Geschrieben von: Dennis P. McMahon, J.D., L.L.M.
Donnerstag, den 19. Juli 2012 um 18:04 Uhr |
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Psychologist Robert Hopper, Ph.D., suggests that fear and anxiety are common responses when dealing with the evidence presented by AE911Truth |
It’s often difficult for people who are aware of the evidence for the controlled demolition of the WTC skyscrapers to understand why so many Americans are unwilling to rationally discuss this vital information. For over ten years now, 9/11 Truth advocates have been trying to get relatives, friends, and strangers to listen to the undeniable facts that point to the need for a real 9/11 investigation. We often encounter emotional resistance, which poses the question: “Why is the evidence so difficult for so many people to accept?” In the new documentary, “9/11 Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” AE911Truth petition signers with psychological expertise step forward with answers. |
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth
Mittwoch, den 18. Juli 2012 um 05:00 Uhr |
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Join the AE911Truth campaign to "Hold the BBC Accountable" for its inaccurate and biased reporting on the 9/11 attacks We are writing to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Dear Friends of AE911Truth,
We encourage you to write to the Committee in the British Parliament that provides oversight to the British Broadcasting Corporation and ask it to meet with three AE911Truth activists to allow them to present 9/11 Truth evidence and to conduct its own inquiry into biased reporting on the 9/11 attacks by the BBC.
As you may remember, three Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition signers in the UK have filed separate and formal complaints with the British Broadcasting Corporation over two documentaries it aired last year around the 10th anniversary of 9/11, namely ‘Conspiracy Files: 9/11 ten years on', and '9/11: Conspiracy Road Trip'. The BBC has breached its Royal Charter and its Agreement and Editorial Guidelines, which include Editorial Values that promise truth, accuracy, impartiality, editorial integrity and independence, fairness, transparency and accountability in all the BBC’s programs.
You can help motivate the members of the UK Parliament’s Media Committee to hold the BBC accountable for its biased coverage of the real 9/11 evidence |
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth
Mittwoch, den 18. Juli 2012 um 05:00 Uhr |
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“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” to Be Aired on NYC Radio Four Guest Experts to be Interviewed TONIGHT Tune-in to WBAI 99.5 FM or for this Historic Pledge Drive Listen Online and Call In with Your Pledge!
The Final Edition of AE911Truth’s powerful new documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, will be played on the radio throughout Metropolitan New York City tonight on listener-sponsored Pacifica Radio at WBAI 99.5 FM. This is the influential station’s annual summer pledge drive. The groundbreaking documentary airs tonight (Wednesday, July 18) from 9p.m. to 11p.m. EST and reaches a population of 22 million in Metropolitan NY. You can also listen online at |
Geschrieben von: Wayne Coste, PE
Dienstag, den 17. Juli 2012 um 22:11 Uhr |
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Editor’s note: These are the detailed statistical results of the survey that AE911Truth Congressional Outreach Team Leader Wayne Coste and other 9/11 Truth activists conducted at the United National Anti-War Conference (UNAC) in March. They provide insight into some of the issues that prevent many in the anti-war community from acknowledging the evidence that the WTC skyscrapers were intentionally demolished.
One of the mysteries of the 9/11 Truth movement is why the anti-war movement has been largely opposed to recognizing the facts surrounding the events of September 11, 2001. One would expect that exposing the 9/11 underpinnings of the current wars as fraudulent would result in the reversal of support for the wars once the public learns more about how they have been misled.
An example of the opposition to the 9/11 Truth movement is the inability to get resolutions passed in convention plenary sessions of organizations like the United National Anti-War Conference (UNAC). This is due to vocal opposition of peace and justice leaders and the use of procedural maneuvers. For example, Stan Heller from the Middle East Crisis Committee went to the microphone at the UNAC conference and said “9/11 was a waste of time — because we have wars to stop!” In a private communication, one of the key organizers stated, |
Geschrieben von: Mike Bondi, PEng.
Montag, den 16. Juli 2012 um 21:03 Uhr |
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Richard Humenn’s status as Chief WTC Electrical Design Engineer didn’t stop him from challenging the official 9/11 story in Experts Speak Out |
Some of the most compelling testimony in the new AE911Truth documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, comes from Richard Humenn, P.E.E. As Chief Electrical Design Engineer of the World Trade Center complex, Humenn is intimately familiar with the design and structural integrity of the Twin Towers. He was also a member of the Army Corps of Engineers and trained at Fort Belvoir, where he learned demolition practices for bridges and other structures. He began publicly questioning the official 9/11 story in 2009 after watching 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, and he fully supports the 1700 architects and engineers at AE911Truth who are calling for a real investigation.
I recently had the opportunity to speak to Humenn and ask him some in-depth questions about the destruction of the WTC skyscrapers and why the explanation from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) doesn’t add up. The following is a series of excerpts from that interview. |
Geschrieben von: AE911Truth
Mittwoch, den 11. Juli 2012 um 20:14 Uhr |
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San Francisco, CA, July 11, 2012 at 7:00pm PT – This is the last event in the World Premiere Tour of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”. It will be live streamed so if you were not able to make it to any of the 32 stops this is your last chance to see it presented live along with producer Richard Gage, AIA, who will hold a Q&A session at the end of the film.
Live broadcasting by Ustream |
Geschrieben von: Paul Craig Roberts - OpEdNews
Donnerstag, den 05. Juli 2012 um 18:03 Uhr |
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Editor's Note: The following article was written by former Assistant Treasury Secretary and Wall Street Journal editor Paul Craig Roberts for OpEdNews after he attended the Atlanta premiere of 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. We applaud him for his unwavering dedication to the truth and his courage to speak out about 9/11.
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts did not hesitate to call for a new 9/11 investigation after watching Experts Speak Out |
Hot Air Day is upon us. On July 4, hot air will spew forth all over the country as dignitaries deliver homilies to our "freedom and democracy" and praise "our brave troops" who are protecting our freedom by "killing them over there before they come over here."
Not a single one of these speeches will contain one word of truth. No speaker will lament the death of the US Constitution or urge his audience to action to restore the only document that protects their liberty. No speaker will acknowledge that in the 21st century the Bush/Obama Regime, with the complicity of the Department of Justice, federal courts, Congress, presstitute media, law schools, bar associations, and an insouciant public have murdered the Constitution in the name of the "war on terror. |
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