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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Larry Landon
Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:52 |
Of all the sponsors that cover Domschot’s winning racer, AE911Truth takes center stage |
Watch the video!
Some people go to great lengths to inform others about AE911Truth. In the case of Will Domschot, of Auburn, California, we’re talking about CAR lengths. While getting his dune buggy ready for a series of three races in the Valley Off Road Racing Association (VORRA) on March 12th and 13th, he decided to use it to make a bold statement for 9/11 truth. With new decals and some help from the AE911Truth Graphics Team, he gave his car an AE911Truth theme.
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Eli Rika
Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:12 |
Manny Badillo, Leslie Young, Tony Szamboti and Bob McIlvaine joined other family members and technical professionals in the latest ad from the Remember Building 7 Campaign |
It’s been almost a decade since the Manhattan Twin Towers were completely destroyed, allegedly by fire and plane impacts, on the same day, taking thousands of lives with them. Yet, the collapse of WTC Building 7, which also occurred on that day, still remains unknown to most Americans. Though its destruction was recorded by news crews and bystanders, reported by first responders, and analyzed by university physicists and scientists, mentioning it in casual conversation often leads to a puzzled response. What many people consider the prime “smoking gun” of 9/11 has been hidden by the media for years. Now, the veil of silence is starting to be lifted. On Saturday, March 26, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the Remember Building 7 (formerly “BuildingWhat?”) Campaign took another decisive step in exposing the truth, with the Investigate Building 7 Conference at the University of Hartford in Connecticut and the release of a new television ad about this pivotal subject.
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Staff Writer
Monday, 14 March 2011 00:10 |
VIP Packet – Ladies T-Shirt – 9/11 Investigator Viewer
VIP Packets help reach people of means and influence
New Pre-assembled VIP Packet |
We now have the perfect pre-assembled literature package, our VIP Packet for that high-value elected representative, celebrity, or media personality. This is the packet that we gave to every member of the Senate and House. In one shot you’ll be handing your VIP the new AE911Truth San Francisco Press Conference DVD with all the core evidence presented in just one hour, appropriate for media representatives and other busy professionals. This enveloped DVD features Richard Gage, AIA, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, and Erik Lawyer. You also get our elegant “Street Brochure” with the evidence in bulleted form, with photos, as well as our informative and colorful broadsheet newspaper, the 9/11 Investigator. We’ve also included an introduction letter from AE911Truth and a business card as well. We’ve made it so easy for you.
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Friday, 18 March 2011 19:29 |
Lupe Fiasco asks “9/11, building 7: did they really pull it?” |
Atlantic Records rap star Lupe Fiasco calls the collapse of World Trade Center building 7 into question on his new album ‘Lasers,’ released March 8, 2011.
In “Words I Never Said,” the new radio single off of ‘Lasers,’ he asks “9/11, building 7: did they really pull it?” (at 0:46)
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News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by Dick Scar
Sunday, 13 March 2011 23:45 |
A great way to get ideas and information in front of a lot of readers is to get a Letter To the Editor (LTE) published in newspapers and magazines – the wider the circulation, the better. It costs nothing but a little of your time. Spread the word on the scientific evidence of how the three WTC buildings really came down. Many readers will be learning about Building 7 for the first time!
Readers everywhere get more out of reading the Letters To the Editor |
Not a writer? Don’t worry. Sample letters are available on our website, making it easy to compose a letter you can submit to a newspaper. Just click Take Action at the top of our home page and scroll down to “Write a letter to the editor.” All the letters currently posted have been published in newspapers. Additional examples will be added when you do your part and send in your published letter to us at
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