Building What? Day 1 Drucken
Geschrieben von: NYCCAN.ORG   
Montag, den 15. März 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Fellow Advocates:

Today, March 15, 2010, we begin channeling the energy and strength of our movement into one voice to help the New York City Council become aware of the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

Believe it or not, many New York City officials are only vaguely aware that a third building collapsed on September 11th, if they are aware at all. Our only purpose for contacting them is to politely ask that they take measures to investigate the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

Therefore, there are two simple rules for participating in this campaign:

1) Talk only about World Trade Center Building 7

2) Be courteous and respectful

NYC CAN will inform the council members' offices that anyone who is disrespectful, or who mentions other aspects of 9/11, is trying to sabotage the legitimate call for a proper investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. But to ensure that opponents of truth do not undermine our effort, we will need each and every one of you to get involved and drown out their vitriolic voice with courtesy, clarity and honesty.

The Script

We have three points to make:

1) A third building called World Trade Center Building 7 also collapsed on September 11th. This building housed the Office of Emergency Management's Emergency Operations Center.

2) The federal government issued a report saying that office fires caused this building to collapse, however, there is overwhelming physical and testimonial evidence that this building was brought down with the use of explosives.

3) In response, 1,100 architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation because the federal government's report is deeply flawed and unscientific.

Translated to a phone call:

• Hello, my name is _________. I would like to leave a message for Council Member ______ to ask that he/she take measures to investigate the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Who should I speak with?

You will either be transferred to someone else, or the receptionist will say, "you can speak with me", or the receptionist will say, "Thank you, we will let the council member know". If you are given time to elaborate on your message, you say:

• I would like to inform the council member that:

i. A third building called World Trade Center Building 7 also collapsed on September 11th. This building housed the Office of Emergency Management's Emergency Operations Center.

ii. The federal government issued a report saying that office fires caused this building to collapse, however, there is overwhelming physical and testimonial evidence that this building was brought down with the use of explosives.

iii. In response, 1,100 architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation because the federal government's report is deeply flawed and unscientific.

• Be sure to thank the person you are speaking with.

Translated to a fax (feel free to copy/paste this exact text):

March 15, 2010

Dear Council Member ___________,

I am writing to ask that you take measures to open an investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

World Trade Center Building 7 was the third building to collapse on September 11th when it came down at 5:20 in the afternoon. This building housed the Office of Emergency Management's Emergency Operations Center.

An agency of the federal government called the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a report in 2008 saying that office fires caused this building to collapse, however, there is overwhelming physical and testimonial evidence that this building was brought down with the use of explosives.

In response, 1,100 architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation because the federal government's report is deeply flawed and unscientific. To learn more, please go to the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth website,

You can watch footage of World Trade Center Building 7 collapse by googling "WTC 7".

Thank you very much for looking into this important matter.

Sincerely yours,

Today's Council Members

Council Member Maria del Carmen Arroyo
Phone: (718) 402-6130
Fax: (718) 402-0539

Council Member Charles Barron
Phone: (718) 649-9495
Fax: (718) 649-3111

Council Member Fernando Cabrera
Phone: (347) 590-2874
Fax: (347) 590-2878
Because this is Day 1, we kindly ask you to email us if you contacted all three council members so that we can get a rough estimate of how many people are participating. Also let us know if you learned anything interesting from your phone calls - we need your feedback to steadily improve our message.

Thank you for helping with this important effort.

Thinkers think and talkers talk. Patriots ACT.