Now our need is to ensure that each of the 24,000 architects at the convention will make a conscious effort to find us at booth #2609! So we have approval to place a 1/4 page color ad (depicting a comparison of the Beijing high-rise fire with the mysterious destruction of WTC 7 — see image and click for a larger view). This ad will be placed in the prestigious Architectural Record – the publication of the American Institute of Architects. We do already have 2 gracious donors who are providing 1/2 of the $6,400 ad cost already! But we also want to send a similarly designed invitation post card to each of the 24,000 architects before the event and also as a follow-up after the event. The list cost, printing cost, and postage for this marketing effort will be over $11,400. Let's maximize the AE911Truth marketing opportunity of the year! If each of us do a little then we will move this mountain of denial in the building professional that we need to reach the most! Thanks everyone.