Tonight 7:00 PM EST streaming live from the World Premiere Tour of "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out", Final Edition, introduction and question and answer by Richard Gage, AIA, Director/Architect
Time is running out! Bring THREE OF YOUR FRIENDS to an ESO Premiere Screening Special Guests Added to Once-in-a-Lifetime Experts Speak Out Tour Buy Tickets Now!
The national headquarters of the American Institute of Architects was the perfect venue for the Washington DC premiere of ESO
The 30-city World Premiere Tour of our new documentary, "9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out" (ESO), is in full swing. A variety of special guests will be joining Richard Gage, AIA, as he continues to present the Final Edition of this breakthrough film in cities across America. Buy your advance tickets now before the venues sell out.
We have some power-packed premieres lined up across the East Coast and the Southern States over the next few weeks before returning to San Francisco for the Grand Finale. Here are some of the 9/11 experts and special guests that have appeared – or will be appearing – with Gage at the ESO premieres:
WORLD PREMIERE TOUR “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” Final Edition
The New Landmark Documentary by AE911Truth Late May through Early July 2012 – Purchase Tickets Now!
Update: Flash Alert -- May 22
Beverly Hills “Opening Night” Premiere a smash success! See the press conference with Ed Asner's incisive comments.
AE911Truth is proud to announce the completion of the Final Edition of our milestone documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, and we are taking the film on the road with a whirlwind World Premiere Tour across the U.S., starting on May 21. The director of Experts Speak Out, AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, will personally introduce this groundbreaking film at top venues in 30 cities nationwide and take questions from the audience after each screening. Tickets are on sale now, so make sure to buy yours before the events sell out.
Join us in one of 30 cities near you on this tour, which begins in San Diego, CA, and covers 24 states from coast to coast.
The official “Opening Night” of the tour will be in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hills Music Hall Theater on May 22. Famed actor Ed Asner, the star of our previous short-film hit, Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7, will join Gage at the kickoff Press Conference at 7pm, and will introduce the movie, which starts shortly thereafter.
Editor’s note: This is Part 4 (see Part 3) of an extensive report by 9/11 researcher Adam Taylor that exposes the fallacies and flaws in the arguments made by the editors of Popular Mechanics (PM) in the latest edition of Debunking 9/11 Myths. We encourage you to submit your own reviews of the book at and other places where it is sold.
Part 4: Puffs of Dust
The next section of PM’s book deals with one of the more direct pieces of evidence of demolition for the Towers – the isolated ejections of dust and debris from the Towers during the collapses. Like most of its arguments, PM’s challenge to this evidence of demolition is extremely weak and was previously refuted by experts at AE911Truth and elsewhere.
PM’s case against the ejections begins with a discussion of how the Towers were designed. As noted by PM, “Like the vast majority of office buildings, the Twin Towers were mostly air.” (pg. 48) PM intended this assertion to support the idea that...
Is His Explosive WTC 7 Testimony Still Court-Worthy?
Editor’s Note: New York attorney Dennis McMahon spearheaded the legal effort by NYC CAN in 2009 to compel the New York City Council to initiate a new investigation of the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers. If you would like to support legal actions toward a real 9/11 investigation, write to Gregg Roberts.
Among all the highly credible video and forensic evidence indicating that WTC Building 7 was brought down by explosive controlled demolition on September 11, 2001, the accounts of explosions related by eyewitness Barry Jennings are particularly persuasive.
Barry Jennings, minutes after being rescued from WTC 7, told ABC News that an explosion had trapped him in the building
On 9/11, Jennings was the Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority. He and Michael Hess, the New York City Corporation Counsel, were rescued from WTC Building 7 before it collapsed at 5:20 p.m. On several occasions, Jennings stated that an explosion trapped them in WTC Building 7 and that he continued to hear...
Are you looking for a way to do something to help reveal and disseminate the truth about 9/11? Do you enjoy connecting with like-minded individuals and helping them put their strengths to use for a worthy goal? If so, then look no further. Your skills, talents and passion for justice are welcome here at AE911Truth, where we are currently recruiting dedicated volunteer coordinators.
AE911Truth Volunteer Team Leader Mark Graham is looking for a few good men and women to help put the skills of our passionate supporters to use
AE911Truth constantly has new people signing up to help us accomplish our mission – and that’s where our volunteer coordinators come in. They play matchmaker between new volunteers and all the opportunities for getting involved that AE911Truth offers.
The amount of communication involved in this role makes it perfect for supporters who love working with people and identifying their skills and talents. As a volunteer coordinator, you essentially become a job placement expert for one of the most crucial efforts there is – securing a real investigation of the WTC catastrophe.
This is a follow up on our campaign to "Hold the BBC Accountable" for its inaccurate and biased reporting on the 9/11 attacks.
In response to our June newsletter and Action Alert over 250 of our supporters wrote letters (emails that is) to the BBC Trust (British Broadcasting Corporation) and / or MP Tom Watson. Thank you for your exceptional work! You displayed good global citizenship and went above and beyond the call of duty. To all: if you didn't write a letter on this campaign you can still do this.
To make a long story short the BBC Executive Board has rejected the complaints and appeals filed by our 3 petition signers in the UK and has prevented them, and probably your 250 letters, from even being seen by the BBC Trustees. The BBC's complaint process is compromised and the BBC's Royal Charter, Agreement, and Editorial Guidelines are not being upheld.
AE911Truth recommends that you write a letter to all 11 MPs (Members of Parliament) on the Culture, Media and Sport Committee in Parliament and cc the 12 Trustees of the BBC Trust. This Committee can really hold the BBC accountable to their Royal Charter, Agreement and Editorial Guidelines. This page contains a button you can click on that will open up your default email program and begin an email to all the Trustees and MPs and a bcc to AE911Truth. This page also contains a sample letter.