Who could gain entry to plant explosives in highly secure buildings like the Twin Towers and WTC7? That question must be answered in a new investigation.
In order to determine who planned, financed and carried out the controlled demolition of the WTC skyscrapers, a fully resourced, unimpeachable investigation with subpoena power is required. Just as in any criminal matter, the perpetrators should be charged, tried and convicted in a court of law before valid judgment can be made about guilt.
We at AE911Truth are technical and building professionals. We do not speculate about who may have been responsible for destroying these buildings. However, we do point to overwhelming evidence of a cover-up of the crime. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was tasked by Congress to uncover how the three skyscrapers “collapsed”. The WTC Reports that they provided in order to prop up the impossible hypothesis of collapse by fire were fraudulent. This fraud is exposed in our original documentary, “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” (now available in 6 languages!), and will be further exposed in mid-January when the powerful Final Edition of our latest milestone DVD, “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”, is released.
Now is the time to support the critical projects underway at AE911Truth. We are asking all of our readers to Chip-In today and help us make it through the end of the year as we continue to take the extra time and resources required to put the finishing touches on the Final Edition of our new milestone documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.
This compelling Final Edition, enhanced by over a hundred key video additions and improvements, may very well be the most important 9/11 truth product ever, and it requires your timely help in order to ensure its release this year.
Our valuable work is funded only by the community of 9/11 Truth supporters; no one helps us but you. Your generosity so far this year has inspired us greatly, and your contributions empowered us to achieve numerous important accomplishments, including the following:
AE911Truth Congressional Outreach Team leader Wayne Coste and other 9/11 Truth activists prepare to engage the public about the destruction of WTC Building 7. Coste used the AE911Truth “human microphone speech” developed by his Congressional Outreach Team to inform the crowd.
“ I was told afterward that some of the police quietly asked us for information about the 9/11 evidence ”
Zuccotti Park, which is the heart of the Occupy Wall Street movement, lies in the figurative shadow of the Twin Towers and in the literal shadow of their replacement tower that is currently under construction and now reaches over 20 stories into the air.
Over the last two months, AE911Truth supporters and others have provided “occupiers” across the country with information about the explosive 9/11 evidence. The occupiers are becoming informed about the logical and scientific fallacies in the official accounts that make those versions not just implausible, but impossible.
The powerful new AE911Truth documentary was sized to go wherever you go and be instantly accessible for impromptu showings or to hand to family, friends, colleagues, and perfect strangers
Last September, our mini-documentary, Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC7, went ‘viral’ on YouTube, generating over 500,000 hits in less than four weeks. Now this powerful 15-minute film about the explosive destruction of WTC Building 7, narrated by legendary actor Ed Asner, is available as a 3-inch mini DVD to energize your outreach efforts.
This new DVD is one of the most effective 9/11 Truth materials to ever hit the streets. Why?
1) The fast-paced 15-minute format keeps audiences intrigued from beginning to end.
2) The film’s creative plot twist draws casual viewers in with a brief history of architectural marvels before cleverly shifting to the shocking WTC7 footage.
Even though Dr. Lynn Margulis was best known for her breakthroughs in science, perhaps her greatest contribution was her public support for a real 9/11 investigation
You can’t do science when you are deprived of the evidence, and when your hypothesis is the least valid, instead of the most likely.
The most likely hypothesis, in the case of Building 7, wasn’t even mentioned. This is not science. So the claim is that it’s something else? It’s trying to prove preconceived ideas.
AE911Truth is honored by its important relationship with Dr. Margulis and will be dedicating the Final Edition of “Experts Speak Out” to her memory.
The family of Lynn Margulis announced that she died at home on Tuesday, November 22, at the age of 73. She had suffered a serious hemorrhagic stroke on Friday, November 18 - so serious that there was no chance of recovery.
Having authored dozens of books and scientific papers, Margulis was awarded the National Medal of Science in 1999.
The groundbreaking event, aptly coined “The Science of 9/11”, that was held at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) on November 15, 2011, proved to be a resounding success as depicted in the local Times Free Press. The evening began with the landmark DVD from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth called “9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out”. The documentary, which assembles the startling evidence from and testimony of over 50 technical and building professionals calling for a real WTC investigation, was shown at the University Center Auditorium. Following the film, an in-depth panelist discussion was held with a lively Q&A segment.
The panelists (from left: Dr. Edwin Foster, Jim Hall, moderator Richard Winham, Dr. David Johnson, Ton Junod) provided insightful analysis of the WTC destructions. Even those who disagreed with the AE911Truth evidence acknowledged the need for accountability
Cole exposes the false and conflicting claims made by OCT defenders like NIST WTC Lead Investigator Shyam Sunder
Civil Engineer Jon Cole points out in his latest rapid-paced 18 minute video, 9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert, that many people, espousing the official account of the 9/11 WTC events and viewed as technical experts, have proposed a variety of conflicting theories as to why the WTC buildings collapsed on 9/11. What is interesting is that none of those theories supporting the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) obey the laws of physics or match the observed events. This innovative and well-researched video also presents a fascinating 9/11 narrative and compelling images that refute these official accounts of how the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 came down.
Some experts admitted that there were explosions in the Twin Towers, and others said there were none -- even though there are many eyewitnesses to these explosions.