9/11 Truth Presented at Advanced Wealth Building Conference in Jamaica |
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Written by Richard Gage, AIA | |||
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 01:59 | |||
AE911Truth was flown into Jamaica earlier this month to present the evidence for the explosive destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers to their top 250 associates. Kip Herriage and Karl Bessey are the leaders of this unique wealth oriented company, who brought AE911Truth to this annual conference in order to give their followers very sensitive information that few other Wall Street gurus dare to understand or to provide. Their associates came together for four days to take a hard look at the light as well as dark sides of our national and world economy, and the opportunities available to savvy investors. They brought together a collection of other leaders, like Mike Maloney of GoldSilver.com, and G. Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island", and a host of other leaders in the areas of investment and health. ![]() What does all this have to do with 9/11? 9/11 changed the economic landscape. The truth about the destruction of the Towers on 9/11 (the subject of our talk) From the company’s website, http://www.wmitoday.com: Encompassing a truly global presence, 40% of the attendees at the Wealth Masters International (WMI) m3 Private Wealth Group were comprised of international Members. Speakers focused on global economics, specifically, demonstrating the historical precedence for the financial opportunity that develops during economic lows. All WMI Members are made aware that the greatest transfer of wealth in history is taking place right now and the m3 Private Wealth Group is just one of the many opportunities Members have to learn more about what they can do to capitalize and generate extraordinary wealth during the transfer. ![]() Before the presentation to 250 attendees, 55 believed the Official Conspiracy Theory, which believes that the planes and fires brought down the towers, and 40 were unsure. Afterwards none believed the OCT and only 7 were unsure. Thus the explosive evidence, as outlined graphically in our DVD, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, once again speaks for itself, and appears to be quite compelling to those who have no previous awareness of alternative explanations. We sold all of the DVDs that we brought and half of the audience seemed to be in a state of shock, which was evident during the three half-hour break-out sessions Many had stated that they would be providing donations to our 501(c)3 non-profit organization -- via the donation envelopes that we now pass out at all of our functions. We very much encourage people who really get the drastic implications of our presentation to support us financially or by volunteering. There is much more that we can accomplish toward our mission of research, education, advocacy, and justice. Our hands have been tied for lack of funding. If you have been waiting for the right time to join the family of monthly sustaining supporters then let me assure you that your wait is over. Now is the time to fully activate your relationship with AE911Truth and give us the boost we need to get the materials out to every member of congress, host our press conference and debate in Washington, DC this September, and to open our Washington, DC office. We must have a new investigation. What will be your role?