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    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support Building 7 Investigation Drucken E-Mail
    Neuigkeiten - Neue Veröffentlichungen von AE911Truth
    Geschrieben von: The Remember Building 7 Team   
    Sonntag, den 19. Juni 2011 um 21:29 Uhr
    Es gibt leider keine Übersetzung.

    Following the launch of the TV ad campaign on Monday June 6, Remember Building 7 released the results from a new poll we commissioned, conducted by the Siena Research Institute, on what New Yorkers believe about 9/11.

    The poll produced several findings that will be very useful as we continue to raise awareness about Building 7 and build public support for a new investigation. Among them:

    • 1 in 3 New Yorkers were unaware of Building 7’s collapse, only 25 percent have ever seen video footage of the collapse, and 86 percent were unable to name the building;

    • Of those aware of Building 7’s collapse, 24 percent believe it was a controlled demolition, 23 percent are unsure, and 49 percent believe it was caused by fires.

    • Summarizing what New Yorkers know and believe about Building 7, roughly 1 in 6 are aware of Building 7 and believe it was brought down by controlled demolition, roughly 1 in 6 know about it and are unsure, roughly 1 in 3 know about it and believe the collapse was caused by fires, and 1 in 3 don’t know a third building collapsed;

    • 28 percent – more than 1 in 4 – believe the Twin Towers were brought down with explosives or some other demolition devices in addition to being hit by airplanes.

    • When respondents are informed that the government issued a report in 2008 concluding fires brought down Building 7, and they are informed that there are critics including 1,500 architects and engineers who dispute the government’s report, saying that only explosives can account for Building 7’s collapse, 36 percent of all respondents say they are inclined to believe the critics, 40 percent are inclined to believe the government’s account, and 23 percent are unsure;

    • Given the above information, 48 percent are in favor of the Manhattan District Attorney or New York City Council opening a new investigation into Building 7’s collapse, 44 percent are opposed and 8 percent don’t know or refused to answer.

    The full results and accompanying press release can be found at RememberBuilding7.org and www.siena.edu/sri/research

    So far, the poll has been reported by DNAinfo – a news service covering local Manhattan stories – which focused on the findings that pertain to whether New Yorkers believe the government has withheld information about 9/11.


    The Remember Building 7 ad campaign began on Monday June 6 and will run for another two weeks, reaching one million unique viewers in the New York area. Over the course of three weeks, 425 spots are airing on 15 channels including New York 1, CNN, MSNBC and Comedy Central, among others.

    The next three months will be a critical period for raising awareness and building momentum. Once again, thank you for your tremendous support.


    The Remember Building 7 Team