New Award-Winning Documentary Exposes Taboo, Challenges Intellectuals to Face Discomforting 9/11 Facts |
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Written by Gregg Roberts | |||
Sunday, 29 December 2013 03:42 | |||
Film Review: 9/11 in the Academic Community
This is certainly a film that needed to be made. With few exceptions, there has been a deafening silence in the classrooms of North American campuses regarding many obvious and undeniable facts that undermine the official account of 9/11. If the faculty and students at institutions of higher learning cannot question and even contradict what we have been told by media and government about the “crime of the century” without being called “conspiracy theorists,” then what has become of the academic community? Those who wrote the U.S. Constitution and defeated the British Empire’s dominion over the American colonies well understood that the spirit of free inquiry and an understanding of history were key to a properly functioning democratic republic. Even with those freedoms and values, Benjamin Franklin famously predicted that it would be difficult for us to “keep it.” Nothing less is at stake with regard to the issues covered in this film. 9/11 in the Academic Community is more watchable than most “9/11 truth” films. One of its biggest strengths is that all of its speakers express criticisms of the way that the 9/11 account was advanced and how it’s been treated in the 12 years since then – mostly without sounding angry. I found it refreshing that the experts interviewed in the film were allowed to talk. Their statements were not arbitrarily cut up to fit the needs of a typical viewing audience – as if suffering from attention deficit disorder. The interviewees speak in complete paragraphs like competent academics normally do.
My guess is that this was a purposeful attempt to avoid pressing people’s emotional buttons about large-scale conspiracies. Maybe it is worth a try to emphasize the taboo itself, so that people can more easily engage their minds in observing and confronting the taboo. The film does discuss how two arguments against the official account have been almost entirely ignored by academics in their respective fields, despite peer-reviewed publication in appropriate mainstream academic journals.
Those two arguments are:
While these arguments are solid, I found myself reacting with impatience to Korol’s description of his work. It seemed to me that for many viewers – including academics outside the field of structural or civil engineering – the easiest ways for people to know that the official 9/11 account is false were lost in his labored wording. Korol does not mention the free-fall of Building 7, though he has mentioned it elsewhere. The near-freefall and near-“joltless” downward accelerations of the twin towers are mentioned in a discussion that I found difficult to follow, despite 10 years of studying the World Trade Center evidence and a solid grasp of the physics involved.
I believe that Robert Korol extends this omission into an active commission when he says that what happened “remains an open question.” I don’t know how someone with Korol’s expertise who has examined the issues could believe this. The evidence taken as a whole makes it clear that the WTC twin towers and Building 7 were destroyed through some form of explosive controlled demolition that involved nano-engineered energetic materials. Other materials might have also been involved, but there’s no doubt about the basics. There’s no other way to explain the core evidence. (Many 9/11 activists, I note, similarly retreat into the defensive position that they are “only asking questions,” when that’s simply not true, and weakens their position.) Whatever the reason, I'm concerned that people who lack expertise in Korol’s field are going to be left with the impression that the issues are too technical for anyone outside that field to understand what’s really going on here. Many might even comfort themselves with the thought that for every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. 9/11 in the Academic Community is part of a noble attempt to halt the momentum toward tyranny in North America. Academics are accustomed to the idea that there are legitimate disagreements between schools of thought and even within schools of thought. They’re not used to the idea that one side is just basically wrong – much less that there could be an orchestrated cover-up in which one side is consistently putting out misleading or even false statements. The strongest evidence against the official 9/11 account is crystal clear. The debate is over. Reasonable people who understand that evidence CANNOT disagree about its meaning. Statements by 29 structural and civil engineers in a paper published in 2009 make this clear.
I am concerned with the need to get these films in front of people who are in a position to do something about 9/11. Activists operating on a shoestring budget understandably target the people most likely to attend the presentation of any new film. But the result of this is that most people today who watch serious documentaries about 9/11 are already familiar with much of the evidence. Unless additional deliberate efforts are made to persuade newcomers to attend screenings, we will continue mostly “preaching to the converted.” According to producer/director Adnan Zuberi, this documentary is already meeting the expectations – and gaining the endorsements – of major mainstream academics new to this line of inquiry. The film is short enough to allow for some discussion right there in the theater at special screenings after the movie has been shown.
Some of those who say that the US republic has already been lost are at least optimistic enough to say that it lasted longer than Franklin had any reason to expect it to. It hardly seems debatable that so many civil liberties have been lost as a result of the widespread acceptance of the official account of 9/11 – that we in the US no longer have a functioning constitutional republic, but one of form only. 9/11 in the Academic Community is part of a noble attempt to halt the momentum toward tyranny in North America and, we can all hope, begin a reversal. I highly recommend this film, and I encourage activists to set up showings on campuses all across the country.