidence that federal bureaucrats don't seem to want us to have. Successful FOIA lawsuits result in government reimbursement of attorney's fees (though not expenses), making this a powerful "seed money" fund that can produce for us all over and over.
Please donate today.

 KMPH 26 interview: now over 200,000 views (before we started hosting it – 30,000 since then)!
 10-minute segment from the new AE911Truth Companion Edition to Blueprint for Truth.
 Trailer for the 2008 Research Edition of Blueprint for Truth DVD.
Follow Us

It's Time to Speak Out: Tell 10, Sign up 2
– Michael Marino
Join us for the final push as we approach our 1000th petition signer. As our numbers continue to grow, it becomes easier to persuade others to look at the evidence for the WTC explosive controlled demolitions. Now it often only requires handing someone a DVD and asking them to take a look at it. Then a follow-up phone call or brief conversation often completes the task in short order. Will you help us again?
The message is spread primarily via word of mouth and email. We are a part of a grass roots movement that is growing exponentially – but only when we stretch our comfort zones, take a little personal risk, and speak.
The once-in-a-lifetime challenge that we face today requires an equally unprecedented response from our petition signers. I hope all of you will rise to the occasion and help achieve this goal before the end of the year. How?
• Tell ten other colleagues – preferably architects & engineers.
• Sign up two of them.
Those are the percentages. Buy 10 evidence cards and hand them out next week. Or email your chosen 10 A/E's the link to our website and ask them to look at what almost 1,000 A/E's are saying. You can also edit and send the three-page "hard evidence" letter from Richard Gage, AIA, which explains what we are all about.
Or support us financially in this historic time of surpassing 1,000 technical and building professionals demanding a new investigation. Let's break through 1,000 at a brisk pace – just as gold has broken the $1,000 barrier. We will host a public relations event with a press conference that will feature our 1,000th signer along with Mr. Gage on location when it occurs. This event will need to be well publicized across the country and the world – and we must have your support to make it happen effectively.
We would like to double this accomplishment into 2000 signers before summer of 2010 and with your help we can do it. If each and every one of you will talk to ten friends or colleagues and sign up just two of them, then we will succeed.