AE911Truth press conference to take place in Austin, TX March 20, 2010 Drucken
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Sonntag, den 14. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Doubletree Hotel in Austin on Saturday 3/20/10 from 1 - 9 PM
Organized by Ron Avery, Architect
Click on image to download full brochure

Watch the video archive of the press conference.
Scroll down on that link to where it says "Texas Architects and Engineers For 911 Truth Press Conference and Seminar -  LIVE FROM "Doubletree Hotel"  Austin, Texas Mar. 20, 2010  1:00pm til 8pm CDT."

Austin Press Conference BrochureArchitect and AE911Truth petition signer Ron Avery, along with fellow supporters, will show the video of the original AE911Truth 80 minute Press Conference that was held in San Francisco on 2/19/10. Ron will give his own presentation as an architect concerning the construction and destruction of the WTC Twin Towers and how limited damage to 5 floors on each building is insufficient to collapse 110 floors of such a structure.

All Texas architects and engineers are encouraged to attend this Press Conference.

Contact Ron

From the Press Release

This Press Conference is held exclusively to announce that over a thousand (1,114) architects and engineers have signed a petition at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( calling for a new independent investigation into the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and to reveal the conclusions of architects and engineers who have studied the destruction of these buildings. All news reporters are welcome to attend and ask questions of our presenters from 1 to 9 PM. This event is sponsored by petition signing architect, Ronald F. Avery and his meetup group, and both "We are Change" meetup groups in San Antonio and Austin.

Austin Press Conference BrochureSigners of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Petition will discuss the organization's findings, based on examination of the forensic evidence, videos and eye witness testimony omitted from official reports, such as the free-fall collapse of the 47 story WTC building 7 into its own footprint and the discovery of advanced explosive nano-thermitic material found in the WTC dust samples. The focus of this press conference will be to detail the scientific questions and answers of these building and technical professionals whose findings determine that all three skyscrapers were destroyed by explosive controlled demolition rather than the impact and fires from 767 collisions. AE911Truth is also calling for a grand jury investigation of Shyam Sunder, Lead Investigator and John Gross, Co-Project Leader both of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

Alex Jones, International journalist and producer of &, will address the importance of the truth about 911; Dr. Bob Bowman, retired Air Force Colonel and head of Star Wars under Reagan, will address the 911 Commission "Omission" Report; Ron Avery, architect, will describe the structural system of WTC Twin Towers; Dr. Al Hays, environmental engineer, will present the evidence of Nano-thermite found in all dust samples at the WTC; Derek Johnson, E.I.T. with foundry experience, will review the partial "free fall" collapse of the 47 story WTC Building 7 and the NIST report. Mr. Avery will use drawings, models and videos to illustrate his reasons for signing the petition. Al Hays and Derek Johnson have also signed the petition.

It will be live streaming as well: (link no longer working)

We Are Change - San Antonio and Austin will Sponsor with C4 Liberty - Taphouse the TEXAS ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH PRESS CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR