Recent Successes
Sustaining Members Interview
AE911Truth and FF911Truth Light Up Seattle Together
29 Structural & Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Demolition
Success in Focus: Richard Gage, AIA, on Coast to Coast AM Leads to Surge of Interest
Featured Petitioner: WTC Electrical Engineer supports AE911Truth
Urgent: Convention Fees Due Now
Upcoming Events
Recent Successes
Ed Asner introduces Richard Gage, AIA, at Los Angeles
by AE911Truth Staff
See the upcoming update to our
DC Convention page for the exciting details of our trip to Washington DC! We presented evidence in the
offices of about 20 members of Congress. We also educated hundreds of architects over the days of the local AIA DC convention
at our busy exhibit booth. We gave away hundreds of DVD’s and signed up about 16 new architect petition signers on the spot.
We showed 9/11: Blueprint for Truth every hour on the hour in our classroom to the architects who were generally quite open
and curious about the evidence. We delivered tough letters to Shyam Sunder at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, and to AIA President
Marvin Malecha through AIA General Counsel Jay Stephens. Of course, our working trip to DC wouldn’t have been complete without
a presentation in front of the White House to a group of tourists surrounding our banner “Hundreds of Architects & Engineers
Demand a Real Investigation!”
To measure our effectiveness, Richard Gage never
fails to ask for a show of hands before and after the evidence sections of
his talk. The dramatic change in opinions in favor of controlled demolition is one measure of our success. The first stop on the recent
AE911Truth SoCal RV Tour on May 26, Fresno/Clovis, exemplified the hand-counts for the entire tour. 18 people arrived convinced that fires
brought the WTC buildings down, while 27 were unsure and the remainder already believed the controlled demolition hypothesis. There were
no official-story believers after the talk and only two who were unsure. We also tripled the size of the hardworking and dedicated 9/11
Fresno Truth group that included Dennis, Trevor, Jordan, Steve and Manuel.

Welcome TV coverage was provided by local Fox affiliate KMPH because of the persistent efforts of We Are Change
Fresno and Manuel (introduced earlier), a Fox employee. On KMPH's 10pm News, they showed clips from the live presentation and an
interview, but failed to show any of the evidence presented with each. A local firefighter hero was brought in to cast aspersions.
But on the morning show Great Day, Richard was interviewed in the studio and was able to present a lot of evidence, including
video of Building 7’s destruction,
to the hosts, who were fascinated and open-minded. If you haven’t seen this crisp, respectful 7-1/2-minute interview, be sure to
do so now.
In Los Angeles, Richard was introduced by Ed Asner, who called him “a tireless and tenacious advocate...
Sustaining Members Interview
What made Hank Joerger and Tom Spellman decide to support AE911Truth?
by Mike Cook
Hank Joerger has been with
us since the beginning. He started a 9/11 truth chapter in Davis, CA, before AE911Truth existed! He knew from the beginning
that something was not right, but there weren’t many people around who agreed with him. Thomas Paine said, “Time
makes more converts than reason.” Turns out, he was right, about that and much more....

Another of our treasured Sustaining Members is Tom Spellman. In answer to the question, “Why did you become a sustaining member;
what prompted you to get involved?” he answered...
Become a Sustaining Member now!
AE911Truth and FF911Truth Light Up Seattle Together
by Editor
It was the best turnout ever for
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Perhaps the reason for the large turnout was because we spoke in tandem with the new hard-hitting
(FF911Truth). The dedicated 9/11 Truth folks in Seattle completely went to town on marketing and brought in a sea of 580 faces.
The universities were thoroughly canvassed — including the last minute faculty box stuffing in the Department of Architecture at
the University of Washington.
Erik Lawyer of FF911Truth and Richard Gage, AIA, of AE911Truth double-teamed the crowd for an hour each, and then
answered questions together for an hour. Before the event we had 45 believing that planes/fires brought down the twin towers and
29 Structural & Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Demolition
More than 700 architects and engineers have joined call for new investigation,
faulting official collapse reports
by Gregg Roberts and other AE911Truth Staff
The facts are in. The evidence is conclusive. These experts lay it all out.
For Some, the Doubts Began Early
“Something is wrong with this picture,” thought Nathan Lomba, as he watched replays of the
Twin Tower collapses on television on September 11, 2001. A licensed structural engineer trained in buildings’ responses
to stress, Lomba saw more on the screen than you or I. He puzzled, “How did the structures collapse in near-symmetrical
fashion when the damage was clearly not symmetrical?”
Read entire article >> (pdf)
Success in Focus
Richard Gage, AIA, on Coast to Coast AM Leads to Surge of Interest
by Dwain Deets

