Washington DC Update
9/11: Blueprint for Truth World Premiere TV Broadcast
Montana Welcomes AE911Truth
AE911Truth on Public Access TV
New Steven Jones DVD: Nanothermite
High-Rise Architect with Transamerica Building Design
Experience Signs AE911Truth Petition
Tax Deductible and Anonymous Gifts
Upcoming Events
Washington DC Update
– Richard Gage, AIA
We would like to thank all of our Sustaining Supporters for sending us to Washington, DC, in July. Five of our staff from around the country converged on our nation’s capital for an incredible series of actions directly in alignment with our mission to bring the awareness of the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11 to architects, engineers, and members of Congress.
The Washington DC AIA Convention
We set up our AE911Truth evidence booth for viewing by 700 attending architects at the local convention of the American Institute of Architects. We captured the attention of a few hundred and gave away as many DVDs. Most booth visitors were quite interested and open-minded. However... Read more >>
9/11: Blueprint for Truth World Premiere TV Broadcast
– Richard Gage, AIA
KBDI is a Denver-based PBS TV station with gutsy membership producer and executive director Shari Bernson. She had previously brought the groundbreaking 9/11: Press for Truth to her station for the pledge drive special showing and premium. It was the second most successful live pledge event over the last year, and still continues to be a strong fundraiser for the station. At that pledge drive, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth was offered as an auxiliary premium. As a result, viewer demand that it be broadcast, too, gave Ms. Bernson the support she needed to go the next step: showing the evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of all three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. That is courage. This was our world premiere television broadcast.

KBDI volunteer Tom Colbert interviews Richard Gage, AIA
The one-hour abridged version was shown from 7 to 9 p.m. This gave us three 20-minute pledge breaks in which we ... Read more >>
Montana Welcomes AE911Truth
– Richard Gage, AIA
The patriots are out in full stride and the ground is fertile in Southern Montana. Thanks to David Milak of Sacred Mysteries Bookstore, we had three full speaking stops on 8/28, 8/29, and 8/30 in Bozeman, Livingston, and Emigrant, along with three articles, six ads, two radio interviews, a meeting with a 9/11-aware state representative, and two AE911Truth Mountain Region strategy potluck meetings.
We were joined onstage by one of our 30 structural engineers, Robert Merceau, PE, a 40-year structural engineer with a masters degree in Structural Engineering Science who has designed several high-rises. Bob gave the audience many insightful comments ... Read more >> .
AE911Truth on Public Access TV
– Mike Marino
Make it Happen in Your Community
How would you like thousands of people in your local community to see 9/11: Blueprint for Truth? It is so easy to do. In fact, Public Access Cable TV is a great community resource that we can use to reach millions of people all across the country.
Here is our plan:
Obtain today a copy of the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth “Companion Edition” from the online store today. It contains the cable-ready one-hour segment – in addition to the 10- and 30-minute versions.

This comes shipped with a free additional copy of the DVD in envelope to submit to your public access station. You don’t even have to have a cable TV subscription. Every resident is entitled to submit programs to their local station...Read more >>
Now in our Store: Nanothermite: What in the World is High-Tech Explosive Material Doing in the Dust Clouds Generated on 9/11/2001?
– Editor

This powerful DVD now available at our online store contains the dynamic multimedia presentation given by Dr. Steven Jones in Sacramento, CA, on April 30, 2009. Included are follow-up Q & A and three bonus tracks.
Steven Jones, Ph.D., Physics Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University, brilliantly presents his carefully researched new discoveries made as he analyzed the dust from the World Trade Center buildings, which was destroyed on 9/11/2001. Jones discusses the controversial new article in the peer-reviewed Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal &ndash the result of 18 months of intensive scientific collaboration &ndash exposing “the loaded gun of 9/11.”
An especially interesting part of this DVD is...
High-Rise Architect with Transamerica Building Design Experience Signs AE911Truth Petition
– Editor
Featured Petitioner, 40-year Architect Stephen Barasch, AIA
Among the nearly 800 architects and engineers who have signed our petition comes one architect formerly with William L. Pereira & Associates. One doesn't get much closer to the elements of high-rise design than with the pyramid-shaped Transamerica Building in San Francisco. Stephen Barasch, AIA, our Featured Petitioner, was a member of the architectural design team for that 48-floor structure. Barasch was also instrumental in the Mark Hopkins Hotel architectural design, also in San Francisco.
Barasch made the following statement ...
Tax Deductible and Anonymous Donations
– Scott Sheckman

