Écrit par Craig McKee
Mercredi, 01 Octobre 2014 00:55 |
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The Anatomy of a Great Deception Screens Countrywide
It's about being willing to step out of your safety zone and rethink how the world really works.
That's the essence of David Hooper's new documentary, The Anatomy of a Great Deception, which kicked off this year's 13th anniversary commemoration of 9/11 in several cities.
The film, which has the backing of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, premiered September 5 in Detroit and drew an impressive crowd of 375. Other screenings followed on or after September 11 in New York, Houston, Oakland, San Diego, and many other cities.
Anatomy chronicles Hooper's personal struggle as he reconstructs a world view that had been shattered when he began to research what really happened on September 11, 2001. At the Detroit kick-off, Hooper and his film were introduced by AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, who described the documentary as being Hooper's journey of awakening.
"David is a businessman-turned-filmmaker, a regular family man who unwittingly stumbles into the 9/11 debate, leading to his own investigation and to many life-changing conclusions he reached after he researched the evidence for himself," Gage noted.
"I'm inspired by the open mind David exhibited in his quest for the truth when he found himself retreating behind the 'arbitrary line in the sand' that he had drawn, for his own psychological safety, in the beginning of his journey."
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Écrit par James McDowell
Mercredi, 01 Octobre 2014 00:53 |
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AE911Truth All-Out Effort to Wake Up NYC
Activists Take on 13 Years of Denial in 5 Major Actions
It has been 13 years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, spawned the rebirth of what has become America's guiding mantra — "Never Forget." But to faithfully heed its message, mustn't we, in addition to remembering the fatal day called 9/11, also remember the spheres of molten iron, the melting of steel, the free-fall of a skyscraper not hit by an airplane, and a host of other physical laws that prove the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center skyscrapers? The answer to this question is where the mainstream media and the 9/11 Truth movement depart. It also explains why, on the 13th anniversary of 9/11, hundreds of supporters of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth descended upon the World Trade Center in New York.
AE911Truth is just as at-home and productive in the streets educating New Yorkers as it is educating students and faculty in universities and building and design experts in professional settings. The non-profit group's three-day outreach began on Thursday morning, September 11, with a milestone press conference held at the corner of Vesey and Church right in front of the Liberty Tower. AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, opened the press conference to a dozen cameras. "We are here to tell the truth to the American people about that day, because they have not received the truth, the evidence. There are very serious problems with the official story, which has become the official myth." Gage proceeded to announce the upcoming New York City premiere of The Anatomy of a Great Deception and the symposium "The 9/11 Awakening Goes Mainstream," as well as the concurrent giant video billboard in Times Square.
Gage highlighted the five key benefits of 9/11 Truth to the 100 or so intrigued onlookers who had gathered on the street, starting with his own personal favorite, "9/11 Truth is Good for America because it restores our country's moral foundation and our faith in government."
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Écrit par Frances T. Shure
Mercredi, 01 Octobre 2014 00:51 |
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Part 10: Terror Management Theory
Part 11: Systems Justification Theory
© by Frances T. Shure, 2014
Editor’s Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?” The resulting essay, being presented here as a series, is a synthesis of both academic research and clinical observations.
In answering the question in the title of this essay, the August segment, Part 9, reported on the interface between brain research and the study of moral psychology, and how this research demonstrates that some moral convictions are innate and thus hardwired in the human nervous system. Additionally, we learned that some of these innate brain structures make it difficult for 9/11 Truth activists to present their evidence, as well as for listeners to receive this evidence openly.
We continue Ms. Shure’s analysis in October with a dual offering — Part 10: Terror Management Theory, and Part 11: Systems Justification Theory. They examine, respectively, how the fear of our own death and the need to feel good about the cultural system in which we live create resistance to the evidence presented by 9/11 skeptics.
Part 10: Terror Management Theory
Terror Management Theory postulates that whenever we are introduced to information that reminds us of death — such as simply the mention of 9/11 — our anxiety increases, since we are reminded of our own inevitable death. This anxiety is called “mortality salience.” Studies show that our behavior immediately becomes more defensive when we are reminded of death. In turn, we become increasingly insecure. This normally causes us to show increased preference for members of our own group (the "in group") over out-group members; to show more “consensus bias,” or favoritism toward those who hold beliefs similar to our own; and to develop “compensatory conviction,” an inflated faith in our personal worldview, such as a bias toward our own country and religion.
