Geschrieben von: Michael Marino
Freitag, den 02. Oktober 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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A packed itinerary is scheduled for the months ahead. Richard Gage, AIA, retraces some of Paul Revere's steps in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where on Oct 9th he will sound the alarm now about all that we have learned concerning controlled demolitions and nanothermite at the World Trade Center. Jim Hoffman, creator of the encyclopedic,, and websites, is expected to join Mr. Gage at this event, and two others this weekend. On the morning of the 10th a potluck brunch will provide an opportunity to develop strategies for finding and educating A/E's and others as well as form closer bonds with our colleagues in this beautiful coastal town. For information please email William here.
Freitag, den 02. Oktober 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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A Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) group in North San Diego County approved a resolution, as presented below.
The resolution is posted here as an example for other political groups to adopt.
This group now has as a priority to gain approval at higher levels within its parent organizations.
Geschrieben von: Laurel Burik
Donnerstag, den 01. Oktober 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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Approached by Jay Levin, author and founder of LAWeekly, who is writing a book on the science of 9/11, Richard Gage, AIA, was interviewed for a series of articles on the controversial topic, the results of which were published as cover stories in two mainstream publications. The first, published in Silicon Valley Metro and co-authored by editor Tom McKenzie, is entitled 9/11 Blowup: Explosive Theory.
See article at Metroactive cover article
Geschrieben von: Editor
Freitag, den 25. September 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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 Media Credit: Carlos Maia
The City News, campus newspaper at San Diego City College, featured a talk delivered on September 11th by Dwain Deets of AE911Truth on the front page of their September 22 issue. Deets, a former NASA engineering executive, presented the evidence for explosive controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center high-rise buildings.
Article is posted on the City News website, at:
Controversial New Club on Campus |
Geschrieben von: Editor
Sonntag, den 20. September 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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Explosive Theory: Eight years after 9/11, a growing organization of building trades professionals suspect that there was more to the event than the government will admit.
Metro Active Silicon Weekly 09.09.09
Geschrieben von: Dwain Deets and Gregg Roberts
Freitag, den 11. September 2009 um 00:00 Uhr |
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AE911Truth plans to release a longer response than this one as soon as resources permit. In the meantime, readers are encouraged to examine these other recently published pieces:
Jim Hoffman, National Geographic Does 9/11: Another Icon Debased in Service of the Big Lie
Kevin Ryan, Finally, an Apology From the National Geographic Channel(with comments at Kevin Ryan's Blog).
Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler, Evidence for the Explosive Demolition of World Trade Center, Building 7 on 9/11