Griffin & Gage Pair Up, Energize 9/11 Truth in Canada — Media Scrambles an Offense - Which Backfires |
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Tuesday, 18 May 2010 18:56 | |||
![]() Canada came, saw, and in the end agreed — 9/11 needs to be re–investigated. It began in Ottawa on April 30 at Carleton University. The critics remained silent until shortly before the show at which Richard Gage, AIA, was scheduled to present 9/11: Blueprint for Truth. But, one hour before the event, CBC News released their shot across the bow, changing what would have been a “below-the-radar” event into one with considerably more attention. The crowd was eager with anticipation, particularly with this blast from CBC, although some were uncertain about what really caused the World Trade Center building destructions prior to the event. A show of hands indicated that out of 196 attendees, 41 were unsure how the towers came down, and only one person believed that it was linked to Al-Qaeda. The remaining believed that controlled demolition brought the Twin Towers down. Mr. Gage received a standing ovation as he was introduced by ground-zero-eye-witness David Long, from Truth Action Ottawa, the organizers of the event. I thought his presentation was considerably more dynamic and updated than what I had seen on the DVD. I can relate the experience of watching the live presentation of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth to listening to one’s favorite musician, and then going to see that person in concert. They usually end up blowing you away. What I actually think has happened is that Mr. Gage has honed his presentation to near perfection, after nearly 100 live presentations since the making of the DVD. The final showing of hands following his presentation showed that, out of 41 who were originally unsure, only four remained unsure. And the one original person believing in the official account of events no longer believed that way. For instance, they wrote just one hour before the event that the university faculty states that they were "upset" that the campus would be used for such an event. (This story drew 217 comments on the CBC website. Comments favored the 9/11-truth side, 25 to 1.) An interesting point—the man interviewed works for a faculty financed by several important institutions, including media giant, Power Corporation of Canada, and has partnerships with Canada's Department of National Defense and the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal. After a one-day well deserved rest in his separate 15-stop tour, Dr. David Ray Griffin joined Richard Gage, AIA, in Toronto, for a Toronto-9/11-Truth sponsored sell-out crowd. Both received standing ovations as they made their entrances, and longer ones, when they said their farewells. The passion with which Gage delivered the presentation ignited many that night, and even Gage himself mentioned that It was “my best yet." Dr. Griffin, as always, was spectacular, and signed autographs in the foyer for almost all the 496 in the crowd. The show of hands in the beginning of the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth section yielded: 7 Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) believers and 68 unsure. Afterwards? It was 0 and just 5. These numbers are typical for the AE911Truth presentation. The evidence for the controlled demolition of the 3 WTC skyscrapers is that convincing. CityTV news, a local Toronto mainstream media outlet did show up, and interviewed Adam Parrot, the lead Toronto event coordinator. Unfortunately, the media forgot to do its job again — they didn’t report it. Rather, they copied the exact story sent out in the Montreal Gazette on May 1st, stating that one faculty member said, "…it will harm the schools credibility." Must this faculty member speak for everyone? Montreal was the last stop on the Canada tour. Ten had to be turned away from the packed the 730-seat auditorium at University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). JF Ranger, founder of World for 9/11 Truth, organized the event. The two speakers again received an opening standing ovation. The performances were electrifying and the show of hands revealed 23 OCT believers and 82 unsure beforehand, and just 7 OCT and 18 unsure afterward. Obviously the majority of those in attendance at all three events were already in agreement with the evidence for the explosive controlled demolition. ![]() Even though the notable Michel Chossudovsky exhorted the press to stay beyond the obligatory first 10 minutes of photo shoot to listen to the presentation and to “take notes,” they did no such thing. Rather, they held to their going-in story line that they characterized as “…a double-bill presentation scheduled in this city Monday evening by two leading voices of what’s known as the 9/11 truth movement has triggered lively debate over freedom of expression—after one researcher at the university where the event was being held labeled skeptics unconvinced by official U.S. government reports as ‘liars’ and ‘intellectually dishonest.’” ![]() This article comes from Montreal's French newspaper La Presse. Power Corporation of Canada owns this newspaper. PowerCorp also finances the specific UQAM department (Chaire Raoul Dandurand) where the "troubled" professors come from. These people also get a big part of their financing from the Department of Defense of Canada. PowerCorp is a company owned by Paul Desmarais, Jr. Mr. Desmarais and others sponsored a huge three-day conference in Montreal last year titled "Adapting to a New World Order." They had the heads of central banks from several countries in attendance. This is typified by the CBC’s spin on the TV interview of Mr. Gage in Montreal, a must see for students of the current state of mainstream corporate media. In the end, the people of Canada “spoke” with their standing ovations and show of hands. The evidence had revealed to these Canadians the truth of what happened that fateful day, and that the war in Afghanistan is not, by any means, justified on any level. The media continues to distort the facts involving 9/11 and hides the genuine calls by Canadians that the events of 9/11 must be re-investigated. The media neglects their own position in society, where they are expected and counted on to report these calls for a new investigation and to expose treachery in high places.