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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Editor
Saturday, 08 January 2011 00:20 |
Regional and International Tours in the Works
"It's important to distinguish evidence from opinion" - St. Mary's Professor John Albert Dragstedt |
This month Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, starts out with his sleeves rolled up, back at the college chalk board on January 11, shedding light on “the Architecture of Destruction,” the subtitle of AE911Truth’s power-packed DVD. For the fourth consecutive year, Professor John Albert Dragstedt is bringing in AE911Truth to give a lecture as a part of his January term course at St. Mary’s College. Prof. Dragstedt's course, “The Mythologies of Capitalism”. This January course deals with controversial topics over an intense month. And for Prof. Dragstedt, 9/11 is an “unparalleled atrocity” that must be understood, no matter how difficult or controversial that understanding might prove. Mr. Gage has made it his goal to contribute to that understanding everywhere from the halls of academia to the halls of Congress.
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Jim Cirile
Friday, 07 January 2011 18:41 |
The magazine purports to value the scientific method but omits or distorts the vast body of scientific forensic evidence available in the aftermath of the destruction of the WTC Towers. |
For 35 years, Skeptical Inquirer has fought the good fight. The bimonthly magazine publication of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry seeks to “criticize claims of the paranormal and pseudoscience,” promote “a balanced view of science in the mass media” and “teach critical thinking in schools,” according to CSI founder Paul Kurtz. Despite this noble mission, Skeptical Inquirer recently delivered what its author probably believed was a fiery smack-down to the 9/11 Truth movement.
Rutgers sociology professor Ted Goertzel’s double-length cover story in the January/February 2011 issue, “The Conspiracy Meme – Why Conspiracy Theories Appeal and Persist,” lumps the 9/11 Truth movement in with the “faked Moon landing,” and “AIDS was a government plot to kill gay people.” While Goertzel does some analysis and draws conclusions regarding the “conspiracy mindset,” when it comes to 9/11, he ignores the most important evidence. He indulges himself in ad hominems and other fallacies that, in particular he should know about, given how he and the periodical for which he is writing have positioned and marketed themselves. He’s dismissive and even derisive – in violation of the magazine’s stated policies. To his credit, it appears Goertzel did watch Loose Change: An American Coup, but that seems to be about the extent of his actual 9/11 research:
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Brian Romanoff
Friday, 07 January 2011 19:27 |
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth has an extraordinary Verification Team. They are a very special group of volunteers – individually responsible for ensuring that signers of the AE911Truth petition are real and the information they provide is accurate. All petition signers are verified, whether they are architects, engineers, or “other” supporters, and regardless of whether they live in the United States. Verifying 13,000 petition signers, 1,400 of whom are licensed and/or degreed A/E professionals, is no small task.
Sean Brizendine led the Verifications Team with exceptional skills and dedication throughout 2010 |
In 2010 alone, more than 400 professional architects and engineers were verified and displayed on the AE911Truth petition. Each of domestic A/E signer is contacted personally by phone by one of the Verification Team volunteers. Most of these professionals are surprised, then satisfied and thankful for the time and effort we spend verifying their credentials. After making personal contact with each signer, the volunteer reviews the signer’s credentials. If contact cannot be made or if appropriate credentials cannot be found, we do not count or display the signer on our A/E professionals list.
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Michael Cook
Friday, 07 January 2011 00:15 |
Physics Instructor David Chandler gives NIST another whack with the ruler There are several outstanding leaders in the 9/11 truth movement. High school and community college physics instructor David Chandler has found his place among them. With 30 years of experience teaching physics, math, and astronomy in a variety of schools in the US and India, Chandler easily guides the layperson through the basic physics of 9/11. His articulate, detailed website, co-produced with AE911Truth’s Jon Cole, another prominent contributor to our mission, provides valuable documentation of the controlled demolition of all three WTC skyscrapers. For instance, he has produced a premier article on Building 7 which he says presents physics at the level of “the first month of a high school physics course” in a Resistance Radio interview with Tod Fletcher. The NIST report on Building 7 is inconsistent with basic physics as we know it. Chandler notes “if the NIST report on Building 7 had been turned in by a first-year student in one of my classes, it would have received a D or an F.” Its 1,000 pages of error, negligence, and fraud are exposed by Chandler’s simple, historic papers and videos. Chandler has just released a new DVD which is a well-edited compilation of his many videos that spells out in no uncertain terms some of the physically impossible and obviously false features of the official explanation for what transpired on 9/11, as they relate to the Twin Towers and WTC 7.
This DVD is now for sale in the AE911Truth online store.