Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, a tax-exempt nonprofit educational charity, has been asked to comment on the alleged recent death of Osama bin Laden. Reports of bin Laden's death, even if true, explain NONE of the overwhelming evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. For several years now we have been citing this evidence in support of a genuine, subpoena-powered, independent investigation. We have been joined in that call by almost 1500 licensed and/or degreed architects and engineers and almost 12,000 others, including chemists, physicists, firefighters, attorneys, and other professionals. When the flag-waving pep rallies have all died down, this evidence will still be here, demanding a serious accounting from our elected officials and the agencies that serve them. Osama bin Laden’s death does not begin to address these disturbing facts:
Editor's note: The only bad press is no press - as they say. Well here's some press - you decide. It's from our stop in St Paul where AE911Truth delivered lots of evidence for the destruction of the three World Trade Center Skyscrapers. But this writer quotes none of it, and spends an awful lot of attention on Canada's National Post editor, Jonathan Kay, as well as making it look like a conspiracy fest.
Those unconvinced by 'official' 9/11 story meet at St. Paul U campus
So-called 'truthers' seek to uncover government conspiracy
When Richard Gage came to Minnesota recently to talk about Sept. 11, he started with three questions.
How many people believed "the official story" of the World Trade Center attack, asked Gage, the founder of an organization called Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
As part of the introduction to letters about "The Conspiracy Meme" the editor talks about the letters he received, most of which just asserted that 9/11 was done with explosives. These two were selected "nearly randomly" from the 30 plus received.
"As a registered professional engineer committed to the scientific method, I would like to echo Ted Goertzel's support for the peer-review process. Goertzel says, "review panels must have full access to all datasets ... It is especially important that ... qualified specialists [have] an opportunity to present alternative views ... " Engineers who observe the destruction of WTC 7 as possible only by controlled demolition have been stifled by the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) decision to suppress details of their WTC 7 failure models. For example, NIST replied: "Indeed the NIST Director has determined that the release of 3,370 files from the [failure] analysis results ... might jeopardize public safety and therefore, these files have been withheld." Suppressing this analysis from peer review is unconscionable. Public safety is endangered when engineers are precluded from studying how an ordinary office fire could completely and utterly destroy a forty-seven-story modem skyscraper such that for more that 100 feet it exhibited free-fall acceleration. Goertzel notes, "technological conspiracies often ... [make] bizarre claims that ... [information is] suppressed. In this case, it is not a bizarre claim but rather a bizarre reality. We welcome Goertzel's, and SKEPTICAL INQUIRER's, public call for NIST to release its suppressed analysis."
“Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.” —Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Sign of Four” (“Sherlock Holmes” series, 1890)
As we approach the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 disaster, we have decided to give a second look at one specific event, the collapse of WTC Building Seven. We write about this subject with respect to serious investigation that continues on the part of a group of Forensic Architects and Engineers. Furthermore, we have drawn our inspiration from Frank Capra’s famous film “It’s a Wonderful Life” (Liberty Films, 1946). Our title for this column refers to the fallen petals that George Bailey’s little daughter Zuzu gives to him from a flower that she has received. “Look, Daddy, paste it,” she cries tearfully. Rather than repairing the flower, George places the detached petals in his pocket. Throughout the latter part of the movie, Clarence Oddbody (Angel Second Class) leads George through a view of his town as if he had had never been born. In this scenario, the petals have disappeared from his pocket. However, near the end of the film, George prays, “Please, God, let me live again.” Miraculously, the petals reappear in his pocket. Zuzu’s petals symbolize our current American culture. Just as George Bailey’s life was connected to everyone else’s in his small town, so the incident of 9/11 has touched every American since then.
(APN) ATLANTA -- It will be ten years since September 11, 2001, in just a few months. And yet some of the most basic and fundamental questions about what happened that day--based upon physics and the forensic science of structural engineering--in the collapse of three towers at the World Trade Center in New York, still linger.
Groups such as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (A&E), founded by Richard Gage; and We Are Change Atlanta want to re-examine the evidence regarding the collapse of all three buildings.
First, the group is especially interested in new evidence of un-ignited fragments of nano-engineered thermitic pyrotechnics found in debris from the Twin Towers. The presence of these fragments would be consistent with explosives having been used in a controlled demolition.
Second, the group is also troubled that, in their view, official reports by the US government appear to defy the fundamental laws of physics.
[Before delving into these two sets of issues, an editorial note is in order. The purpose of this article is not to hypothesize what the real story behind the Towers' collapse is, but to address what we find to be reasonable and compelling questions about the government's official account.]
NIST claims WTC 7 succumbed to "normal office fires". What might it have looked like were that really true? Look at these buildings which succumbed to partial structural damage at their lower floors. Compare the WTC 7 collapse to them.
AE911Truth Action Group WeAreChange-Atlanta is effective in the street with AE911Truth materials. And it doesn't hurt to bring Richard Gage, AIA, into town either. Join us May 21, 2011 to see the explosive evidence up close and personal.