Written by AE911Truth Staff
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 20:41 |

Richard Gage, AIA, demonstrated that presenting the evidence for controlled demolition can be as poignant in a classroom as it is in a conference hall |
Dozens of college students just had their eyes opened to the insignificance of the Osama bin Laden circus recently presented to the American people. AE911Truth was invited to teach, with the multimedia presentations of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, two of Prof. Mickey Huff’s “Critical Thinking in History” classes at Diablo Valley Community College. Prof. Huff is co-director of Project Censored, a mainstream media watchdog.
Dozens of students saw for the first time the explosive evidence that makes clear what was responsible for the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers. Most students had not heard of WTC 7 – the third skyscraper to be destroyed on 9/11, and one that came down in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition. None of the students believed that fire alone brought this building down after seeing its related evidence.
AE911Truth laid out not only the evidence regarding the free-falling WTC 7 but also for the Twin Towers, which came down more slowly but also more explosively.
The promising potential for college outreach was confirmed as every student who initially subscribed to the official story abandoned it by the end of Gage’s explosive presentation |
Before the presentations, 17 students believed the Official Conspiracy Theory of how the Twin Towers were brought down by jet plane impacts and fires. After the presentation none did. And, before the presentation a total of 40 students were unsure; afterward there only 16. The rest of the 66 students in the two presentations agreed with the evidence for explosive demolition. Jared Bedecarre is an AE911Truth College Outreach Team volunteer and is a student at Diablo Valley Community College and will be starting an AE911Truth Action Group on the campus. You can also join the AE911Truth College Outreach Team and start an Action Group in your area on a nearby campus.