Did you know that AE911Truth now accepts IRS-approved, tax-deductible donations? Additionally, several types of anonymous donations are now accepted. If these donation options have been the ones you've been waiting for, you now have a way to donate.
Tax Deductible Donations
The Agape Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with like-minded interests and goals, has agreed to accept tax-deductible donations as our fiscal sponsor. We are grateful for the opportunity to accept individual and corporate tax-deductible donations. Please note, each tax-deductible donation made to AE911Truth via the Agape Foundation is subject to an administration fee based on a percentage of the donation.
When donations are made by US Mail using check or money order, please print and fill out our Mail-in Donation Form. Then choose your thank-you gift. Make your check payable to “Agape Foundation” and write “AE911Truth” in the memo field. Mail to:
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189 Berkeley, CA 94704
Your cancelled check will be your tax receipt, but we will automatically generate a receipt for all one-time gifts of US$250 or more.
To make donations by credit card on-line, visit the dedicated AE911Truth web page at the Agape Foundation web site.
Tax-Deductible Anonymous: Your tax-deductible donation can also be made anonymously. Use the Mail-in Donation Form and make your check or money order payable to the “Agape Foundation.” We and Agape will know who you are, but will not make your name public or share any personal information except as required or instructed by US Law.
Non-Tax Deductible Anonymous
1) Completely Anonymous: Don‘t use the mail-in form. Simply make a money order out to AE911Truth and pop it in the mail to the same address. No questions asked. We will thank you in spirit only.
2) Totally Completely Anonymous via Cash: There is an obvious risk in sending cash in the mail. It would be better if you could attend one of our public presentations and hand this type of donation directly to an official AE911Truth representative in an envelope. If you'd like to donate a significant cash sum please contact us at AE911Truth Donations or by phone at (510) 292-4710 to make arrangements.
Other Donation Options
If you have another way you’d like to donate to AE911Truth not already covered by our website or these new options (e.g. planned/estate, memorial, stock, real estate, vehicle, airline miles, etc.) please contact us at AE911Truth Donations
or by phone at (510) 292-4710. We will do our best to accommodate your ideas.
Thank you for your continued support. Your help is critical toward achieving our ultimate goal — a real, non-biased official investigation into the many unanswered and disturbing scientific questions that linger long after the nanothermite-contaminated dust of 9/11 has been cleared from the NYC World Trade Center crime scene.
Thank you!
The grateful staff at AE911Truth
On our website:
Urgent: Convention Fees Due Now
We were unstoppable at our AE911Truth exhibit booth at the National AIA convention in San Francisco in April and Washington DC in July.
Your generous show of support was directly responsible.
We must continue this effort. With your immediate vote of financial support we will be able to start this November at the Virginia AIA, in 2010 at the National AIA convention in Tampa, FL, and at other AE conventions.
Please donate today.

KMPH 26 interview: now over 200,000 views!
10-minute segment from the new AE911Truth Companion Edition to Blueprint for Truth.
Trailer for the 2008 Research Edition of Blueprint for Truth DVD.
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Upcoming Events for AE911Truth
– Richard Gage, AIA
We‘re Off To San Francisco, New Jersey, and New York City
What’s coming up for AE911Truth?
On August 31 the National Geographic Channel (NGC) hit piece on 9/11 conspiracies aired for the first time, then again on September 5. We have posted an initial response. We will continue to enhance the article as resources permit. See also these critiques by Jim Hoffman and Kevin Ryan.
The NGC’s promotional webpage didn’t bode well for “fair and balanced” reporting, implying that all the science is on one side and we, the conspiracy theorists, are on the other. While its producers interviewed Richard Gage, AIA, Steven Jones, David Ray Griffin, Dylan Avery, and others, and we gave them the very clear evidence, we anticipated that they would be painting 9/11 skeptics in an unfavorable light. They didn’t let us down. The show included quite dubious “experiments” performed by the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) to “prove” the official story correct.

September brings the usual flurry of cross-continental speaking engagements and international radio interviews. We start at the oldest speaking club in the country – The Commonwealth Club of California – in SF. David Ray Griffin spoke at this prestigious venue last year and now AE911Truth is coming back to present the scientific/engineering evidence to this prestigious audience. Be sure to pre-register if you are coming. We’re less than a week out and we’ve pre-sold about 100 of 200 spots already. This 9/11 Truth event may very well sell out.
We will have the honor of introducing David Ray Griffin on Sept 9 at the Oakland Grand Lake Theater for the annual 9/11 Film Festival of the Northern CA Alliance for 9/11 Truth. We will also be introducing our new Companion Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth and showcasing our 10-minute abridged version.
The next day we fly to New Jersey and speak to 500 Muslims in a mosque at the end of Ramadan. Worldwide and perhaps in the US as well, Muslims have born the brunt of the 9/11 “false flag“ operation. They are more aware than most in America of the true nature of the deceptive controlled demolitions. We are seeking ways to empower them to empower us through their silent support. We will also be speaking to mosques in California this October.

The New York 9/11 Truth conference We Demand Transparency starts the next day. We speak there, once again back to back with the great Erik Lawyer of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. The Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) will be filming this event for the “5th Estate” program. Watch for more “fair and balanced” reporting.
KBDI, the PBS affiliate in Denver, will be rebroadcasting 9/11: Blueprint for Truth during a pledge window Sept. 17-20. 9/11: Press For Truth and America: From Freedom to Fascism will also be aired then.