
    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7)

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    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, questions the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Center High-rises

    Ben Swann, formerly of Cincinnati's FOX19, has to admit that World Trade Center Building 7 probably did not collapse due to normal office fires as NIST would want us to believe

    Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

    Architects & Engineers:
    Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
    A 15-min Documentary with Ed Asner

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (4-minute trailer)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence -
    Experts Speak Out - Trailer
    Duration: 4:09

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (58 minute free version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence
    Experts Speak Out
    Free 1-hour version

    FOX TV, Fresno, with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX TV, Fresno,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    CBC the fifth estate unofficial story

    CBC - The Fifth Estate
    "The Unofficial Story"

    The Reality Report with Richard Gage

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    CCTV, with Richard Gage, AIA

    with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News with Richard Gage, AIA

    FOX News
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Vancouver Omni TV,
    with Richard Gage, AIA

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

    Read it at AE911Truth.org
    AE911Truth – Blazing a Trail Through the Midwest Drucken E-Mail
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    Geschrieben von: Richard Gage, AIA   
    Sonntag, den 17. April 2011 um 22:15 Uhr
    Es gibt leider keine Übersetzung.

    Milestone 10-City Tour Successfully Winding Up

    Several Audiences Left in Complete Disbelief of Official Conspiracy Theory

    Milwaukee local event coordinator Matt Naus hosts Richard Gage, AIA, on his 9/11 Truth cable TV Show “Meet the Truth”

    We were delighted to be asked to bring the explosive evidence from the nearly 1,500 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to the Midwest this April. We’re now almost halfway through the tour and wanted to catch you up on our progress.

    We filmed a great little 20-minute TV segment for the tour on the Meet the Truth cable TV show by host Matt Naus, who is also our amazing overall tour coordinator.




    City State
    Event Coordinator
    Sunday 4/3/11 Ames
    Iowa James Hufferd
    Tuesday 4/5/11 Wausau
    Wisconsin Timothy Kostka
    Thursday 4/7/11 Madison
    Wisconsin Eric Sayward
    Friday 4/8/11 Milwaukee
    Wisconsin Matthew Naus
    Sunday 4/10/11 Evanston
    Illinois Mariel Hummer
    Monday 4/11/11 Munster
    Beth Duensing
    Tuesday 4/12/11 Peoria
    Illinois Dan Sutton
    Thursday 4/14/11 St. Paul
    Minnesota Bruce Stahlberg
    Saturday 4/16/11 Kansas City
    Stuart Auld
    Monday 4/18/11 Detroit
    Stanley Beattie


    Our first stop on our milestone ten-city Midwest tour was Des Moines, IA.

    The local 9/11 Truth Central Iowa group is coordinated by James Hufferd, PhD. Usually we are able to speak on campus in the various cities that we visit. James’ dogged attempts to find a venue for the AE911Truth stop in Ames at the Iowa State University were repeatedly rebuffed, so we spoke at the Ames City Auditorium, an event that drew 110 people. Such a low attendance was disappointing to all of us, particularly because Brett Tierney, another dedicated Des Moines 9/11 Truth activist, personally distributed more than 400 press releases to radio, TV, and newspaper outlets in Iowa. As is often the case, however, many in the audience came from great distances to hear the evidence in person – in this case from me, an architect who deeply enjoys bringing this vital information about the destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. Folks came from as far as Cedar Rapids (over two hours) and even Omaha, NE (three hours).

    Also, we usually find that most of the attendees are already familiar with the subject of 9/11 truth and already agree with our evidence during the initial show of hands, even though we do everything we can to encourage newcomers. Starting off, we had four people believing in the official account of the destruction of the twin towers s by plane impacts and fires, and 21 who were unsure. Afterwards we had no one believing in the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) and only four who were unsure. Everyone else was convinced by the evidence. And those percentages are about the same everywhere we go. So it’s just really a matter of getting the scientific forensic evidence in front of people.



    Attendees OCT before
    OCT after
    Unsure before
    Unsure after
    Ames, IA 110 4 0 21 4
    Wausau, WI 88 4 0 25 1
    Madison, WI 216 21 0 75 11
    Milwaukee, WI 145 11 0 38 4
    Evanston, IL 135 2 0 28 2
    Munster, IN 135 6 0 20 2
    Peoria, IL 148 14 2 48 7
    St. Paul, MN
    Kansas, City, MO
    Detroit, MI


    The Scar brothers have collectively given out more than 20,000 DVD’s and other materials to Iowans alone.

    It is probably largely through such direct educational outreach that we will get our new investigation. It probably won’t come from lucky breaks in the mainstream media. But for those of you who, like us, feel a call to have a hand in this slow but nonstop transformation of awareness, there is a positive aspect to that. It provides not only the need but the opportunity for you, the individual aware and dedicated activist speaking and emailing to a few people every day, to play a crucial role in this historic transformation. How are we progressing toward getting a new investigation? It may be akin to what one Des Moines area activist notes: “It’s like watching a swimming pool fill up.” Not too fulfilling – but if you compare the relative reaction you got from speaking to people a few years ago to the reaction today, you really do notice a difference.

