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    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

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    Experts Speak Out
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    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

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    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

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    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    A Most EnGaging Show of Evidence in Ireland: An Attendee's Perspective Drucken E-Mail
    Neuigkeiten - Neue Veröffentlichungen von AE911Truth
    Geschrieben von: Doug Lowe, Laytown, Ireland   
    Freitag, den 22. Juli 2011 um 16:17 Uhr
    Es gibt leider keine Übersetzung.

    Dublin, Ireland was the location for the latest international presentation of Richard Gage, AIA on the demolitions at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Appearing as the keynote speaker on "The Masterplan" event organized by Ireland's only truth movement publication, The Sovereign Independent, Gage delivered his well-honed case to an audience of about 150 people. As usual, he managed to convince almost everyone to the point of view that the Twin Towers and also Building 7 were all brought down by controlled demolition. Of all the people polled at the start of his presentation who either believed the official story or weren't sure what really happened, there was only one person left unsure at the end.

    I've lived in Ireland for the last five years, and I've come to know the Irish people as a "no-nonsense" sort; they don't have time for slick stories or hot-air hyperbole. So to watch how intently they followed Gage as he spoke, and to hear the questions they had for him at the end, I was impressed with the amount of dignity he engendered during his 2-hour talk. He was truly put to the test, as it were, and he passed the test with flying colors.

    Gage demonstrates to the Dundalk attendees how simple and effective the Scientific Method is in winnowing error from truth in the fraudulent NIST reports

    Gage had spent the day prior to the event visiting scenery and midevil castles in Northern Ireland. Many towns in this country have their own castle, or remnants of them, to boast about. I'm sure seeing the ancient constructions tickled his architectural "fancy". His Irish hosts, Ian Crilly and Jim Corr, surely tickled his thirst as well with a pint or two on his way around the island.

    Ireland is a small island with many varying environments and histories. At the same time all these smaller parts come together in a sense of community that pervades the island as a whole. Even the divisions that existed so dramatically in past decades between Northern Ireland and the Republic (the name used in the southern part) have softened a bit. It still remains chiefly a Catholic country, so things tend to go at a much slower pace on Sunday – perhaps accounting for the limited attendance of less than a hundred the next day in Dundalk. The rest of the week, however, is filled with the buzz of a very active people who are proud of their heritage and strive to live to the highest of standards.

    I believe this quality endeared them to Gage, since it is so evident that he is proud of his heritage as an American, and is showing by example what it's like to live to the highest of standards. As an ambassador for the truth about 9/11 he qualifies to be a leader in the movement to bring illumination to the sordid events of that tragic day. I was very proud of him, both in his efforts to spread the word and also in his ability to connect so powerfully with the Irish people.