About Us
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) is a non-profit non-partisan organization of architects, engineers and affiliates dedicated to exposing the falsehoods and to revealing facts about the complete destruction of all three World Trade Center high-rises on September 11, 2001. Our organization is devoted to: ■ Dispelling misinformation and disinformation with scientific facts and forensic evidence ■ Educating and motivating thousands of architects and engineers as well as the public at large ■ Obtaining a truly independent WTC investigation with subpoena power ■ Achieving mainstream media coverage for our cause
Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
Said founder Richard Gage during the press conference that evening, "The people of New York need to see the light--that a third WTC skyscraper not hit by any plane was destroyed on September 11th. They have been deceived about what happened on that terrible day. We are shining the spotlight, literally, on the fact that the official story of what happened at Ground Zero simply cannot be true and that a truly independent new investigation is needed both as a matter of national security and as the key to justice for the victims of the Twin Towers." In addition to the education of building professionals, the media, academicians, and the general public, we call upon Congress for accountability, which includes a truly independent investigation with subpoena power. We provide the evidence that indicates that three World Trade Center buildings #1 (North Tower), #2 (South Tower), and #7 (the 47-story high-rise across Vesey St.) were destroyed not by jet impact and fires but by controlled demolition with explosives and incendiaries.
We believe that turning the tide of public opinion is the most powerful way to convince Congress to pursue a new investigation. To this end we have published a number of educational documents on our website AE911Truth.org and offer educational materials and products in our online store: Our DVD, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, includes the dynamic multimedia presentation by Richard Gage, AIA, which explains the evidence to the lay public and professionals alike, and makes clear why a new investigation is warranted and long overdue. 9/11: Blueprint for Truth is available in four lengths: the full version is 2 hours, and three abridged versions are available in 1-hour, 30-minute, and 10-minute presentations.
Mr. Gage has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed, steel-framed buildings. Most recently, he worked on the construction documents for a $400M mixed-use urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail, a parking structure, and 320,000 square feet of mid-rise office space—altogether with about 1,200 tons of steel framing. Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing on the radio the startling conclusions of reluctant 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11. Since founding Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Gage has presented the live multimedia presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth almost 300 times in 28 foreign countries and 82 American cities to groups from 100 to 3,000. He has appeared in more than 300 radio interviews and television spots. |