    My host for the two days was Dennis Scar, whose home is on a genuine 160-acre corn and soybean farm outside of Earlham, IA. Dennis was raised on this farm with his three brothers. Something happened with three of the brothers that didn’t happen to the fourth. You might be familiar with this phenomenon in other parts of the country and around the world. The issues brought forth by 9/11 truth do sometimes divide families. When looking at the same evidence – when they are even willing to look – family members will often see the same information filtered through their emotional bias and world-view. Some family members are often apt to parrot the talking points of the OCT and even make up their own irrational “facts.” You've probably heard some of these:

    • “The jet fuel melted the steel”
    • “The towers were designed to fall straight down in the event of an emergency”
    • “The explosives were planted in the buildings to make sure that they never tipped over and damaged several city blocks of buildings”; or even
    • “I wouldn’t believe that even if it were true” (Actual response heard by one of our team members)

    In any case, three of these Iowa Scar brothers are allied quite closely with us in support of AE911Truth’s mission. They have collectively given out more than 20,000 DVD’s and other materials to Iowans alone. Dennis Scar in Earlham personally mailed customized packets to every student organization at Iowa State University. And Dick Scar, a member of our Writing Team, is a regular contributor to newsletter articles, and joined us in speaking to Congressional staffers in Washington DC last September.

    I keep hearing again and again that much of problem of resistance to really hearing our message may be due to the domination of the universities by corporate sponsored research and defense (war?) related contracts. Much of this is a result of the budget increases due to the 9/11 “terror attacks”. Rockwell Collins in nearby Cedar Rapids is a major employer in the area. A large proportion of Americans are dependent for their livelihoods directly or indirectly on the multi-billion-dollar “defense” industry. This is a major hurdle for many 9/11 truth teams across the country.

    We had the opportunity to meet with 35 local 9/11 truth activists at the modern Adel library in Iowa the next day. Again, many traveled far for this event. We gave them the 30-minute presentation that we usually give to architecture and engineering firms. The discussions were action-oriented, focusing on how to break through the wall of denial in people and institutions – a really tough job for all of us most of the time.

    Our next three stops were all in dairy-dominated Wisconsin – Wassau, Madison, and Milwaukee. Local attorney Tim Kostka generated quite a respectable audience of 88 inquirers in the small community of Wassau – originally formed by the logging empire of the Leigh/Yawkey/Woodsen family, who made it big later as a result of the local paper mill industry. Tim’s son, Gunnar, knows all about the WTC demolitions, but tries to play it cool at school, saying “I don’t want to be laughed at.” But he plans to get up the nerve and speak with his world geography and history teacher, Ms. Thao, about 9/11, after feeling lied to recently in class when she taught them the official conspiracy theory about Osama Bin Laden.

    Madison was quite successful with 216 attendees, yet Minneapolis / St. Paul exceeded it, with 356 folks showing up, with not a single one believing at the end that the WTC towers came down by fire and jet plane impacts per the show of hands.

    Naus, who also leads the incredible Milwaukee 9/11 Truth Team, put together the incredible effort enabling the local 9/11 Truth leaders in each of the ten Midwest cities. I was inspired over and over by the massive effort that he and all the subteams made to reach people and fill the seats. My experience in each city was more impressive than the next. Most of the subteams contacted almost every architect and engineer in their cities, blanketed the faculty at local colleges, and faxed and followed up on press releases to dozens and dozens of media outlets. And yet we have had only one TV station come and report on us – in Munster. It was the local PBS station, Lakeshore Public Television as well as their radio affiliate The Lakeshore FM 89.1, which Ray and Beth Duensing, who also sent out over 4,000 flyers, had been working on. This station broadcasts in the northern Indiana and Chicago area.

    (The Munster event was covered here in print media on MunsterCommunity.com, and has already garnered more than 200 comments. Unfortunately, the quality of many of those comments is low, and the structure of the page discourages participation. Please consider jumping in and raising the intellectual level of that discussion with specific citations of evidence and links.)

    I had forgotten how cold it can get in the Northern States – even in spring – and especially with my head so full of skin these days. I quickly secured a stocking cap in Milwaukee with a big green “G” on it – forgetting in my harried schedule that the Green Bay Packers had earned their way into and on top of Super Bowl history this year. Well … this worked great until I found myself in Chicago. Nor did it go over well the next day in rival Minnesota Vikings territory, where I found myself receiving some wary looks from otherwise, I’m sure, fairly nice folks. Now I’m in Kansas City and, trust me, the green hat doesn’t work here either. Guess I need a different team hat in every city. What color is Detroit?

    Everywhere we go we are getting activists excited about starting up an AE911Truth Action Group. We hope to have a couple of hundred up and running in the Midwest and throughout the US this summer. Join or start one! Our website will link to your local group and email address.

    Richard Gage, AIA, gets a fair shake on KTNF progressive radio with Nancy Nelson

    Additional attention to our cause was generated by our publicist, Ilene Proctor, who was able to secure well over a dozen radio interviews in the ten-city tour areas for us. Other radio and TV interviews opportunities were created by our very dedicated local Event Coordinators. For instance Russ Felt from St. Paul had been working on Nancy Nelson, famed local progressive talk show host at KTNF at 950 AM in the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro region, who actually gave us a fair shake in our interview on 4/11/11.

    Next on the AE911Truth plate is Atlanta on May 21.

    After that the explosive evidence goes to Ireland, Scotland, Wales and London. Please support us for this historic trip and the important work that we are all about. We can’t do it without you!