![]() We would like to thank all of our Sustaining Supporters for sending us to Washington, DC, in July. Five of our staff from around the country converged on our nation's capital for an incredible series of actions directly in alignment with our mission to bring the awareness of the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11 to architects, engineers, and members of Congress. The Washington DC AIA Convention We set up our AE911Truth evidence booth for viewing by 700 attending architects at the local convention of the American Institute of Architects. We captured the attention of a few hundred and gave away as many DVDs. Most booth visitors were quite interested and open-minded. However, we did notice that architects and engineers are just as prone to preserving their worldview as non-technical people. This information is a difficult pill to swallow for anyone. Once they were willing to stop and to look at the 60" TV screen continuously highlighting the destruction of WTC 7, most of them instinctively knew that it was a controlled demolition. It took little else to gain at least their intellectual and moral support for our petition. Most wanted to take the literature and DVDs home for further analysis. Sixteen signed the petition on the spot. Of course, we also had a couple of nasty comments such as "conspiracy theorists!" No one made such a comment after actually looking at any of the main points of scientific forensic evidence, which was easy to examine. We streamed live video during the convention, thanks to our dedicated AE911Truth staffer John Parulis, with great help from Allen Rees of No Lies Radio. Our viewers were able to watch us try to handle all the architects, who were two layers deep at times leaning over each other to catch a glimpse of the explosiveness of the destruction of the Twin Towers on the 40" screen. We rented a classroom adjacent to the AIA educational classrooms and showed half-hour version of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth every hour on the hour on the 60" monitor. We had at least a few architects come by and watch the film and ask some great questions during the Q&A afterward. Most walked by though, not ready to even acknowledge the possibility that their lives and perhaps their careers were irreversibly altered by a clandestine series of deceptive controlled demolitions on 9/11. This lack of awareness is changing. The light often does not turn on at the first exposure. Special thanks to our incredible volunteer staff John Parulis, Chris Sarns, Gregg Roberts, Michael Armenia, Kyle Nash, Adam Syed, Tim Lingg, Ralph Allen, Jon Cole, and many others who came to help the architects understand the evidence. Watch these guys in action. AE911Truth on Capitol Hill We invited our supporters from across the country to come to Washington, DC, and make appointments with their congressional reps and senators. And they responded, coming from Connecticut, DC, Florida, Texas, Illinois, California, Maryland, Virginia, Washington state, and elsewhere. We met their congressional leaders and staffers (see the table on our website) and gave brief presentations to about 18 of them in five different office buildings. See the forthcoming video debriefings on our website for the specifics. In general we found the staffers, science advisors, and reps quite attentive and most of them promised to watch the 30-minute DVD. We will be following up with all of them next week.
We went to the NIST campus in Bethesda, MD, and attempted to hand-deliver yet another sharply worded letter to Dr. Shyam Sunder. We had quite a cold reception at the guard shack, but were ultimately able to read the letter to the visitor's reception agents and leave it with them for delivery. We asked Dr. Sunder in the letter to come clean with the American people and reveal the truth about the implications of the free-falling 47-story high-rise, WTC 7 on 9/11; the implications of nano-thermite explosives in all the WTC dust samples; the implications of several tons of molten metal under the building; and so on. We then went to Pennsylvania Avenue and laid out our large banner in front of the White House: "9/11: Hundreds of Architects and Engineers are Calling for a Real Investigation." We spoke with many interested tourists and an alleged truther-turned-debunker who recited to us long-discredited Popular Mechanics official conspiracy theory arguments. Anyone can go to the White House, lay a banner down on the street, and pass out literature to tourists. We encourage DC911Truth to have at it. Many of the people we saw were just hanging around, hoping to catch a view of the president. Of course we toured some meaningful places in DC as well. I was deeply moved by the penetrating honesty and power of the Vietnam War Memorial. What kind of memorial will be erected for the truth about 9/11 once it is recognized by an awakening America? Richard Gage, AIA, Gives a Double Header Speech in DC We packed the room of the Busboys & Poets restaurant with almost 100 attendees in each of two consecutive speaking engagements of the multimedia presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth. While most who came were already aware of the evidence for controlled demolition, we were able to convince everyone else in the room of its veracity. Matt Sullivan and the great folks of DC911Truth and We Are Change DC, MD, and VA did an excellent job of marketing for the event and filling the space ⎯ as well as hosting AE911Truth in their wonderful town. Thank you all. We hope to see you all again November 1-3.