Take Action Now! Make an Impact Locally and Globally as an AE911Truth Volunteer Drucken
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Donnerstag, den 19. Januar 2012 um 18:25 Uhr
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AE911Truth has been effective in reaching the public because of the involvement of dedicated volunteers like this Action Group from Buffalo, NY

Have you already signed the AE911Truth petition? Have you joined the family of sustaining supporters? You may be wondering what else you can do.

It takes much more than a petition and funding for a movement to achieve real results. It takes real action from a multitude of volunteers, who support the work of AE911Truth in a variety of ways. More than a dozen volunteer teams at AE911Truth provide the opportunity for concerned citizens to get involved and bring us closer to the goal of a real 9/11 investigation. Please join us as we set out to make 2012 a landmark year for 9/11 Truth.

Here are a few of the many amazing people who have answered the call to action and are making a difference as volunteers:

Even though Laila Selk thinks of gardening as her favorite hobby, she is most passionate about educating the public about 9/11 as an AE911Truth volunteer on our Verifications Team

Laila Selk was motivated to join the Verifications Team when she attended the AE911Truth Press Conference in San Francisco with Richard Gage, AIA, and firefighter Erik Lawyer of Fire Fighters for 9/11 Truth, on February 19, 2010. She helps us by verifying the credentials of the architects, engineers, and others that have signed our petition for a real investigation.

“I was so inspired by what I'd heard that day that I knew I wanted to be part of bringing 9/11 truth to the public,” Selk explained. “The personal connections I've made since becoming a volunteer have forever changed my life, and I am grateful to those who pour their hearts into this critically important work.”

When volunteer and engineer Dick Scar isn’t busy writing groundbreaking articles for the Blueprint Newsletter, he enjoys photography, hiking, and cross-country skiing

Dick Scar, BSAE, became a volunteer with AE911Truth in 2009 after seeing 9/11: Blueprint for Truth on a Denver Public TV station. His tireless work on the Writing Team over the last two years has helped us inform activists and educate new audiences around the world.

“I consider my volunteering for AE911Truth to be some of the most important work I've ever done,” Scar said.

Volunteering with the Translation Team has given Canadian Sandra Jelmi the opportunity to communicate with 9/11 Truth activists around the world

Sandra Jelmi joined AE911Truth in August 2010 and is now the leader of the Translation Team. Once Jelmi researched the explosive information that AE911Truth has publicized, she felt compelled to get involved.

“The events of 9/11 changed everything, and it was too important NOT to do something about it,” she said. “I signed up with AE911Truth because they offered the most credible, no-nonsense approach and the greatest possibility of actually obtaining a new investigation based on the forensic evidence.”

Jelmi also discussed how the demand for a real 9/11 investigation stretches beyond national borders. “The Translation Team in particular is spread out over all parts of the world, because these volunteers realize that the truth about 9/11, with all its implications, is not just an American issue, but an international one that affects everyone, no matter where you live,” she said.

Mike Cook, an avid rock climber and whitewater rafter, considers volunteering with AE911Truth to be one of his most rewarding efforts

Mike Cook has served on several teams since he joined AE911Truth in 2008 and currently assists the Writing Team. He was also instrumental in the foundation of the Remember Building 7 campaign and our new DVD, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.

“What I like most about volunteering is that I’m doing something constructive for the cause of truth and justice,” Cook said. “While some people in the movement get discouraged and frustrated, being a part of AE911Truth allows me to contribute on an ongoing basis in ways that have a positive effect on the world.”

AE911Truth is in great need of additional eager volunteers like these to join our existing teams and to launch new ones. Please take a look at our existing teams to see what most interests you and then fill out our volunteer form.

The Action Groups Team supports local activities across the country and around the world.

The College Outreach Team creates and supports student 9/11 truth organizations on campus.

The Congressional Outreach Team coordinates letter writing and meetings with members of the U.S. Congress.

The Fundraising Team develops and implements vital financial support for AE911Truth. Donate now.

The Graphics Team creates new banners for the website and updates and creates new printed literature using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

The Media Outreach Team places our information in the mainstream and independent media.

The NIST Pursuit Team develops methods of holding NIST accountable for their false, misleading, and unscientific 9/11 reports.

The Online Store Team supports customer service, new product development, inventory management, reporting, and other tasks for the store.

The Presenter Team trains volunteers on how to arrange speaking engagements and make AE911Truth presentations with our materials.

The Public Access TV Team works with public access TV stations to show the films “9/11:Blueprint for Truth” and “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”.

The Public Outreach Team reaches out to various social groups, government entities and academic and media circles in conferences and events to educate people about what really happened at the WTC on 9/11.

The Translation Team translates our various works into many languages (22 and counting!).

The Video Team creates new documentaries like “WTC 7: Solving the Mystery, 9/11 Blueprint for Truth,” and “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” makes video recordings of our presentations and develops other important work.

The Verification Team reviews and verifies the credentials of our 1,600+ signatory architects and engineers according to a rigorous set of standards to ensure AE911Truth’s principal point of credibility.

The Volunteer Team matches new volunteers like you with projects and teams where your talents can best be applied toward the AE911Truth mission.

The Front-End Web Team focuses on posting articles, and improving the appearance, navigation, and usability of the website. Joomla skills are a huge plus.

The Back-End Web Team maintains and improves the infrastructure for all of our web-based services. We especially need Joomla and PHP programmers.

The Writing Team fills the research, writing, and editing needs of all the other teams, and also publishes our monthly newsletter, The Blueprint.

Volunteers are the driving force behind the success of AE911Truth. By signing up for one of these teams – or leading a new team – you can become a vital part of the effort to educate the public about the WTC demolitions and secure the justice and accountability that our society desperately needs. Join us, and be the change you want to see in the world.