Therefore, when we skeptics try to educate people about 9/11, we provoke anxiety in our listeners since, unconsciously, we are reminding them of their own death. More defensive behaviors then ensue.
In addition, if our listeners view us as members of a minority group, they usually resist what we are saying — at least initially. If, on the other hand, they view us as members of the majority group, they are more likely to accept our information. In other words, people like to be on the winning side, or in the middle of the bell curve, as we saw in Part 6: Conformity.
As of this writing, skeptics of the official account of 9/11 are generally viewed as holding a minority opinion, but this need not remain the case. The good news is that research shows that information coming from a perceived minority group, although initially resisted, often exerts a hidden or delayed impact. When listeners hear dissenting views repeated, those views become more familiar. Thus, resistant individuals, when interviewed later, often show shifts in favor of the new information.1
German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer intuitively understood this delayed impact when he wrote,
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Lundi, 29 Septembre 2014 05:00 |
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Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, famous for defeating Napoleon at Waterloo, would have a battle royale on his hands were he alive today to defend his army against the persistent 9/11 Truth activists in his namesake city of Wellington, New Zealand.
This handful of patriots from Down Under presented their fourth annual "9/11—See the Evidence" Exhibition on September 13 and 14 at the Boat Café, a multi-level café and event space that overlooks Wellington Harbour and Oriental Bay. Read about the public's encouraging response here.
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Jeudi, 11 Septembre 2014 05:00 |
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Anatomy of a Great Deception || Times Square Digital Billboard || Actions in New York City
Updated Details & Lineup here.

Streaming video from AE911Truth events
Many of our New York City Events will be carried live by Jeff Durkin of WeAreChange Connecticut! Simply visit:
Covered events include (but not limited to)
September 11-13th — Street Actions in NYC
September 11 — AE911Truth Press Conference 11AM EDT
September 11 — NYC Premiere: Anatomy of a Great Deception 2 PM EDT
September 13 — AE911Truth Symposium 2 PM EDT
Great Recent AE911Truth Radio Interviews
August 21 — Alex Jones Radio Show (15-min)
September 4 — George Noory – Coast to Coast AM (2-hrs)
September 10 — James Corbett – Corbett Report (20-min)
September 11 — Jesse Ventura PodCastOne – We the People (30-min) - (Note – pre-recorded doesn't air until Sept 11)
The Anatomy of a Great Deception
We will be sharing and screening all around the world the powerful new movie, The Anatomy of a Great Deception, which will be premiering this September:
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Vendredi, 05 Septembre 2014 21:32 |
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89' Wide Corner Video Billboard to Rock Times Square Area
This 9/11 anniversary is the thirteenth. We intend to make it the most effective effort yet. Our lineup of activities and speakers is incredible.
But it needs you there. Can you get to New York to help us? Check out and download the full NYC schedule full NYC schedule for dates, times, and locations.
Thursday, September 11 – NYC
We start the day at 9:00 AM with a protest, complete with signs and banners, at the World Trade Center.
Then we join AE911Truth founder Richard Gage for an 11:00 AM press conference, where every US citizen will be called upon to speak out publicly against the lies told to the world about the largest crime in America's history and will be asked to take back the reins of this country.
Next we convene at 2:00 PM in East Village for the NYC Premiere of The Anatomy of a Great Deception, followed by a Q&A and remarks by special guest speakers.
After the film showing, we participate in a "mini-march" up to Union Square, where educating the public about the truth of 9/11 continues.
At 8:00 PM, we're invited to attend the New York City premiere of the challenging play, "This is Not About 9/11," which addresses unanswered questions about the topic that causes most New Yorkers to go silent. The play, which has received rave reviews, was written by 9/11 family member Sarah Van Auken, daughter of one of the four Jersey Girls (9/11 widows), who lost her father that tragic day.
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Écrit par Dalia Mae Lachlan
Lundi, 01 Septembre 2014 01:14 |
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Editor's Note: We republish a brilliant little gem that reflects upon Newton's law of universal gravitation—a law that was still in effect on 9/11, judging by the photographic evidence. The article, written by "Down Under" blogger Dalia Mae Lachlan, was originally published in Flipside News. Lachlan, by the way, has also authored a series of children's books, "Awaken Your Kids" — one of which, "The Three Tall Buildings," helps youngsters understand what really happened on 9/11 so they can explain it to their parents. Sometimes that's the way the world wakes up.
