
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

    RT TV Show Interviews AE911Truth Experts About ReThink911 Campaign

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, questions the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Center High-rises

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, has to admit that World Trade Center Building 7 probably did not collapse due to normal office fires as NIST would want us to believe

    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

    Architects & Engineers:
    Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

    The Reality Report
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    Wave of 10th Anniversary Actions and Events Raise Call for Accountability: Explosive 9/11 Evidence Takes Center Stage Drucken E-Mail
    Neuigkeiten - Neue Veröffentlichungen von AE911Truth
    Geschrieben von: Bernie Suarez   
    Montag, den 17. Oktober 2011 um 05:00 Uhr
    Es gibt leider keine Übersetzung.
    Mike Bondi of the Ottawa AE911Truth Action Group delivers his compelling 9/11 Truth speech on the grounds of the Canadian Parliament

    Throughout the weekend of September 11, 2011, an unmistakable energy could be felt in the hearts and minds of many Americans across the nation as we all pondered the events of 9/11 - ten years later. Throughout the country and the world, people paused to remember those that lost their lives. Many reminisced, if only for a day, on the intimate memories and personal stories of the event. The significance of this anniversary, magnified by the realization that a full decade had passed, was enough to energize countless AE911Truth advocates to unabatedly share the truth about this tragedy with both citizens and power circles of society alike.

    Here we are, a decade later, and unquestionably many more Americans are coming to grips with the truth of 9/11, realizing that the official story as told to us by the government and media has no scientific basis. Concerned citizens, patriots, scholars and volunteer activists at AE911Truth led the way in spreading the truth and awareness of 9/11 throughout the country. Activities were organized, ranging from the screening of the new documentary, “9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out”, to various forms of public events.

    One important event, the Toronto Hearings, took place from September 8-11 in Canada. Drawing some 10,000 online viewers and over 100 attendees, the Hearings featured key expert witnesses presenting the 9/11 evidence to a 4-member panel of witnesses, who were to decide if there is enough evidence to demand a true investigation of the 9/11 attacks.

    The following is an overview of significant 10th anniversary activities either organized or attended by AE911Truth professionals, volunteers and supporters. We take pride in acknowledging these activists, who play a great role in affecting change and who go the extra mile to educate the public about 9/11 Truth. Let’s recognize their courage and leadership, which has brought us to where we are now on this road to truth.



    Congressional Outreach Team leader Wayne Coste and other supporters voiced their calls for justice at a Hartford courthouse

    AE911Truth set out to increase awareness this year with a multi-tiered phase strategy of activities and events.

    We’ve organized these events by type and by region.

    A. PUBLIC EVENTS AND EDUCATION – Regional vigils, press releases, open letters, and other public displays.
    B. DVD SCREENINGS – Regional premiere screenings of “Experts Speak Out”
    C. LETTERS TO LEGAL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PROFESSIONALS – Regional distribution by AE911Truth Activists


    1. Ottawa, Canada - Activist David Long and Toronto Hearings coordinator Mike Bondi organized and set up an AE911Truth themed tent at Parliament Hill to distribute educational material on 9/11. Supporters from Montreal showed up to help. Over 1000 visitors - including parliament constituents - were presented with the explosive 9/11 evidence before Bondi read a compelling open letter, addressing important issues of 9/11 Truth to the general public.

    2. New York City - LibertyFest NYC attracted 400 attendees and “How the World Changed after 9/11” was a standing-room-only success, with Richard Gage, AIA, Mike Rivero, Wayne Madsen, Ray McGovern and other influential advocates all speaking out about various critical aspects of 9/11.

    Gage also gave presentations at two University of Buffalo campuses, each with over 100 students in attendance. In each case, we observed noticeable differences in responses to simple before-and-after surveys, as is characteristic at many screenings.

    Banners were held across from downtown’s St. Paul Chapel – and the New York airwaves were enlightened by several 9/11 Truth debates on KPFA, which were broadcast on all 5 Pacifica radio stations and over 100 affiliate stations. Additionally, radio station WWRL 1600 AM in New York ran an ad campaign for the premiere screening of “Experts Speak Out”, which included an endorsement of AE911Truth by Ed Asner.

    Information booths like this one drew attention to the 9/11 evidence across the country

    3. San Juan County, WA - 10th Anniversary Event Coordinator Rena Patty distributed letters to legal and law enforcement professionals, including judges, prosecutors and the sheriff’s department. Notably, a dispatcher at the sheriff’s office scanned and forwarded copies of the letter to sheriffs throughout the neighboring counties. This kind of success does not happen until you try it!

    4. Carbondale, IL - AE911Truth supporter David Arnold was told by the local librarian that the “Experts Speak Out” DVD will be cataloged for world-wide availability.

    5. Huntington Beach, CA - Activist Al Benoit spoke with fire fighters at a booth set up at the Huntington Beach Pier, one of whom was already aware of the science behind the WTC controlled demolition.

    6. Hartford, CT - Congressional Outreach Team leader Wayne Coste held a courthouse vigil and a press release before conducting a two-hour interview with a senior columnist of the Hartford Current, who recently had written an article defending the official 9/11 story.

