
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

    RT TV Show Interviews AE911Truth Experts About ReThink911 Campaign

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, questions the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Center High-rises

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, has to admit that World Trade Center Building 7 probably did not collapse due to normal office fires as NIST would want us to believe

    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

    Architects & Engineers:
    Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

    The Reality Report
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth
    AE911Truth Gears Up as September 11 Nears
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by Rich Caragol, Architect   
    Friday, 13 August 2010 18:27

    AE911Truth Founder Richard Gage, AIA, will be traveling to the East Coast and visiting yet another continent as well as continuing to speak several times per week over the airways on mainstream radio.

    Mr. Gage will be traveling to Livingston Manor, NY, located in the Catskill Mountains and speaking at the “The Catskills Truth Gathering” -- a conference and retreat to be held August 14-16.

    Here, Mr. Gage will be presenting the scientific forensic evidence regarding the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers.  AE911Truth continues to draw attention as the now 1,200 Architects & Engineers call for a “New and Independent Investigation.”

    Other featured speakers include: Sander Hicks, founder of the Truth Party; Luke Rudkowski,
founder of We Are Change; Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal; and Rev. Ian Alterman, minister and member of Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth. This conference will also host discussions, led by Sander Hicks of his new Truth Party, which may be officially announced as well at this conference.

    AE911Truth Heats up the 9/11 Truth Choir in Sizzling Tucson
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by Thomas Costanzo   
    Tuesday, 27 July 2010 19:01

    Richard Gage, AIA, began his visit to Tucson at full throttle. He immediately visited the studio of AM1330 “Gnosis” Radio, where host Chuck Aubrey interviewed him prior to the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth presentation that evening. A video taken in the studio is archived on 911Blogger here.

    This is the second time I have seen the dynamic presentation of Richard Gage, AIA. I have also attended numerous other lectures about the inconsistencies which occurred on 9/11. Gage does an excellent job of explaining the subject of 9/11 by focusing completely on the destruction of the high-rises. He does not attempt to place blame and thereby maintains the credibility of the AE911Truth organization of professional architects and engineers.  Only the anomalies in the government reports and the physical evidence are discussed -- and they are overwhelming. There needs to be a new investigation. There is such a large mountain of data on the subject that one could spend an incredible amount of time researching all the facts involved. What Gage does very effectively is narrow the talk down to a very specific set of facts, all of which are easily understandable to a person of normal intelligence.

    AE911Truth Online Store – Stock Full of Technical Documents:
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by Online Store Volunteer Staff   
    Tuesday, 27 July 2010 17:12

    “29 Structural/Civil Engineers Cite Evidence
    for Controlled Demolition - Spiral Bound”

    As of July 2010, more than 1,200 architects and engineers have joined the call by AE911Truth for a new investigation, faulting the official reports and documenting the explosive evidence for the destruction of the 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. This exclusive 13-page article includes seven pages of fascinating interviews along with six pages of biographical info about 29, of over 60 total, structural/civil engineers who are extensively quoted in the article.

    You’ll quickly get a sense of the easily and intuitively understood rational thinking that structural engineers are capable of once they are exposed to the evidence and have had a chance to digest it.  And you can use this article and the simplicity of the quotes from the engineers to sway your friends, engineers or not.

    Why Progressives Should Press for Building-7 Exposure
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by Dwain Deets   
    Tuesday, 27 July 2010 17:35

    Published originally in OpEdNews, July 24, 2010,

    Progressives should press for exposure of the problems related to the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. (An abbreviated set of seven of these problems are available at the 7problemswithbuilding7.info website, and over 1,200 architects and engineers are calling for a new investigation.) Thus far, these problems have been mostly hidden from the public. Exposure could provide a rallying point for efforts to bring accountability and justice in America. It can bring clarity to the press for transparency in government, and it can expose corporate Machiavellian manipulations that have clearly gone on relative to Building 7's collapse.

    9/11 Truth Presented at Advanced Wealth Building Conference in Jamaica
    News - News Releases By AE911Truth
    Written by Richard Gage, AIA   
    Tuesday, 27 July 2010 01:59

    AE911Truth was flown into Jamaica earlier this month to present the evidence for the explosive destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers to their top 250 associates.  Why?  Wealth Masters International is a company of 20,000 associates seeking to build and maintain their wealth in the face of a declining economy and the largest wealth transfer in history.

    Kip Herriage and Karl Bessey are the leaders of this unique wealth oriented company, who brought AE911Truth  to this annual conference in order to give their followers very sensitive information that few other Wall Street gurus dare to  understand or to provide.  Their associates came together for four days to take a hard look at the light as well as dark sides of our national and world economy, and the opportunities available to savvy investors.  They brought together a collection of other leaders, like Mike Maloney of GoldSilver.com, and G. Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island", and a host of other leaders in the areas of investment and health.

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