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Mittwoch, den 09. September 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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An article by Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler entitled "Conspiracy theories or hidden truth, the 9/11 enigmas…" was published today in the London based World Architecture Article may be accessed through the website's News Review page, then click down the right-hand column on the "Never Forget" photo under the COMMENT heading.
World Architecture has grown rapidly, now receiving more than 470,000 unique viewers per month. A comments section follows the article. Feel free to add your comments. |
Geschrieben von: Editor
Dienstag, den 08. September 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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What's coming up for AE911Truth?
On August 31 the National Geographic Channel (NGC) hit piece on 9/11 conspiracies aired for the first time, then again on September 5. We have posted an initial response. We will continue to enhance the article as resources permit. See also these critiques by Jim Hoffman and Kevin Ryan.
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA
Samstag, den 05. September 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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3 Speaking Events and 2 Strategy Meetings Gather Patriot Groups and Draw 2 State Reps

The patriots are out in full stride and the ground is fertile in Southern Montana. Thanks to David Milak of Sacred Mysteries bookstore, we had three full speaking stops on 8/28, 8/29, and 8/30 in Bozeman, Livingston, and Emigrant, along with three articles, six ads, two radio interviews, a meeting with a 9/11-aware state representative, and two AE911Truth Mountain Region strategy potluck meetings.
Dienstag, den 25. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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KBDI is a Denver-based PBS TV station with gutsy membership producer and executive director Shari Bernson. She had previously brought the groundbreaking 9/11: Press for Truth to her station for the pledge drive special showing and premium. It was the second most successful live pledge event over the last year, and still continues to be a strong fundraiser for the station. At that pledge drive, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth was offered as an auxiliary premium. As a result, viewer demand that it be broadcast, too, gave Ms. Bernson the support she needed to go the next step: showing the evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of all three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. That is courage. This was our world premiere television broadcast.
see the video here
Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA
Dienstag, den 25. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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 We would like to thank all of our Sustaining Supporters for sending us to Washington, DC, in July. Five of our staff from around the country converged on our nation's capital for an incredible series of actions directly in alignment with our mission to bring the awareness of the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11 to architects, engineers, and members of Congress.
Geschrieben von: Editor
Montag, den 24. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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This powerful DVD now available at our online store contains the dynamic multimedia presentation given by Dr. Steven Jones in Sacramento, CA, on April 30, 2009. Included are follow-up Q & A and three bonus tracks.
Geschrieben von: Editor
Montag, den 24. August 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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Featured Petitioner, 40-year Architect Stephen Barasch, AIA
Among the nearly 800 architects and engineers who have signed our petition comes one architect formerly with William L. Pereira & Associates. One doesn't get much closer to the elements of high-rise design than with the pyramid-shaped Transamerica Building in San Francisco. Stephen Barasch, AIA, our Featured Petitioner, was a member of the architectural design team for that 48-floor structure. Barasch was also instrumental in the Mark Hopkins Hotel architectural design, also in San Francisco.
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