Washington DC Actions - Action #5 Drucken
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Montag, den 16. August 2010 um 00:00 Uhr
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Get Our DVD on Public Access TV

Get 9/11: Blueprint for Truth on the Air in Your Community

Join us in THE most effective way of reaching out to those who haven’t yet had the opportunity to become aware of the shocking evidence that caused you to decide to support AE911Truth. Cable access TV provides us with an amazingly cost-effective way to reach tens of thousands of new people across the US every month.

Please commit yourself to helping us with our Cable Access Campaign. Nothing of significance for 9/11 Truth can be accomplished without large-scale grass-roots numbers. Let’s get our 60-minute DVD on the air – which will reach dozens or hundreds per showing – and thousands in your community each year.

Here’s how effective this program can be. If each showing reached 100 people, the 700 stations throughout the United States could produce 70,000 viewers per month. This can put a major dent in the wall of denial. Our efforts in Congress cannot succeed without increased public pressure.

This effort takes so little time for such a worthy harvest of awareness. We anticipate it will take less than an hour of your time to reach a whole new group of Americans. We all need to participate in this one!

Here’s all you have to do:

1. Order the cable-ready Companion Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth from our store. If this is inconvenient for you right now just drop us a note through our Contact Us page. Select “Cable TV Access” from the Area list. Provide the cable access station information and your name and address, and we will send the enveloped DVD to you at no cost.

2. Obtain a content broadcast submission form from your local station. State your preference for a primetime showing. Fill it out and bring it back to them with the DVD or mail it in if appropriate.

3. Send a follow-up report to the Contact Us page.

We will compile and synthesize the reports and advise you as to our success.
Will you do your part? Write us today!