Empirical Observation of 9/11
The Three Tall Buildings
This is what a building collapse looks like. Even though the pillars of the building have been skillfully severed by explosives – everything of weight is going downwards.
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This is a general physical law derived from empirical observations and was formulated in Newton’s work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("the Principia"), first published on 5 July 1687.
327 years later society, governments and the mainstream media seem to have a problem with Newton.
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Écrit par Dick Scar, BSAE
Lundi, 01 Septembre 2014 01:10 |
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AE911Truth's Presenter Team "Star"
Volunteer Spotlight: Stan Beattie
S Stan Beattie holds up David Ray Griffin's book, The New Pearl Harbor, for his audience to see at a recent 9/11 Truth presentation.tan Beattie, PE, a member of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Presenter Team, became convinced that the official story of the events of September 11, 2001, was false after reading Dr. David Griffin’s book, The New Pearl Harbor, in 2004.
He became so committed to sharing the truth with his fellow Americans that in 2007 he flew from his home outside Detroit, Michigan, to Washington, D.C., to join a protest on the Mall against the Bush surge of the Iraq War. While Stan was walking on the Mall, he met people from DC911Truth, signed their petition, and proudly held up one of their placards. Shortly thereafter, he watched AE911Truth's two-hour Blueprint for Truth. Since then, he has become both an active member of AE's Presenter Team and a financial contributor.
Stan also supports Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. In fact, he has visited fire stations in Farmington Hills, near Detroit, and in Brooklyn, New York, and talked with the firefighters about 9/11. One of the people who came up to thank him after his presentation in Brighton, Michigan, said that his son had been to a firefighters' gathering, where the general feeling was that "controlled demolitions brought the buildings down."
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Écrit par Russ Baker
Lundi, 01 Septembre 2014 01:06 |
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WhoWhatWhy.com informs readers of NYC ballot initiative
Editor's Note: Investigative reporter Russ Baker launched the online publication WhoWhatWhy.com five years ago to do what he calls "forensic journalism"—that is, reporting that is "rigorous, relentless, and scientific." Sounds like a description of AE911Truth's research, doesn't it? In mid-August, Baker wrote an article about the NYC Coalition for Accountability NOW (NYC CAN), and interviewed its founder, Ted Walter. You can read the piece here:
Putting a 9/11 Mystery on the Ballot
I was standing blocks from Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex and staring directly at it when it collapsed.
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Écrit par AE911Truth Staff
Dimanche, 17 Août 2014 01:16 |
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Activists Across US Hail "9/11 Truth: Good for America" Reports from Hartford, Austin, Sandpoint, NYC
Most Americans celebrating Independence Day last month were feeling patriotic, but we're guessing they also had a sobering sense that things are not quite right in their country these days — that their historic freedoms are slipping away, one by one. So, in an attempt to help our fellow citizens reclaim their constitutional and civil rights, we in the 9/11 Truth Movement spent the Fourth of July articulating the country's deep-seated concerns, ranging from loss of civil liberties and NSA spying to a $4.5 trillion war on terror, torture, and assassination by drones. And, more importantly, we offered an explanation and a solution.
The new brochure is positive, colorful, and catchy. Keep the momentum rolling right into the 9/11 anniversary in your town!We led our listeners back to where it all started: 9/11. And we showed them that there's a huge problem with the official story, especially the part about the destruction of the World Trade Center, which is the focus of AE911Truth. To aid them in cutting through the 9/11 lies and discovering the truth, we launched a new campaign, 9/11 Truth: Good for America, accompanied by a dynamic new brochure, whose positive message is proving to be the perfect antidote to the nation's 9/11-induced woes.
AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, spent the day handing out the brochure at a July 4th parade while on an out-of-town excursion. "We simply hollered, 'Restore America with the Truth,' and most people would reach out eagerly for our patriotic-looking brochure," he recounts. "Our local AE911Truth Action Group ran out of hundreds of brochures in just an hour."
"It's the positive message that people are needing in order to be able to digest the difficult implications of 9/11 Truth." — Richard Gage, AIA
Here are details of a few of the Good for America campaigns around the country:
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