    7. Central Iowa - 10th Anniversary team volunteer Dennis Scar handed out educational material, put up a large banner and distributed 100 DVDs to an accepting crowd. He reached both the Governor and local mayor and handed them 9/11 Truth material, capitalizing on the opportunity of a scheduled remembrance ceremony. He went on to photograph the AE911Truth banner with a flag display, an idea which drew a lot of attention.

    8. Middlesex, N.J. - David Meiswinkle, another member of the 10th Anniversary team, organized courthouse vigils in six counties, which got attention and coverage from Rutgers University newspaper, a publication that goes out to 35,000 students. A video interview was posted on their website.

    The entrance to the 9/11 exhibit set up by San Diegans for 9/11 Truth was a picturesque reminder of the promise of peace

    9. Phoenix, Arizona - College outreach Team leader Steve Cohn passed out educational material in front of the Phoenix Courthouse with the help of airline pilot and structural engineer, Rick Fowlks, who appears in 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out answered questions from the public.

    -911 Truth advocate Pam Senzee delivered copies of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth and other educational materials, including the peer-reviewed nano-thermite paper, to the Arizona Fire Marshall’s office.

    - The Phoenix AE911Truth Action Group, joined by 40-year veteran structural engineer Rick Fowlkes, educated the public at the Phoenix Superior Court with a vigil that encouraged people to sign the petition demanding a new investigation and purchase the “Experts Speak Out” documentary.

    - Members of the Phoenix Action group also assembled at the Phoenix 9/11 Memorial to read quotes from scientists, experts, family members and first responders. Then they placed the quotes on the enshrined segment of steel from the WTC, which is part of the local memorial.

    Thought-provoking banners like these helped Colorado 9/11 Visibility and WeAreChange Colorado attract attention during the 10th anniversary

    10. Denver, CO - The Beach Boys played at city park where 9/11 Truth material was “enthusiastically received” by the public. Thank Colorado 9/11 Visibility for that!

    11. Chattanooga, TN - Letters were published that referenced the work of AE911Truth and sent to the University of Tennessee Engineering Department faculty. Plans were made to show “Experts Speak Out” at a future date.

    12. Boulder, CO - Public Outreach Team member John Meaders joined 35 members of WeAreChange and Colorado 9/11 Visibility as they demonstrated in front of NIST Boulder Laboratories with an 8-foot banner.

    13. Maryland - Activist Dick Atlee held a screening of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth at a local library, which had a full house of 43 viewers in attendance.

    AE911Truth advocates in Colorado exposed the lies of NIST in front of one of NIST’s regional laboratories

    14. Central Oregon - AE911Truth supporter Raymond Duray organized a 9/11 Truth event, where an audience of 38 was shown a series of presentations, including Gage’s appearance on Ireland’s TV3, the “Experts Speak Out” trailer, a 9/11 lecture by physics teacher David Chandler and other videos, including ‘What Happened to Building 7?’

    15. Spencer, Iowa - AE911Truth volunteer and retired firefighter Mike Watland held a vigil on September 8 at Clay County Courthouse Lawn, bringing public awareness of 9/11 Truth and asking people to sign a petition addressed to the U.S. Congress that asks for an independent investigation of 9/11 with subpoena power.

    16. North Hampton, MA - Activist Jonathan Mark read a 9/11 Truth press release at the Hampton City Courthouse on September 6 and 8, highlighting Senator Mike Gravel and the ballot initiative for a new investigation.

    17. Utica, NY - Congressional Outreach Team member Andrew Steele read a speech in front of the Utica Federal Building, and later confronted ABC news personnel with the issue of 9/11 censorship.

    18. Wellington, New Zealand - AE911Truth activist Helen Waddington organized a 9/11 Truth photo exhibit that attracted a crowd. Plans are to raise enough funds to take the exhibit on the road!


    Well over 100 screenings have taken place since the premiere on September 7, 2011. Here are a few notable examples.

    Dozens of questioners at the NYC screening expressed their amazement and concern as Gage attempted to meet their need for answers

    1. New York City - Premier Screenings :

    a. East Village, September 7 – Packed theater of 160 seats – Organized by 10th Anniversary Team member Eric Rassi
    b. Upper East Unitarian Church, September 11- Organized by activist Les Jamieson; drew over 300 attendees!

    2. Cape Canaveral, FL - Activist Bruce Morgan organized two screenings on Sept. 10, drawing about 50 attendees in total. Retired USAF Lt. Col. and 9/11 whistleblower Bob Bowman attended both screenings.

    3. Austin, TX - AE911Truth supporter Karen Rennick held three screenings, two to an assembly of 25-50 attendees and another to an architectural community of about 20 attendees. Announcement of this event attracted intriguing reactions.

    4. Phoenix, AZ - One screening attracted a capacity audience of 75, with another 40 in overflow seating. In another screening on September 8 at Burton Bair Library, 85 people packed the house. A second screening that day was organized at Macayos Restaurant, which was introduced by engineer and journalist Arthur Mobley.