Because of his very large listener base, George Noory’s 3-hour interview of Richard Gage, AIA, brought an
across-the-board range of benefits to AE911Truth’s efforts. A threefold increase in comments to the website (nearly all positive)
brought a number of spin-off benefits, including: suggestions for increasing our effectiveness; volunteers in critical-skill areas
(i.e., web design/maintenance); A&E petition signers; and possibly sustaining members.
It is impossible to tell which of the future victories by the 9/11 Truth movement will trace back to this
single broadcast. Without a doubt, many seeds were sown, and a large percentage will bear fruit. In other cases, the seeds had
already been sown, and this Coast-to-Coast AM broadcast will help turn lukewarm questioners into committed activists.
WTC Electrical Engineer supports AE911Truth — Featured Petitioner
by AE911Truth Staff
Among more than 700 architects and engineers who have signed our petition, one doesn’t get
much closer to the inner workings of the WTC than Richard Humenn, our Featured Petitioner. Humenn was the Senior Project
Engineer-Electrical who worked on the construction of the WTC from the bidding period to several decades afterward....
AE911Truth arranged an interview with Humenn to get further insight. In that discussion, Humenn admits the building
collapses didn’t look right...
On our website:
Urgent: Convention Fees Due Now
We were unstoppable at our AE911Truth exhibit booth at the National AIA convention in San Francisco in April and Washington DC this month.
Your generous show of support was directly responsible.
We must continue this effort.
With your immediate vote of financial support we will be able to start this September at the SEA in San Diego, CA, in November at the
Virginia AIA, and in 2010 at the National AIA convention in Tampa, FL.
Please donate today.

KMPH 26 interview: now over 200,000 views!
10-minute segment from the new AE911Truth Companion Edition to Blueprint for Truth.
Trailer for the 2008 Research Edition of Blueprint for Truth DVD.
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Upcoming Events
Denver PBS to promote AE911Truth!
This is a very positive development in the struggle to bring 9/11 Truth to the airwaves. Mr. Gage will return to Denver on Aug 15 to appear
on KBDI PBS TV before an expected audience of at least 200,000 viewers. The station will air the one hour version of “9/11: Blueprint for
Truth” during their pledge drive. The full two hour “Blueprint” will be offered as a premium for pledges and we will be on
live during the pledge breaks. During this station’s last pledge drive, “9/11 Press for Truth” and “From Freedom to
Fascism” were aired and the station raised a record amount of funds! We encourage people to volunteer at their local PBS stations in
order to propagate this promising trend. We will also be giving a presentation in Boulder on Aug 16 and, perhaps, in Colorado Springs on Aug 14
as well.
Big Sky Country
Mr. Gage will visit Montana for a 3-stop tour at the end of August. He'll appear at the Livingston-Park County Public Library
on the 28th, the Wellspring Retreat in Emigrant on the 29th, and at Montana State University in Bozeman on the 30th.
Close to Home
San Francisco's own Commonwealth Club has invited AE911Truth to speak on Sept 8, and we may speak at the Oakland 9/11 Truth
Film Festival on Sept 9 as well.
Entering the Ivy League
The esteemed halls of Harvard's School of Graduate Design will bear witness to the evidence of controlled demolition on
Sept 10.