Colorado Public TV Leads the Way - Airs "9/11: Experts Speak Out" - Streaming Worldwide 8/18 at 7pm MDT Drucken
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Donnerstag, den 30. August 2012 um 05:00 Uhr
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Colorado Public TV Leads the Way –
Airs AE911Truth’s
9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out
Watch Live 8/18 Saturday at 7pm MDT

UPDATE: Not only is the film 9/11: Experts Speak Out being streamed online worldwide through September 2, but Colorado Public Television (CPT12) is also providing local encore airings of this film and of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth this week. Please let your friends know these times, and if you have not, please donate whatever you can afford to CPT12 now!

Rebroadcast Times

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 8:30 PM – 9/11: Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes
Saturday, September 1, 2012 8:00 PM - 9/11: Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes
Saturday, September 1, 2012 9:30 PM – 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – 120 minutes
Saturday, September 1, 2012 11:30 PM - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – 120 minutes
Sunday, September 2, 2012 1:30 AM - 9/11: Experts Speak Out – 90 minutes

Watch 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out on PBS. See more from KBDI.

Dear 9/11 truth supporters,

We hope you will watch this rare Public Television programming and, call in to let CPT-12 know that you appreciate it with your pledge. This will be streamed worldwide, so please forward this email far and wide!

We are most fortunate that our plucky, independent TV station in Denver – financed mostly by individuals, not corporations – decided to break the silence about 9/11, this most taboo of subjects.

We hope you will choose to become informed on this critical issue, which continues to be the engine that wreaks havoc on our fellow human beings around the world.

We will not be silent. Let this be the motto of us all for the benefit of humanity and our world.

Thank You!
Fran Shure – for the Colorado 9/11 Visibility team

Colorado Public TV to Air ESO Documentary!

When: Saturday, August 18, 2012, 7:00pm (MDT), with encore airings on Channel 12.1.

Live Streaming and Details: Of special interest, CPT12 will be streaming this important event over the internet through Sunday, September 2, 2012 at: Details of encore airings and public comments can be found at this link.

9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out: This new documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth features dozens of credentialed experts in architecture, engineering, and other related fields who argue that the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were not brought down on September 11, 2001, by the office fires ignited by the jetliner impacts, but rather by explosive controlled demolition. The 43 architects, engineers, physicists, chemists, and others interviewed in the film represent more than 14,000 concerned citizens and over 1,700 architects and engineers from around the world who have signed a petition demanding a new, independent investigation. The film details scientific, forensic evidence that the group claims was omitted or misrepresented by the official reports. Official reports blame the unprecedented destruction of all three modern skyscrapers on fires and on the removal of insulation by the jetliner impacts. No jetliner crashed into WTC 7.

The documentary presents interviews with several psychologists who share their ideas about why the evidence discussed by the technical experts in the film has been difficult for many to face, and how to make approaching others with this controversial issue easier. Family members of 9/11 victims speak to the viewers explaining why they are still not happy with the answers they’ve been given by our government. They ask that we join them in looking at what these experts have to say.

Appearing live in the CPT12 studios: San Francisco Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA, the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, will join Shari Bernson and Tom Colbert in the CPT12 studios for questions. Gage has recently completed a national tour with this new film. Frances Shure, MA, LPC, one of the psychology professionals in the documentary, will also be an in-studio guest.

History: Due to visionary Development Director Shari Bernson’s leadership, CPT12 is the first US broadcaster and PBS affiliate station to air content addressing alternative theories and suppressed news about the events of 9/11. Their US premiere broadcast of 9/11: Press for Truth in June 2009 was a successful fundraiser but not without controversy. The station received many viewer responses, pro and con, nationally and internationally. Bernson welcomes the debate, noting that “CPT12 has always supported airing alternative voices that have received censorship in the mainstream media.”

Over the succeeding years, CPT12 aired the documentaries 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, America: Freedom to Fascism, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup and The World According to Monsanto, which were similarly successful in generating pledges and public commentary.

Mission: Colorado Public Television is committed to presenting alternative perspectives and to examining information and issues not addressed elsewhere in the mainstream media:

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