Progress Report for the AE911Truth Japan Tour
Geschrieben von: Dan Abercrombie   
Donnerstag, den 10. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr
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Note: Published originally in 9/11 Truth Australia.

This is the first time for group founder Richard Gage, AIA, to speak in Asia, and the tour will allow us to reach several milestones in the continued pursuit of a new and proper investigation.

We will make a detailed report at the end of the tour, but I am sure many of our colleagues and friends in the global 9/11 Truth Movement are eager for the breaking news from Japan, so here is the quick summary of events to date.

Can Canada Handle the Truth?
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Donnerstag, den 10. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr
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'The Fifth Estate' and 9/11

What can we expect from the mainstream media? When programming is not ignoring the truth movement, it is trying to smear its messengers, even taking aim at 9/11 family members. But a clear exception to this was the November broadcast of the Canadian program "The Fifth Estate" calledThe Unofficial Story, which profiled unanswered questions about 9/11. This comparatively professional coverage exposed crucial forensic evidence including WTC 7 free fall, microspheres, nano-thermite and other points raised by luminaries including David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, AIA, and others.

Upcoming Events
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Donnerstag, den 10. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr
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Osaka, Kobe, and Okinawa Round Out Japan Tour; organizational makeovers will set the stage for an even more successful new year

The AE911Truth Japan Tour featuring Richard Gage, AIA, continues on after presentations in four earlier cities in Japan. Mr. Gage will present his multimedia 9/11: Blueprint for Truth presentation on December 11 in Osaka.

Then, the group moves to Kobe (site of the big 1995 earthquake), with a presentation on December 12.

The tour ends in Okinawa, site of the ancient underwater treasure of Yonaguni. At each stop Mr. Gage will present the evidence of the controlled demolition of the three WTC high-rises.

The momentum is growing in numerous countries around the world as knowledge of this evidence is spreading quickly. It appears that a critical mass of people will know the truth sooner than we might imagine.

Plans for early 2010 include the surpassing our 1,000 A/E petitioners milestone, the following up on the mixed media coverage (both disappointing and encouraging) that we received during the Australasia-Japan tour; the filing of our 501(c)(3) tax exemption request to the IRS; and a conversion of our website infrastructure to the more user-friendly and flexible Joomla architecture from its current custom PHP code.

Hard Evidence Tour Down Under—a Smashing Success
Geschrieben von: Lorraine Jarvi   
Mittwoch, den 09. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr
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Richard Gage, AIA, and Dr. Steven Jones bring truth to Australia and New Zealand

An intrepid team of North American 9/11 luminaries led by AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, and Scholars for 9/11 Truth founder and co-editor of theJournal of 9/11 Studies, physicist Dr. Steven Jones, joined with their counterparts in Australia and New Zealand to present a highly successful series of full-day conferences, the Hard Evidence Tour Down Under 2009, in November. Nearly 1400 residents of the Land Down Under came to listen, learn, and question, and many thousands more learned about the need for a new investigation through media interviews, pamphlets, and rallies.

Give the Gift of Awakeness
Geschrieben von: Editor   
Mittwoch, den 09. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr
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Have a friend or family member that is still snoozing? Wake them up with Blueprint for Truth, the spiral bound papers, or David Ray Griffin's latest. Give them the gift of being a truly alive and conscious thinking person, aware of what is going on around them, and where the future of humankind is headed unless we take a stand. You can visit our online store for more great gift ideas, or consider making a donation on behalf of a friend or other loved one.

If you are feeling a little "elfish", why not gift your Congresscritters, the Attorney General, and NIST with a dvdbook, or spiral bound papers? Don't forget to include a brochure and the evidence cards. AE911Truth offers a premium option where your gifts can be delivered certified mail with confirmation of delivery. (Keep in mind that letters and packages sent to members of Congress and perhaps other federal officials can take up to six weeks to be delivered because of concerns about anthrax.)

Asia Digest Tells the Truth About 9/11
Geschrieben von: Jeffrey Orling   
Sonntag, den 06. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr
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Half way around the world in a publication from Sri Lanka, November's edition of Asia Digest, the feature story is: "9/11 — Has America been Told The Truth?"

Asia Digest begins their feature with a brief introduction by Richard de Zoysa which sets the stage for the two following articles by Johnny Christy which include a thorough presentation of the mysteries and problems with the conventional story told.

Verifizierungs-Team sichert eine solide Grundlage
Geschrieben von: David Carrig   
Sonntag, den 06. Dezember 2009 um 00:00 Uhr

Gültigkeit der Unterzeichner der Petition ist entscheidend für die Glaubwürdigkeit von AE911Truth

Hrsg.: Das Verifizierungs-Team ist einer der heimlichen Helden von AE911Truth. Mit seiner fleißigen Arbeit hinter den Kulissen, gewährleistet dieses Team, dass jeder Unterzeichner der Petition legitimiert ist und, dass die angegebenen Referenzen gültig sind.

Das Verifizierungs-Team ist eine Gruppe von Freiwilligern, verantwortlich für die Sicherstellung, dass alle Unterzeichner der AE911Truth Petition echt und die Informationen richtig sind. Alle Unterzeichner der Petition sind überprüft, ganz gleich ob Architekten, Ingenieure oder Unterstützer aus den USA oder der ganzen Welt.

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