Focused Rapid Action Broadens AE911Truth Support |
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Written by Rich Caragol, Architect & Ashara Love | |||
Thursday, 13 May 2010 19:14 | |||
“Action is the key to all success.”(Benjamin Franklin)
Action in San Diego
It is apparent that many at the grass roots level will believe the misinformation that they have been given through the government and mainstream media—until they are exposed to the scientific evidence omitted from the official government reports and denied the American people by the media.
Action focused on U.S. Congress Gage and other A/E’s met with Senator Barbara Boxer and Congressman George Miller staffers in April. During each meeting, they gave a visual presentation of the scientific evidence that clearly showed that the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center buildings revealed the characteristics of a explosive controlled demolition. At the conclusion of each meeting, staffers were given associated AE911Truth materials including the DVD 9/11: Blueprint for Truth—The Architecture of Destruction, and physicist Steven E. Jones, PhD, et. al. peer review paper entitled: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe. They agreed to submit the information to the Senator and Congressman respectively and also to their DC offices for analysis. We requested an “Action Plan” after review by their science advisors. A meeting summary was sent to each official with the expressed goal of opening up a new impartial and thorough investigation of the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center buildings.
Action in the media Richard Gage, AIA, was featured on no fewer than 27 Radio/TV interviews since February including: Russia Today TV, We are Change TV, Stanford University KZSU, GCN Live, and American Freedom Radio.
Action with AE911Truth groups eying local-level opportunities On March 10, 2010, approximately 40 AE911Truth petition signers attended a grass roots formation meeting for the development of 5 Bay Area local AE911Truth Action Groups in San Francisco Peninsula, North Bay, East Bay, South Bay (link no longer working) and San Leandro (link no longer working) are the groups “loosely affiliated” with AE911Truth and are self-sustaining with their charge to carry out the mission of AE911Truth within their local area. This is a pilot project designed for roll out across the country and abroad when readied. All AE911Truth petition signers will be welcomed and encouraged to join as they individually determine their area(s) of focus. The success of the AE911Truth mission greatly depends on this local level of commitment. The activities can include: outreach to A/E’s, congressional outreach, street events, speaking events, “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” screenings, etc. If you would like to be a part of the next phase of the pilot project please contact the Regional Coordinator, Jeff Lostrie
We thank Tony Wicher for his persistence in obtaining this important meeting. Rabbi Lerner may be the most significant progressive Rabbi in the country. Richard Gage, AIA, who provided the rapid paced flash-card presentation, believed that most all in attendance were convinced of the scientific evidence confirming the explosive demolition of the 3 WTC skyscrapers. What Gage found fascinating though was “the puzzling predictability of the classic intellect of the progressives,” in this case Rabbi Lerner, which seems to rationalize away the importance of the 9/11 exposure as a break-away issue. They believe that, even if true, the issue is a distraction from more relevant current socio-economic issues—as if the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the demolition of our freedoms, had some origin other than 9/11. Rabbi Lerner was quite concerned, perhaps rightly so, that any investigation of 9/11 would be co-opted and result ultimately in the perpetuation of the system that created it—even if a few high-level individuals were thrown in for sacrifice. He does not see 9/11 truth as those of us in the 9/11 truth movement do—as the Achilles heel of a massive system of corruption—but as another “Iran-Contra Affair” that can be easily covered up. AE911Truth has much greater faith in the American people to wake up from their sleep and get to the deep rotten roots of 9/11.