AE911Truth to Be Featured on KPFA 94.1 FM Pledge Drive Drucken
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Dienstag, den 04. Oktober 2011 um 21:35 Uhr
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**10/6/11 UPDATE** Congratulations AE911Truth supporters - this Free Speech KPFA radio 94.1 FM pledge/interview was the most successful pledge hour of any during their pledge drive! You raised $9,000 for the Guns & Butter with Bonnie Faulkner show yesterday which was 3 times their goal for the hour! You voted with the currency that the KPFA management will understand, appreciate, and make management decisions about. You demonstrated to them what is the most important issue of our time - the truth about the events of 9/11. I'm very proud to be of service to you - our very dedicated AE911Truth supporters.

Richard Gage, AIA

AE911Truth to Be Featured on KPFA
94.1 FM Pledge Drive
Wed October 5, 1:00 pm PDT
Listen Online and Call In with Your Pledge!


The final version of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out will be available in November and can be ordered at our online store now. (You will receive the pre-release version immediately in a paper sleeve, and then the final release in the plastic case in November.)

AE911Truth’s new documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out will be played on the radio throughout Northern California on Pacifica Station KPFA 94.1 FM. Richard Gage, AIA, will be the interviewed and will introduce the expert-packed dynamic film – which is currently available to watch or to download online – in its Pre-Release v1.3a.

The air time is 1:00 pm PDT on Wednesday, October 5, and the 60 kW transmission reaches the majority of Northern CA and has over 100,000 mostly progressive listeners.

The new AE911Truth documentary features 50 technical experts such as high-rise architects, structural engineers, metallurgists, chemical engineers, physicists, explosives and demolitions experts, as well as psychology professionals with insight into the personal challenges posed by 9/11. The full-length documentary will be offered as a pledge premium during the one-hour pledge drive!

Bonnie Faulkner is one of the exceptional progressive radio hosts willing to air the compelling evidence for 9/11 Truth. This will be her fourth interview of Richard Gage, AIA, who will be helping the Northern CA audience of millions to understand the critical evidence of the three WTC demolitions

You can listen online at
Wednesday, October 5, at 1:00 pm PDT.

We encourage everyone to call into the station at 800-439-5732 at 1:00 pm on Wednesday to donate and to express your appreciation to KPFA for speaking the truth about 9/11. This topic is vital to our national security and the rule of law, yet precious few other stations are willing to air the truth about it. Let’s make this Bonnie’s most successful KPFA pledge drive ever and obligate the station management to support this coverage.

See you Wednesday!