    5. Orcas Island, WA - Screening attended by 50 people

    6. Burlington, WA - Approximately 45 attendees showed up to view documentary

    7. Carbondale, IL - Viewing event attracted 20 people

    8. Madison, WI - Dr. Kevin Barrett organized a screening at University of Wisconsin-Madison, where a 250-seat hall was filled!

    9. Chattanooga, TN - Matthew Hine, MD held a well-received screening on September 10 for 20 people. The next morning there was mention of AE911Truth in the “Letters to the Editor” section of the Chattanooga Times Free Press

    This scale model of WTC 7 was one of the centerpieces of the New Zealand anniversary gatherings

    10. North Hampton, MA - Activist Jonathan Mark held a screening of “Experts Speak Out” viewed by 50 attendees.

    11. Wellington, New Zealand - Screenings were held on September 9, 10 and 11. Many New Zealanders reacted in shock to the convincing arguments put forth by the experts.

    Within the state of California, screenings were organized by the following activists:

    Tustin, CA- Al Benoit
    Stockton, CA- Dean Kroh
    Fresno, CA- Dennis Peyton
    San Diego, CA- Fred Wolters
    Smith River, CA- Jaime Yarbrough
    NC, CA- James Holwell
    Santa Monica, CA- James Weatherford
    Placerville, CA- Janet Hodson
    Riverside, CA- Jessie Zaylia
    Ukiah, CA
    - Jim Houle
    Felton, CA- Keith Ward
    Culver City, CA- Larry Brownstein
    Willits, CA- Marilyn Boosinger
    San Jose, CA- Mario Oliverio
    Union City, CA- Mark Spindler
    Los Angeles, CA- Michael McGuire
    San Diego, CA- Nelisse Muga
    San Rafael, CA- Nory King
    Albany, CA- Patricia Wise
    Fresno, CA- Randy Shahbazian
    Kyburz, CA- Raybob Bowman
    Oceanside, CA- Rhy Thorton
    Oakland, CA- Richard Smith
    Sebastopol, CA- Shahin Pahlavan
    Redlands, CA- Stephen Kemp
    Walnut, CA- Timothy Michel
    Irvine, CA- Wayne Taylor
    San Luis Obispo, CA- William Powers

    C – LETTERS:


    Al Benoit Tustin, CA
    Andrea Sharp Lemon Grove, CA
    Ben Edmons
    Acton, CA
    Chase Eckert Santa Barbara, CA
    Chris Bowman
    SC, CA
    Damon Steffen
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Daniel Sias
    Los Angeles, CA
    Dean Kroh
    Stockton, CA
    Jeffrey Crawford
    Stockton, CA
    Jim Houle
    Ukiah, CA
    Larry Brownstein
    Culver City, CA
    Mark Spindler Union City, CA
    Scott Cegielski
    Pasadena, CA


    “We have always felt there were two main tasks we had to perform. The first was to plan, and successfully carry out, a first rate set of public Hearings exposing the inadequacy of the official narrative of 9/11. This has been accomplished. The second task was to distribute the proceedings, including the statements of expert witnesses and of the moderators and panel, as widely as possible, and to make sure they reach the hands of people who can act effectively on this information. This second task has barely begun.”
    Toronto Hearings Steering Committee

    “Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up, but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed”
    Ray McGovern, Former CIA analyst

    “Look at the evidence …any reasonable person who looks at the evidence that has been brought forward has got to come away with the feeling that something has to be done, a real investigation has to be put forward”
    Mike Gravel, Former U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate

    “It took some kind of consciousness raising on my part before I was willing to look at the possibilities, and really you need to go where the evidence leads”
    David Chandler, Physics teacher, M.S. Mathematics, B.S. Physics

    “For the first time in New York City, a 9/11 event was advertised on commercial A.M. radio!”
    Les Jamieson, AE911Truth activist

    “The country owns this, we were all victims … you all should want answers, it’s not just ours, it’s not just mine, we all lost something that day”
    Jane Pollicino, Lost husband Steve in the North Tower on 9/11

    “We need the truth in order to heal”
    Francis Shure, M.A., Licensed Professional Counselor

    This sample of the recent 10th anniversary 9/11 Truth events is exciting and an indication that our country may be ready to face the truth of September 11, 2001. Ten years later, we can observe that the process of truth and accountability is a slow one. Perhaps as a nation we are ready to face the challenges of the truth. Naturally, we have an inclination to believe whatever supports the paradigm that we have already created about the world around us, and it is not easy for people to let go of their established paradigm and accept a new one. Perhaps a decade later, we are more capable of handling such an extreme shift in consciousness. As advocates of the truth, let us not forget that we lead the way in this effort, and it is up to us to not only share the truth of 9/11, but to guide each other to practical solutions. We need to think ahead and decide what kind of world we want for our future generations. Now is the time to lay out the ground work and standard of accountability for the world to see. I believe the world still looks to America to lead the way in this effort, and this year has proven that this course is already well underway!