AE911Truth: 8th Anniversary of 9/11
David Ray Griffin’s Book in Store
New England Tour
AE911Truth Gains Mainstream Access
AE911Truth Booth at SF Power To The Peaceful Concert
New Mexico Tech — Gateway to 9/11 Dishonesty
Upcoming Events
AE911Truth: From the Golden Gate to Ground Zero for the 8th Anniversary of 9/11
– Laurel Burik
From Commonwealth Club, to a New Jersey Mosque, and New York City 9/11 Anniversary Events
Richard Gage, AIA, founder and CEO of the non-profit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), presented a 40-minute version of the two-hour presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth to a sold-out crowd at the prestigious Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco on Tuesday, September 8th, which was also live-streamed on AE911Truth’s website. This event kicked off a very full week of engagements for the 8th anniversary of 9/11.
John Sutter, a member of the Commonwealth Club and an AE911Truth petition signatory, worked tirelessly behind the scenes to negotiate this strategic and opportune breakthrough. After the event was initially canceled due to its controversy, he worked diligently to restore this event, and after an internal battle at the club, he fortunately prevailed. The standing ovation received after Gage’s presentation confirmed his instincts that the event would be well-received.
Founded in 1903, The Commonwealth Club of California has played host to a diverse and distinguished array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Erin Brockovich in 2001. Along the way, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates have all given landmark speeches there. Outside the Bay Area, The Club’s weekly radio broadcast — the oldest in the U.S., dating back to 1924 — is carried across the nation on public radio stations.
The Commonwealth Club is the oldest speaking club in the United States, and has had such eminent speakers as David Ray Griffin, Christopher Hitchens, Patty Duke, Reza Aslan, P.J. O’Rourke, George Shultz, Madeleine K. Albright, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Meg Whitman and Ted Turner recently, and in years prior, Cecil B. DeMille, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Edward Teller, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Robert F. Kennedy, Benjamin Spock, Katherine Graham, Jesse Jackson, Queen Noor al Hussein of Jordan, Carl Sagan, Desmond Tutu, and Gore Vidal.
The event was preceded by the haunting melodies of internationally acclaimed musician Alan Tower on the huaca, a double-chambered, clay-fired flute. Tower is a 9/11 skeptic who used his exceptional talent to soothe what possibly was an uneasy audience, a little fearful that they were about to be confronted with information that would make them uncomfortable. They could not have anticipated the extent to which their preconceptions were about to be shattered by Gage’s solid evidence.
Twenty-one people believed fire alone brought down the buildings, and 41 were unsure. Only two people still believed the fire hypothesis, and 15 remained unsure. While nearly one-third of the audience began the evening skeptical of AE911Truth’s conclusion, more than 90% were convinced beyond a doubt that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, once they heard and saw even this abbreviated version of the evidence.
This success rate has been consistent in every venue, and in many cases there is a 100% conversion rate. This proves that logic, facts and scientific evidence can win over most skeptics who previously clung to the official story, which was inculcated through the mainstream media moments after the planes hit the towers.
New Jersey Mosque
Several months ago, Ibrahim Naboulsi, an adjunct professor of political science at both Montclair University and Rutgers University, approached AE911Truth with an invitation to speak... Read more >>
WTC 7: David Ray Griffin hits the target — NIST
– Editor
New DRG Book Now in the AE911Truth Store
David Ray Griffin’s eighth book in his 9/11 series, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 – Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False is out and it is stunning. In this crucial desktop reference Griffin singlehandedly dismantles NIST’s theory of collapse by fire — citing the evidence of explosive controlled demolition long cited by AE911Truth. Architects and engineers will learn perhaps too much about a building most know nothing about — even though it was the third-worst structural failure in modern history. NIST blames its smooth, symmetrical free-fall descent on a "new phenomenon" — "thermal expansion" — never before seen in high-rise building fires even though many were much hotter, larger, and longer-lasting than those in WTC 7’s.
John D. Wyndham, Ph.D., Physics, from Cambridge University and former Research Fellow at the CA Institute of Technology lauds the book as...Read more >>
Tour of Historic New England
– Laurel Burik
Richard Gage, AIA, representing the nearly one-thousand-strong architects and engineers with AE911Truth, recently returned from another successful presentation tour – this time in colorful New England.
Kicking off the three-day tour on Friday, Oct 9, was his presentation at the historic South Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The South Parish was established in 1713, and South Church’s current building – the Stone Church, as it was called when it was built from 1824-26 – is the only granite church in Portsmouth. It is in the Greek Revival style.
Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group of Portsmouth sponsored the event, at which 90 people were in attendance, including two architects and eleven engineers. Mr. Gage applauds the great efforts of William Woodward of the Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group for his tenacious efforts to galvanize people, including walking into a local architect’s convention and flyering everyone there on the event, and sending out announcements to 120 architects and 80 engineers from three states within a 50-mile radius.
Five people had never heard of WTC Building 7...Read more >>
AE911Truth Gains Mainstream Access
– Laurel Burik
Approached by Jay Levin, author and founder of LAWeekly, who is writing a book on the science of 9/11, Richard Gage, AIA, was interviewed for a series of articles on the controversial topic, the results of which were published as cover stories in two mainstream publications. The first, published in Silicon Valley Metro and co-authored by editor Tom McKenzie, is entitled 9/11 Blowup: Explosive Theory. See article at Metroactive cover article
The article, which focused on local AE911Truth petition signer and fire protection engineer Ed Munyak, with the City of San Jose, actually appears fair and balanced, presenting NIST’s views without referring to us as irrational "conspiracy theorists," unlike the National Geographic special titled 9/11: Science and Conspiracy. (Our response to that debacle can be found at Response to National Geographic.)
Levin and McKenzie teamed up again to co-author another cover piece, this time for the Santa Barbara Independent, entitled A Towering Debate: Twin Towers, Twin Myths? Engineers and Architects Argue About What Made the World Trade Center Fall,
located at Independent: Twin Towers
This article also features remarks by David Ray Griffin...Read more >>
AE911Truth Booth at SF Power To The Peaceful Concert
– Michael Marino and Scott Beery
AE911Truth joined forces with the Northern California Truth Alliance headed by Carol Brouillet at a rally for 9/11 Truth in the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park on Saturday morning, Sept 12. We then marched up Ashbury Street to Haight Street and up to Golden Gate Park with the AE911Truth banner “Hundreds of Architects & Engineers Demand a Real Investigation,” where we entered into the arena of the Power To The Peaceful Festival. We set up the powerfully branded AE911Truth exhibit booth, which drew a lot of attention throughout the day.

We distributed stacks of information about the evidence for explosive controlled demolition on 9/11 to a curious crowd....Read more >>
I held a large banner that had printed on it "9/11 Truth Now," and...Read more >>
New Mexico Tech — Gateway to 9/11 Dishonesty
– Editor
Presentations by Richard Gage, AIA, and Kathy McGrade, Remind of EMRTC Connections
One of our 950 AE911Truth petition signers, Kathy McGrade, is an alumna of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech). She arranged a 9/11: Blueprint for Truth live multimedia presentation during the school’s annual 49ers Celebration and Alumni Homecoming Weekend. Richard Gage, AIA, and Kathy, made this joint presentation immediately after the alumni luncheon on this past Saturday, October 24, in Socorro, NM. Look for reports on these events in the near future, or in the Nov 2009 Blueprint Newsletter.
New Mexico Tech is the home of EMRTC (Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center), directed by explosives expert Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Tech. Romero was interviewed by the Albuquerque Journal on 9/11/2001:
On our website:
Urgent: Convention Fees Due Now
We were unstoppable at our AE911Truth exhibit booth at the National AIA convention in San Francisco in April and Washington DC in July.
Your generous show of support was directly responsible.
We must continue this effort. With your immediate vote of financial support we will be able to start this November at the Virginia AIA, in 2010 at the National AIA convention in Tampa, FL, and at other AE conventions.
Please donate today.

KMPH 26 interview: now over 200,000 views!
10-minute segment from the new AE911Truth Companion Edition to Blueprint for Truth.
Trailer for the 2008 Research Edition of Blueprint for Truth DVD.
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Upcoming Events
– Editor
AE911Truth Heads for Kansas, then AIA’s Architecture Exchange East
On October 27 Mr. Gage goes to Overland Park, Kansas, where he has been invited to speak by the administration at the Johnson County Community College to 270 students. Other colleges are sure to follow. For details, contact Will Suarez here.
Dedicated AE911Truth volunteers will be staffing our exhibitor’s booth at the AIA’s Architecture Exchange East conference in Richmond, Virginia, on November 5 and 6. This will be our third AIA conference; at previous ones, more than 100 people signed our petition. Jon Cole, civil engineer from Tampa, Florida, will be leading our local DC area volunteers on this notable educational effort which has been funded by the successful "Chip-in" opportunity on our front page. Thank you all who have supported this project. Contact Jon here if you can come out on 11/5 and 11/6 and help us educate the rest of the architects.