Geschrieben von: Mike Marino
Montag, den 24. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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Make it Happen in Your Community
How would you like thousands of people in your local community to see 9/11: Blueprint for Truth? It is so easy to do. In fact, Public Access Cable TV is a great community resource that we can use to reach millions of people all across the country.
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA
Freitag, den 21. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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Request for meeting regarding NIST Reports - WTC7 and Twin Towers
[Ed: Copy of original letter dated July 20, 2009]
Dear Dr. Sunder,
We have heard you state publicly after the WTC 7 press conference that it "would not be productive" for you to meet with the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This is quite disappointing – as we now have over 700 architects and engineers at AE911Truth calling for a real investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. At what point will you take us seriously? Perhaps when our rapidly growing numbers reach 1,000 A/E's?
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA
Freitag, den 21. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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[Ed: Copy of letter dated July 20, 2009, responding to AIA President Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA, who turned down request from Richard Gage, AIA, to meet with the AIA Board while in Washington, D.C.]
Sonntag, den 02. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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Richard Gage, AIA and staff members from AE911Truth interact with and interview architects and engineers on the convention floor at the recent AIA convention in the nation's capital
Click To Play
Geschrieben von: Editor
Dienstag, den 14. Juli 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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It was the best turnout ever forArchitects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Perhaps, the reason for the large turnout was because we spoke in tandem with the new hard-hitting (FF911Truth). The dedicated 9/11 Truth folks in Seattle completely went to town on marketing and brought in a sea of 580 faces. The universities were thoroughly canvassed—including the last minute faculty box stuffing in the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington.
Geschrieben von: Gregg Roberts and AE911Truth Staff
Dienstag, den 30. Juni 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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More than 700 architects and engineers have joined call for new investigation, faulting official collapse reports
The facts are in. The evidence is conclusive. These experts lay it all out.
For Some, the Doubts Began Early
"Something is wrong with this picture," thought Nathan Lomba, as he watched replays of the Twin Tower collapses on television on September 11, 2001. A licensed structural engineer trained in buildings' responses to stress, Lomba saw more on the screen than you or I. He puzzled, "How did the structures collapse in near-symmetrical fashion when the damage was clearly not symmetrical?"
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